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Everything posted by Mark

  1. It only takes about 5 minutes. Some of the questions could have been worded better but I think it will be interesting to see the results.
  2. I was asked to repost the following. Please take the time to do this survey--- Hi, I’m the Administrator of the Spanish speaking forum Vapeando.com. During the last months, our forum’s Team has been preparing an independent study about the effects of Vaping. With help from professional doctors, and as a first step for that study, we prepared a Survey with 93 basic items about vaping. This initiative is absolutely independent. There is no connection whatsoever with tobacco industry , pharmaceutical companies , manufacturers or sellers of electronic cigarettes. The information compiled by means of this study will be submitted to a Scientific Research Team for analysis and preview so that publishing in scientific magazines may be considered. I’m writing this message, with the hope that you may help publishing this information in your forums, blogs, and other webs of fellow vapers around the world, so we can collect data from vapers everywhere, as many as possible. The survey is translated by now to three languages: Spanish: http://www.vapeando.com/encuestas/index.php?sid=66172&lang=es English: http://www.vapeando.com/encuestas/index.php?sid=66172&lang=en French: http://www.vapeando.com/encuestas/index.php?sid=66172&lang=fr Our system is prepared to translate it to any other language, if we find qualified people who volunteer to do it… (if you or any of your members are interested in helping with any translation, please contact me, so I can send you a text file with the contents of the survey). We really hope this study will offer one more help to bring some light about the effects of vaping, and be positive for the vapers communities around the world, who try to avoid the negative effects of smoking. Thanks in advance for your time, and if you need anything from us, just let us know. Greetings, Daniel (Pegaso in forums)
  3. So, do I need to get rid of my beer to quit drinking? Sorry--
  4. My wife quit smoking and started vaping about a week after I did. Now I don't have to worry about my orders--I just say I had to order more Vapor Talk Colada for her (and hope she doesn't notice the 240ml of Grape and Soda I ordered for myself).
  5. Hope for the best---Prepare for the worst...And fight the whole way--
  6. I gave away about 2 dozen Vapor Talk cards while I was at the beach this week. Looks like it's time to place another order for more E-liquid (and get more cards--LOL)
  7. LOL---Must be ready for the beach or something-- As Brian said, Don't think of it as failing. Think of how many analogs you didn't have (as opposed to the few you did) and Nana will be along shortly to dish out the punishment for not having backups--LOL
  8. Or those who talk about banning the banners of banned stuff. Wait..... what?
  9. Dang Jolly--That sounds like alot of work and I'm in vacation mode right now. Hope you don't mind if I just sit back and watch the replies roll in--LOL.
  10. Nice order: That should stock you up for a while. When you do place another order, you might want to consider getting some low resistance atomizers to try out. I am warning you though, once you go LR you won't want to go back.
  11. Glad you received it. Can't wait to see what you can do with it.
  12. Have you ever really listened to him? Just sayin...
  13. LMAO--Thanks for the review Born. Although, I may want to try the hot wings--
  14. Congratulations! Now you'll be helping people as well. Thank you for your contribution to the forum.
  15. Mark


    You can see Jolly's next project here: http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/forum//gallery/image/649-mod-for-jolly-to-finish/
  16. Does that mean you can describe Jeff and give him a personality? (JK Jeff)
  17. Whoa..at least you were looking at nero and not me.... I agree with most of the posts here, Try a sampling of flavors and then stock up on what you like. I, myself like the Vapor Talk Grape as well as the traditional tobacco. Arno at awesome vapor has some pretty good flavors too.
  18. Mine came with: lifepo04 400mah 123a 3.6v Batteries Is it bad that I had to use a magnifying glass to see that?
  19. Here is an article from ST louis today: http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/metro/article_0e142538-4114-597a-a896-e249c8e58b6f.html
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