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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Hey Joe, as far as the batteries go, for most of the pvs I own the vapor and throat hit just drop off significantly and then die. I can usually tell when they are getting low but it's not long between when they get low and just die. As for flavor, what I've found is that the 510 atty gives great throat hit and vapor but just a little less flavor. The 801 is in between, and the 901 gives the best flavor but less th and vapor. That's just my experience and I'm sure there are other variables.
  2. WTF--lol. Only out of califorina could we expect this.
  3. First to answer your question--The Ego is definatly worth the extra $$ in my opinion. As to Terijo's statement--The 510 mega battery works with any 510 atty. The 510 mega atty needs the 510 mega carts (that is where the confusion comes in)--I'm not normally one to correct people but I just wanted to clarify the information (please forgive me Terijo)--I'm gonna go hide in my corner now--
  4. LMAO--I was thinking the same thing edited to add:Now if someone can tell me how to change the font so it shows up different I tried before the text and it doesn't change it??--- OOOPS---I'll ask elsewhere---sorry
  5. I just submitted this to ecigchronicle thought some might be interested: http://www.onlineprnews.com/news/25178-1268250274-largest-gathering-of-electronic-cigarette-consumers-in-the-world-this-weekend-in-virginia.html I'll let you know on sunday evening how it went.
  6. Very true and well said Jot.
  7. Dang, that sounds rough. Are you sure you weren't doing anything (was drinking involved--LOL). I don't know that I would survive a night in a mexican jail. Probably wind up in there for a long time being as I don't speack spanish (hell, I can hardly handle english).. Well at least you made it out ok.
  8. I believe these people are lobbyists on our side---at least they have a "K" street address---I'll check it out next time I'm downtown. http://www.ecassoc.org/
  9. But pvs are not tobacco products--nicotine products maybe (some can be 0 nic), but not tobacco products--
  10. Hey Ponyboy, I'm afraid it may be heading that way. The way some people react these days (rachael Ray for instance) and their knee-jerk reactions we have an uphill battle ahead of us. I think the main thing we can do at this point is to be respectful and not push our habits onto others--- IE: if someone asks yoou not to vape in their place of business, respect that. I know you're not smoking but some people don't (or won't) understand that. The best thing we can do at this point is to try to educate the public. Just my 2 cents.
  11. Haft2doit, You're probably getting the right voltage, just not enough amperage. Most usb adaptors only put out 500ma and I believe that most pts would benifit from 2000ma (2amp).
  12. Congrats Scott. I usually vape between 4 and 6ml of 24mg per day (sometimes more on my VP/PT) but then again I smoked 2 packs a day for over 30 years---non since last october!!!
  13. Listening to it as you posted--LOL. You guys rock--see you at vapefest!!!
  14. Had to watch it till the end---fantastic response ---Why cant we get more voices like this out there?--I'm going to try to do my best to spread the benifits of PVs out to all who will listen--thanks for this post.
  15. Amateurs---LOL---I'm going to have to order something now just to do it...Just don't tell the wife--
  16. Agreed, This could be good or bad, it depends on how this guy approaches it. If he's mature enough it could actually help out the suppliers and customers. But why not turn this around and do a couple of good srories about those that go above and beyond (suppliers and members)--I'm betting that there are more of those stories out there (But then again I am the eternal optimist)
  17. I think I'm in love!!! (looks over shoulder to see if wife is watching) LOL
  18. Problem?, I don't have a problem! What are you talking about? I need this stuff! Nooooo---Don't take away my credit card. I promise I'll be good.
  19. Dang TeriJo and Smokinhammer you 2 are right on the money. No one seems to want to accept personal responsibility for any thing these days. It's all an entitlement mentallity that our society seems to have accepted. I was getting ready to write a long rant here but I will save you the soapbox lecture--I think we're all on the same page. Good to see some people that actually believe in some of the same things I do. PS--Where is that Ego????
  20. If you want to stick with the 510 atty, I would have to recommend going with the ego. 8+ hours of battery life (and I am a heavy vaper). If you don't need it to be as portable you might want to go with a passthrough, such as the VP/PT (at 5V this thing really rocks)! Good luck and let us know what you decide to go with.
  21. You're a quick one Jeff--can't get anything past you---
  22. You know what? Give me a couple of weeks--something may be in the works!!! You'll be second on the list (not going to say who's first) LOL
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