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Everything posted by Mark

  1. But it's only 3.7v- -Meh. I just keep extra batts around and vape at 4.2 to 4.7v/
  2. Welcome to Vapor Talk! Have a look around and ask any questions if you have them.
  3. Welcome to Vapor Talk!!
  4. Congrats Shawna!!! Keep it up.
  5. a minimum of 3 at all times.
  6. Here is a pic of me in front of my house. Over 1 million beer bottles.
  7. Don't worry about slipping. Just remember how many smokes you avoided. It'll come to you eventually.
  8. Welcome to Vapor Talk!!!
  9. Mark


    LOL--Jeff...In a good mood? The world has come to an end. ')
  10. Welcome to Vapor Talk!!!
  11. A 31 minute review? Who has that kinda of time? #JustSayin
  12. Welcome to Vapor Talk Shad. What mg juice did you order?
  13. Hey Dave, good to hear from you again. Sucks about your works policies. Did you go back to smoking? And do they allow that but not vaping? Hope all is well with you.
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