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Everything posted by Mark

  1. So I guess I'm REALLY smart since I use 3 browsers now huh?
  2. 80/20 seems to be about the right mix for me.
  3. Blue light special at wal-mart? Don't know, never heard of that happening.
  4. LR cartos will drain the battery quicker. Yes, I think you should get rid of them--I'll pm you my address and I will dispose of them for you. The only problem cherli is that once you go lr, it is hard to go back to normal cartos (less vapor and throat hit). So the trade off is a little less battery life.
  5. Oh boy Nana is in debt.................. bigtime.
  6. Hey Rachel, I don't know what you rec'd but ANY 510 will have an "outie" whether it is a carto or atty. You might want to check with your supplier and see what they sent you.
  7. Welcome back Tek. I still check here twice a day but don't post as much as I used to. (Brian always has the answer before I can post). Glad to hear you're doing ok. Don't be such a stranger--LOL.
  8. LOL--Don't tell DerStadtschutz
  9. Hmmm---not yet but I will definatly test it on Monday.
  10. Welcome Bug--About time. (I still have the handcuffs...Oh wait, That was another conversation, never mind). Welcome to Vapor Talk!!
  11. OK, I want the last 2:18 of my life back now Brian.
  12. 4.2v w/ a 2.8 ohm map tank filled with Vapor Talk Grape soda.
  13. How timely-LOL It must be resurrect a thread tuesday.
  14. LMAO--I think this may have been the oldsest thread to be resurected. Cudos to Aloysius.
  15. Let us know how it goes Brian, It does kinda sound like a west virginia thing--LOL.
  16. The other option you might want to consider is finding a vapers meetup in your area. Alot of places have meetings monthly and there are always lots of flavors to try and to see what is right for you. Good luck in finding your daily vape!
  17. Don't let this get around--Next thing you know, all of our wives are going to expect this. Nice job Chris!!
  18. I need an "all of the above" option Chris, you know me--LOL
  19. Moved to e-liquid reviews.
  20. Jason from Electronictix.com has a 5v battery that may work. Check it out. http://www.electronicstix.com/-MODS-amp-MORE/MOD-BATTERIES-AND-CHARGERS/MOD-BATTERIES/5-Volt-NIMH-600mAh-Battery-for-The-Meglodon-p405.html http://tinyurl.com/3hubgcl
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