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Everything posted by Mark

  1. And don't forget about this one---LOL http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/gallery/image/293-thanks-shultz-and-rickey-indianapolis-ink/
  2. Topic closed per author. edited to add: If anyone has further questions, Martin asked that you pm him.
  3. I'll take 25 shares---LOL If I were a risk taker it might not be a bad time to get like 10,000 shares
  4. That's the Vapor Talk spirit-- Dang, did I just say that?
  5. Hey Peach, Welcome to Vapor Talk. As I'm sure you've already noticed, we have alot if nice and helpful people around here. While you're waiting for your new PV, be sure to check out as many posts as you can and even some videos that I'm sure will inform you.
  6. And get rather upset when someone tries to pull something....
  7. +1,000 That's why Vapor Talk is my home. I think that a majority of people who post on this forum do try to stay focused and help others. I know we like to have fun in chat but I always try to at least welcome everyone as they come in and ask if they have any questions. Christopher, You have a GREAT forum here. Keep up the good work!!!
  8. Alright guys----thats ........oh wait, so that's on topic------I'm so confused---
  9. So I've been doing yoga all these years and didn't even know it---LOL
  10. Yeah, yeah thats it. Thats the reason I started vaping. We must all do our part to save the planet.
  11. Hey Variven, I've noticed in making my mods that the batteries do differ in size considerably. I think it may have to do with the protection circuit. Maybe someone else could clarify better.
  12. Well if Brian considers himself a heavy vaper, I think I need an intervention. I smoked 2 packs a day for 30+ years and haven't had 1 since oct. 09. I go through anywhere from 4 to 7 ml a day, so I'm guessing I'd go through about 180ml of 24mg juice per month (dang that sounds like alot). Now you have to remember that higher voltage or low res attys will go through more juice than your normal 510 atty so keep that in mind. So, to make a long story short (too late) Not including the mods I buy just for fun, I could probably get away with spending $150 per month vaping as opposed to $400 per month smoking. That does not include the savings I have from being healthier and able to breathe (priceless). If you have any other questions, please fell free to ask and I'll try not to be so long winded. If you check the status updates you can see when we are in chat (normally) if you have a question that needs a quick answer.
  13. I think there are alot of responces that are not being included but the ones that are there at least seem to be somewhat knowlegable without too many trolls.
  14. Add me to one of the proud and happy VP/PT owners.
  15. I've noticed cartomizers will vary quite a bit as far as the pull goes. My wife loves them and I can see how they would be beneficial for people comuting or not wanting to drip but as for me I vape way too heavily and the cartomizers can't seem to keep up. I think I'll stick to direct dripping until "the next great thing" comes out. Different strokes for different folks!
  16. Very nice Truelove. Just watched it and I thought that was awesome!!! Keep it up-looking forward to more Truelove stories.
  17. Hey Maxin, as I mentioned in chat--You'll probably get alot of people recommending Vapor Talk Grape soda (it is fantastic!!!). If you want to venture a little wilder you could try the midnight (kinda strawberry/champagne) or Sweet Dawn (pear flavored). Also, I noticed that you are all over the board with the nic content you are vaping (8mg mentioned here and the 38mg you mentioned in chat), you might want to find that happy medium that suits you before you stock up on alot of juices. Good luck and happy vaping!!!
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