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Everything posted by Mark

  1. It's a possibility--I'll look into it tomorrow.
  2. You'll be missed Jeff. Looks like we're going to have quite a showing for being announced so late. I guess between twitter, this forum, and google+ the word got around quick. I'll try to post some pics on Sunday for those of you who missed it.
  3. Just an impromtu #VapeMeet at me house/shop on sat from 4pm-until......I know there are some new members on the forum that are from the area and this would be a good time to meet some of your fellow vapers, try out some new devices and maybe even go home with a custom made modholder. There may also be a few #Vapetv hosts joining us as well. PM me for details if you are interested. :cheers: Thanks, Mark
  4. Welcome to Vapor Talk!
  5. Mark

    Hi Y'all

    Welcome to Vapor Talk. I share a story similar to yours. It just keeps getting better!
  6. WHERE: Clarion Hotel 3207 North Blvd. Richmond, Va WHEN: October 12-13th http://vapercon.com/ I booked my room for Thurs, Fri, and Sat. Anyone else on the forum going?
  7. Welcome back!! Hope it works for ya this time.
  8. Mark


    Welcome to Vapor Talk!!
  9. Sorry I haven't responded. I've been on an internet-free vacation and just got back today. I'm glad you rec'd and like the mod holder. Congrats on the win!!
  10. Mark


    Welcome to Vapor Talk!!!
  11. I personally never understood celebrating birthdays or fathers day myself. What did I do? I was born and impregnated my wife--Why am I being celebrated? But to all of you who do celebrate--Happy fathers day!!!
  12. Welcome to Vapor Talk!!
  13. #MidAtlanticVapers meet on June 23rd at Outback Steakhouse in Fairfax Virginia starting at 4pm going until they kick us out!!! Come have fun.
  14. Welcome to Vapor Talk Sissy, It's about time-LOL
  15. Hey Matt, You might want to try higher voltage or lower ohm atty/cartos to increase the throat hit. That is what worked for me. There are many higher voltage mods out there at a reasonable price. Check it out.
  16. I think you have too much time on your hands. Oh, wait...I forgot you're a gov't "worker" LOL
  17. Welcome to Vapor Talk!!!
  18. Mark


    Welcome to Vapor Talk It.
  19. Very eloquent TSM. We all miss you here at Vapor Talk. I hope all is well with you and want you to know that you are always welcome here.
  20. Jeff, You owe me 3:09 of my life back. LOL
  21. Welcome to Vapor Talk!!!
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