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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Dang Dave---now I have a headache just trying to look at that let alone trying to figure out what it means...LOL edited because I can't type worth a damn---
  2. So.....was that for or against??? and what the hell are you doing watching Rachael Ray?
  3. Yeah, I saw those Christopher. The middle one is lacewood w/ padauk inlay. Very nice!
  4. ok---I'd like to change my guess to 12/06/2022
  5. Well, Look at the source------ Provided by E Cigarettes National. Visit their website at http://www.ecigarettesnational.com. did you know 47 percent of statistics are made up on the spot?
  6. Another collector is born---LOL. Hey UN, glad to hear you're enjoying vaping. Talking with you in chat is always entertaining. Keep it up and let us know how you like the new mods you are surely going to try!!
  7. Congratulations Christopher, We're all exited for you. Hope you got the room all ready . As for when...03/17/10 @10:57am!!!
  8. We are in chat right now---actually, I'm usually in chat between 6 and 9 pm est---but others stay later
  9. Hey Rhavage and welcome to Vapor Talk. I smoked 2 packs a day for 30+ years and pretty much burned my taste buds off. When I first started vaping I could barely taste the flavors but as I get further along my taste is coming back (not always a good thing but don't tell my wife I said that ). I like the juice at the Vapor Talk store--It seems to be mixed with more flavor than others I have tried. Also, other than tasting like a dirty hampster--Don't throw away juice you may not care for right now. Some of my favorite flavors now I didn't care for when I first started. As far as tobacco flavors--VT tobacco, VT Dulcis, and Virginia (awesome vapor) are some good choices to start with. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask or come to the chat room in the evening and say hi. Good luck and happy vaping. Mark
  10. That would be why it is wise to have a few attys in rotation. I would recommend keeping 1 for tobacco flavors and 1 for fruity (I don't do menthol--except when I have a cold) and 1 reserved just for menthol. If you don't have enough attys yet, try rinsing the atty and drying thoroughly--It will take a while to get the flavor out.
  11. WRONG...When you push the button, it would cost us all alot of $$$
  12. Sounds pretty close to my day everyday. LOL--I had a customer call me today to change the combo on her safe. When I arrived at her house (in Va), She told me the safe was in her house in Myrtle beach (8 hours away) and could I drive there, change the combo, And then return and give here an invoice for $120. I deal with these kind of people everyday (and they ask me why I drink)
  13. Congratulations Snubber, That is GREAT news. I'm very happy for you (after being out of work for three weeks I was about to go crazy). Sorry to hear you won't be at vapefest but it is certanly understandable. If you need any juice, stop by the Springfield Vapor Talk location on your way to NC. and I'll hook you up---LOL. Be sure to keep in touch when you can. Mark
  14. Hey Christie, I don't know if you caught this is chat last night but you might want to try this: http://mstsbakery.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=wintergreen&osCsid=c9bc800313ce7a1a5822da4046fc1aa9&x=9&y=6
  15. Hey mcquinn, I feel your pain. You'll be included in my prayers.
  16. Welcome Arend3, Most people will recommend a 510 as a starter kit. Be sure to get some extra juice. The Vapor Talk store or awesomevapor.com are great places to start. When I first started, I thought I wanted something as close to a regular cig as possible, But as you get into it more you will probably find that you want a manual battery (for direct dripping) and better throat hit. If you have further questions, please feel free to ask or you can find help in the chat room (I'm usually in there in the evenings). Good luck and happy vaping.
  17. Hey Sarge, I've always been a big proponent of having plenty of back-ups. When you can afford it get yourself a few extra attys and maybe some mega batts (last 3-4 hours as opposed to the 1-1/2 to 2 you get out of a normal 510. Also extra juice is always a good thing. I have a feeling if you're like the rest of us, you'll soon become a collector of PVs.
  18. I agree with sinikal + the first vape in the morning will usually be stronger (or a bad taste) due to build up on the atty. This usually goes away after 3-5 drags.
  19. Char, One other thing that I forgot to mention--If the battery is in the charger the wrong way (IE + where - should be) It will show it as being charged. Try flipping the battery over (the one you said was a dud). I had one labeled wrong and that worked for me. Good luck.
  20. try to back the atty off 1/4 turn. The center of the atty has probably been pushed in.
  21. Did you check the Vapor Talk store? http://www.vaportalkstore.com/categories/Accessories/
  22. I'd have to agree with Brian. I would be worried about the cleaning chemicals used in electronics cleaning solution. These are not meant to be heated up and inhaled in the lungs. Of course, I'm no doctor but I would be very hesitant to do this.
  23. Hey smokinhammer, Sorry to hear about your bad luck. I've had some myself--slipped on the ice 3 weeks ago and tore a ligament in my knee so I've kinda been laid up myself. If it wasn't for this forum I would have gone crazy by now. So...You want a question...How fast can a european swallow fly? (monty python fans will get that) LOL
  24. And another dripper is born!!! Yeah, The fibers you pulled out help wick the juice from the carts. You didn't hurt the atty, you'll just have to direct drip from that one from now on. 3 drips on the atty should last you 7-8 hits before it drys out. Good luck--if you have further questions, come to the chat room a little later this evening (plenty of people there will be willing to help).
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