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Everything posted by Mark

  1. About .27 seconds here. Looks good! Actually, probably less, I had alot of programs running.
  2. Welcome Dimitris--about time you joined us. LOL
  3. Mark

    Hi Guys

    Welcome to Vapor Talk!!!
  4. Welcome to Vapor Talk fauxsmoker.
  5. LMFAO!!! What a way to wake up--LOL Thanks.
  6. That's some nice work you do there Lewis! I am currently playing with Alumilite to see if I can make a mod and e-liquid holder. It's showing some potential.
  7. Welcome to Vapor Talk Daisy!!!
  8. Welcome to Vapor Talk! Where abouts in Va are you? I'm in nova, (Springfield to be exact).
  9. Yup, It's still on. We had a good showing last time and I know a few more will be coming this saturday. Hope you can join us.
  10. Sup buddy? I'm still here kinda hanging in the background (trying to avoid Jeff)-LOL. Been busy with the real job and turning pens (started casting my own acrylics). Hope all is well.
  11. If people knew the actual work that goes into these, They might have a better appreciation. But, I also understand their point of view as well. Might be why I don't sell many pens--LOL.
  12. Mark


    Welcome to Vapor Talk!!!
  13. I haven't forgotten Lewis--LOL. Right now I'm working on casting my own acrylics and possible making a few Marksmods out of them for future giveaways. I did try the ca finish but I'm a purist and the finish just looked kinda plasticy to me (need to work on it some more). Glad you decided to join us here at Vapor Talk. Hope to hear more from you soon.
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