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Everything posted by Mark

  1. What's Android? My phone has a cord and rotary dial.
  2. Nice! I may have to check one out as my next toy.
  3. Maybe try Luke @ http://www.vaporgalaxy.com/ and see if he can help you. Good luck to ya.
  4. LR Joye attys for me--Boge 2.0 ohm single cartos for the wife.
  5. That just makes me sick to my stomach---I would post more but forum rules and decorum prevent me from doing so.
  6. 510, 511 whatever it takes (movie reference for those of you that may not get it).
  7. Good luck Susan, We're all here to cheer you on! Just be sure not to stress it and have fun (vaping has a little bit of a learning curve so if you have any questions, we're here for ya)!
  8. Another vote for the Ego. I've been vaping for almost 2 years and still use the Ego on a daily basis. As far as flavors go, you'll just want to try some out but Chris gave you some good recommendations and advise. And Tony is right, Low Resistance attys give you good throat hit and vapor. Good luck! Let us know how it works for you.
  9. Welcome to Vapor Talk Kerwin! Sounds like you got some pretty good answers so far so I just wanted to say hi and welcome.
  10. In my experience, !00% vg does not work well with cartos and cutting it with anything causes it to lose flavor. In cartos I usually use 80/20 pg/vg mix.
  11. WTF have I been missing here? I think Jeff is just trying to get my attention and post on occasion. I am actually currently working on 18650 mods but the VV portion would be a little cost prohibitive (I'm not rich you know)--LOL But just so everyone knows, I will still be working on some mods for giveaways in chat and I'm more than happy to take requests for wood and other variables (batt size, VV, etc). <3 ya'all !!!! (drunken post so please forgive any typos)
  12. I was 44 when I started vaping. Hard to believe it's been almost 2 years smoke free after 30+ years of a 2 pack a day habit.
  13. I use J-tank and a Map tank on mine and I love it!
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