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Everything posted by Mark

  1. A few of the latest Mod holders I'm working on... Let me know what you think.
  2. Congrats Jeff, I guess that means I'm about there as well.
  3. Packing and getting on the road in the morning.
  4. I'm going to try to take and tweet lots of photos from Vapercon starting thursday. If you'd like to see them, follow me on twitter @markspens. I'll also try to post a few here.
  5. Depends on what wattage you want to vape at.
  6. It's getting close! 21 days and counting.
  7. Welcome to Vapor Talk and congrats!!!
  8. Look forward to meeting you--You'll know me...I'll be the one with the Miller Lite permanently attached to his right hand--LOL
  9. Welcome to Vapor Talk and congrats!
  10. You need to try the blue foam for more vapors-LOL. *sorry, old timer joke.
  11. Welcome to Vapor Talk!!!
  12. I agree with Christopher and Jeff, The only other cause may be if you've been a little sloppy and let juice build up and is shorting out that atty. Unplug the passsthru and clean the connector and see if that helps.
  13. Welcome to Vapor Talk!!
  14. You name it, I've probably used it. Just pick something you like and go for it. If you're curious about some different woods you can check out my website--Just a hobby of mine. http://markspens.com/
  15. Welcome to Vapor Talk!!!
  16. Welcome to Vapor Talk!!! Holy grail? You'll fit right in.
  17. I agree with Wendall. You have to really want to quit and stick to it. If you fail a few times just think of how many analogs you avoided and build on that.
  18. Thanks Conrad, it was indeed a helluva time. Oh, and I don't think our wives will ever find out about .
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