My first question would be "why aren't they being used"? I would just be guessing but if you're concerned about them holding a charge I would think they would hold one for well over a month if not more.
I hate to say I agree with Jeff but......Dammit, I do. My wife & I both use the twist and love it. I'm afraid the 14500 won't give you the battery life you're looking for and the twist is nice and slim.. My 2 cents.
Thanks for all the kind words. I hope that Christopher doesn't mind if I get a plug in and tell y'all that you can follow me on twitter (@markspens) and see the latest offerings as I make them. These can also be custom made out of whatever wood you may have in mind. You can see more of them at
The unknown here is the percentage of strawberry already in the nicotine mix. If it were me, I would set aside 10ml and slowly add other flavors to taste and note percentages of each as added. Just my 2 cents.
I looked at both of your tutorials and am very impressed! That took alot of effort to take pics and post this for our members and I think that was fantastic of you. Thank you.