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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Hmmm??? Funny how the guys aren't posting on this topic. I better run now--
  2. I get mine from madvapes.com http://www.madvapes.com/510-Battery-Connector-Gold-Large-Hole_p_2562.html If you have other questions, feel free to ask.
  3. I'll be there from thursday evening until sunday--LOL.
  4. *not so patiently stalking mailman...
  5. Hmmm, I feel like a noob. What is a 410 and 910? Never heard of them.
  6. And an extra 2 week wait, hence the reason I'm sticking with my original order.
  7. It's too late for me Nana, They already got to me but there is still time for you-----RUN AWAY........................................Or just click that little shopping cart basket that I know you have opened and join me in the wait.
  8. Had to watch it twice....Who has time to think of these things---Let alone post them-
  9. Using the smallest drill bit you can find (I use 3/32) drill 1 hole at 3/8" from the bottom of the cone, test and drill more holes as needed. I think this will solve your problem. Good luck.
  10. Contemplating sending that to a few people I know. Thanks Christopher!
  11. Well, you've been here almost a year and it's only the 3rd atty you've burned out--That sounds pretty good to me. Mine seem to last between 4 & 6 weeks beore I have to replace them. Sounds to me like you're going to have alot of people jealous that you've only lost 3.
  12. If you have a small (1/16 or so) drill bit, you can drill a small hole (or 2) towards the bottom of the cone and that will let more air through if you want a lighter draw.
  13. Vapor WILL set off some "smoke" detectors (actually particle detectors) if you blow directly into them. I'm talking from personal experience (I tested this over a year ago out of curiousity). That said, I just went to Costa Rica a few weeks ago and had no trouble discreetly vaping in my seat on the plane and at the airport. Good luck to you!!!
  14. Been there, Done that...Stuck on LR attys myself.
  15. I hate to say it, but I agree w/Jeff. 3 drops =7 to 8 draws. If you are getting "juiced" you've probably flooded the atty.
  16. I just ordered 14500s and 18650s from madvapes.com. You could also try battery junction. Others will chime in shortly.
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