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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Welcome to Vapor Talk Bistik!!! Where are you in Va? I'm in Springfield and if you're close by I can get you some of the flavors you want to try. Congratulations on switching to vaping. If you have any questions, Just ask. There are alot of very helpful people here.
  2. You have to pass by my place on the way.
  3. Gonna have to try that later today. I have quite a few batts that don't seem to want to charge (but I never could just throw them out).
  4. LOL Ed, 9:45 of just the trip to Vapercon? Can't wait to see what else is coming up.........
  5. Welcome back Erika. I just bought my wife an I-pro and she loves it. She has destroyed all the other mods I've gotten for her but the I-pro is still hanging in there. LOL
  6. I like cats too.........................................................They taste like chicken. I'm going to hell aren't I?
  7. Nebulas, You said it all brother! When I first got my PV, I hadn't planned on quitting at all. After 30 years and 2 packs a day the e-cig did it for me too. Welcome to Vapor Talk!!
  8. How come I can picture you as an accordion player? LOL
  9. Just bought my wife that about 2 weeks ago. Nice unit!!
  10. I was getting ready to "like" your post but then thought better of it. (some people might get the wrong idea-LOL)
  11. Alright, Let me see if I can post a few of mine..LOL
  12. Thank you nana and all. Yeah, I really try not to make a big deal out of it but I wouldn't be smokefree 2 years without this forum and you wonderful people. Thanks to everyone for the help and support.
  13. Hmmm, Lets see. I arrive at Vapercon on Oct 20 at noon..............................Yup, Oct 21 sounds about right.
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