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Everything posted by Mark

  1. I understand, I'm in the same boat.
  2. Welcome to Vapor Talk.
  3. NOT? Or did you mean now?
  4. I don't recall Vapor Talk ever carrying oval bottles but a quick search on Amazon and I found these that look like they would work. Good luck. https://tinyurl.com/y34l2jma
  5. And????? Am I the only one who's missing something?
  6. Well, if your oil is smoking it is probably the time for a valve job on your car. None of the fluids I use contain any oil. #JustSayin
  7. You need to be an approved vendor before you can post. Standby.....
  8. LOL, Those posts were over 4 years ago and brick and mortar stores were not around nearly as much as they are now. But, welcome to VaporTalk Colin.
  9. It is recommended that you use a #12 or higher. #10 is not enough protection. #JustSayin
  10. I just got mine today (yes, USPS did deliver on a Sunday). As most who know me know I'm old school and still vape a VV ego with ce3's but I'm really digging this tank/coil setup. I'm not a "cloud chaser" but I like the vapor I can produce with this. Plus 1 on this mod @Christopher.
  11. I've made 1 0r 2 in my day... http://markspens.com/pg16.htm
  12. Alright, not to be an ass but I feel I must jump in here. If you even have to ask the question you should not be dealing with the product. 100% nic is VERY dangerous. Now with that warning out there if you want to be the next Darwin awards winner............
  13. Congrats on finding the one for you. I married my angel 23+ years ago and don't know what I'd do without her.
  14. Oh, I'm here every day Tam. I just kinda hide in the shadows and keep an eye on things.
  15. Have I been around a while? Guess so.
  16. Wagex!! Where the hell you been brutha? I'm still hangin here but I kinda stay "behind the scene". Good to hear you're still vaping. Hope all is well.
  17. 5+ years in and I have no plans to quit.
  18. Welcome to Vapor Talk!
  19. Welcome to Vapor Talk Rich!
  20. Well, I'm probably not the person to answer your question as I always have a beer in one hand and a vape in the other.
  21. Welcome to Vapor Talk!
  22. Welcome to Vapor Talk!! I used to live in Lynchburg. You anywhere close to that?
  23. Welcome to Vapor Talk!
  24. Nice job in "re-purposing" the door handles.
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