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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Nice. I may have to try one. Thanks for the info.
  2. I hope ya'all have a wonderful time! I'm sure Ed will have some video for us, right?
  3. Almost ordered one---just couldn't pull the trigger just yet.
  4. Fricken Fantastic review!! I have NEVER sat through an 11 minute juice review but you had me hooked from the begining. I will have to check out some of your other reviews now. I also want to say that Rob from bluemistvaping.com does have some really good flavors as well and his prices are incredible. Looking forward to more from you PBusardo!
  5. Moved to electronic cig reviews---review suppliers.
  6. Mark


    Moved to noobie questions and help.
  7. Hi Kelly, Here is their website: http://www.21centurysmoking.com/ Looks like overpriced stuff but if it gets you by in a bind.....?
  8. Agreed Hurry--Love the banner!!! Congrats on 17 days (the first few are the hardest, it only gets better)!
  9. LOL http://www.vaportalkstore.com/ There actually is a store here with the forum.
  10. Welcome Back QT. Hopefully you can get your computer issues resolved and jump in chat soon.
  11. Congratulations Hodge!!! Do a loop on your next flight to celebrate! LOL
  12. Welcome back Fusion!! If you need anything, just give me a holler.
  13. Don't worry, It'll happen and you'll be like Just here to help when we can.
  14. Try gently wiggling the center post out a little bit (on atty and battery). usually when this happens the atty is not making good contact with the battery.
  15. Also make sure that the connector is clean of all juice. If that doesn't help and you have access to a soldering iron, a drop of solder on the center pin will keep you from having to constantly pull it up.
  16. Congrats! Now you just need to add your smoke free banner.
  17. Me thinks you ladies are talking a little too much. Remember that contract you signed? Spankings will commense shortly.
  18. You know you can count on me being there!!! Nick, if you (or anyone else) needs help with this, I am located in northern Virginia and would be more than willing to help w/ anything that is needed.
  19. Just wanted to be clear. Atomizers and cartomizers are two completely different items. I know most vapers know that but some noobies may not catch it.
  20. I would also add to Brians post that we do not know the long term effects of vaping so I would not recommend Vaping to someone who does not currently smoke.
  21. Too cute storm. Enjoy these moments!! We miss you in chat, you should come join us sometime.
  22. I would have to respectfully disagree with you on that. I understand that some people have had problems but I believe they are in the minority. I have done extensive research on this topic (as well as my own experience)and have found that the ego batts will work just fine with 1.5 ohm attys.
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