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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Nice Snubber!! Let me know if you come up with any good mixes I may like...We may have to work out some sort of trade--LOL
  2. Moved to noobie questions and help.
  3. My wife said she was "cutting me off" I told her she couldn't "cut me off" cause she didn't know where I was getting "it" from... that's when the fight started.
  4. LR attys should typically be about 1.5 to 1.6 ohms. @ 2.5 it is a normal atty.
  5. Hey Ouster, Can you check the attys with an ohm meter? I'm curious as to whether they are actually lr. The ones I've gotten either have LR printed on the side or stamped in the bottom (need a magnifying glass to see it).
  6. Hey Shana, Have you upped your nic level? PG or VG? How old is your atty? Those are the first questions I would have to ask.
  7. I think I need to post this on facebook...
  8. Actually, I have a son who is usually around when I'm watching reviews and I had to turn off your review as well. One of the reasons I like Vapor Talk as opposed to other forums is that it is "family freindly" and yet we still have fun with each other. Just something to keep in mind.
  9. http://www.virtual-bubblewrap.com/bubble-wrap.swf
  10. AWWWW......You're vaping in the house again-----I'm gonna tell.... Nice review Ben!
  11. Not to be disagreeable but, I disagree--LOL. I like the leds if for no other reason than troubleshooting. If the led is out, the battery is dead, if the led is lighting and I'm not getting a vape, it is the atty. If I ever wanted to stealth vape I can just turn the battery around in my mods then, no lights. Also, If you're not familiar with my mods, the led serves dual purpose--It can also be used as a flashlight for those late night bathroom trips or to land planes on remote landing strips--LOL
  12. All I can say to that is............................SWEET!!!
  13. I gotta jump in here and add that those are actually "works of art". What you are paying for is the craftsmanship that goes into them. Now, I doubt these are handmade but I don't think the price is outrageous for what you are getting. I only say this because I know what goes into a handmade mod. I probably wouldn't be able to afford one of my own (Marks mods)if I didn't make them myself.
  14. So how's that "hope and change" thingy workin out for ya? Sorry, Couldn't resist.
  15. I had to re-read this post and make sure I didn't post it---I suffer from the same addiction.
  16. Yeah, summertimes a b..ch when you have to carry concealed.
  17. But you don't have to have a cam or microphone to come in chat---typing works just as well. And you never know--I've been feeling pretty generous lately..................
  18. Now you're getting the hang of it...LOL
  19. For me, the Ego is definatly the way to go for 3.7v vaping on the go. You can use either the 510 atty or cartomizer (Vapor Talk store is one of the many suppliers to get cartomizers from). With the 2 batteries you get with the kit you can do as Kitsune said. I actually have 4 batteries (backup for backups) they tend to last me 4 to 6 hours each of fairly heavy vaping (on a low res atty). The silver Bullet isn't a bad choice but can be hard to find and is not as portable (rather large but I use mine at home all the time). Good luck in your search and if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
  20. I've ordered from Madvapes numerous times and have never been let down. I order the parts for my mods and occasionally some juice. Mark also throws in some freebies sometimes .
  21. That is too damn funny...I wish I was computer savvy enough to do something like that.
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