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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Meh, Just another Tuesday to me,
  2. I know alot of you old timers remember this but I thought some of the newer vapers might get a kick out of Chris & Sean. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7p3icoWKQI
  3. Mark


    Welcome to Vapor Talk!!
  4. Looks like you put some heat to that Purpleheart to bring out the purple. Nice work,
  5. Welcome to Vapor Talk!!! If you have any questions feel free to ask.
  6. Dammit, Just my luck...And I forgot to get Jeff a Christmas present.
  7. AWs are "high drain" which means they can handle more current but I've found that they do not hold a charge as long (IMHO). You can use these in your Marksmod. Hmmmm? Won't let me paste the link. I use either trustfire or ultrafire 14500s from Madvapes.
  8. we usually have meetups once a month in or around Fairfax if you're able to join us. I'll post the next one soon.
  9. Welcome to Vapor Talk!!! Where abouts in Md. are you located?
  10. Welcome to Vapor Talk!!!
  11. Certainly "do-able". E-mail me mark@markspens.com and we'll work it out.
  12. Dammit, Is that twice this week I have to agree with Jeff? The world is coming to an end.
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