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YouMayLose got a reaction from Uma in Boston University School Of Public Health Study
This may have been posted already I am new and just came across it.
Boston University School of Public Health study
A study by researchers at the Boston University School of Public Health in 2010 concluded that electronic cigarettes were safer than real cigarettes and may aid in breaking the habit of smoking. Researchers said that while further studies on electronic cigarettes were needed, "[f]ew, if any, chemicals at levels detected in electronic cigarettes raise serious health concerns." Electronic cigarettes were found to be "much safer" than traditional tobacco ones, and had a level of toxicity similar to existing nicotine replacements.[17][18][19]
In the report, the level of carcinogens in electronic cigarettes was found to be up to 1,000 times lower than regular cigarettes. It also said early evidence shows that electronic cigarettes may help people to stop smoking by simulating a tobacco cigarette.[17][18]
YouMayLose reacted to BirdDog in Noobie And Want Opinion
Like the tobacco flavors you will not get that same menthol flavor from e-cigs. What is missing is all the burning of a traditional cigarette. Every menthol will taste different from every supplier. It will be a much cleaner smoke compared to a analog. The best I can describe the flavor of menthol is chewing gum without the burning of paper and all the nasty stuff that comes with it.
You should be experimenting with other flavors. You will find that other flavors are really good and more satisfying than trying to replicate the cigarette taste. One of the most popular trends is to add that menthol flavor with fruit flavors.
I was not a menthol smoker. But the best flavor I have tried for menthol was the Vapor Talk Mentha. Nice minty flavor with a kick.
YouMayLose got a reaction from Uma in First Day With My E-Go!
I also got my ego today but unlike you I didn't share mine.. you no how the commercial goes...lego my ego lmao.. I also can see this working well to keep me off analogs... now I guess tomorrow morning I'll get 1 of those analog free counter signatures and see if I can finally give them up once and for all. And hopefully you do as well :-)
YouMayLose reacted to TroopX in Noobie And Want Opinion
That should get you going! I'd grab a few more juice samplers from different vendors just in case you don't like the two you got. Chocolate can be hit or miss. Sample sizes will allow you to try more and find the juices you like quicker.
Good luck!
YouMayLose reacted to Viper Ron in Noobie And Want Opinion
Like Troop says, a lot of vendors sell 3ML bottles and it is perfect for trying different juices without having to much if you do not like it
YouMayLose reacted to DMIAvaper in Noobie And Want Opinion
I would concur with Viper and Troop. I the first 2 bottles of juice that I bought I did not like at all. I did not like the flavor, strength, TH, or pretty much anything about them. Luckily I had bought a sampler pack from a different vendor that came the next day. I bought 20mL bottles too. The only thing I use them for now is to break in new atomizers.
YouMayLose reacted to TroopX in Noobie And Want Opinion
oh no. Breaking in new attys with bad juice DM? Sounds like a way to taint a fresh atty. ...I always appreciate a good juice on a fresh atty (after the primer is blown out). Whatever works for you- but it sounds like you need a good local vapemeet to swap those juice out at.
YouMayLose reacted to DMIAvaper in Noobie And Want Opinion
I would agree with that! Feel like I had to use it somehow. Honestly the stuff is pretty much flavorless, the weird thing is the juice actually smells pretty good. That is as far as it goes though.
YouMayLose reacted to TroopX in Noobie And Want Opinion
well at least it's not a cinnamon or coffee that will stay in the atty for 1/2 of its life! Sometimes you can mix two wrongs to get a right, and sometimes the juice gets better. I'm sure you'll find a way to use, or get over it. Flavorless helps the possibilities.
YouMayLose reacted to DMIAvaper in Noobie And Want Opinion
I have not tried either of those flavors but from reading on these posts, sounds like you should probably just dedicate an atty to 'em. I am relatively new to the vaping world, almost have three weeks under my belt and feeling good! One of the flavors I had was tobacco and the other was an RY4 blend. I agree that just letting them go is probably best but every time I look at those gigantic bottles I just can't do it!
YouMayLose reacted to Viper Ron in Noobie And Want Opinion
Sometimes if a juice sits for a while to does improve, this is not always the case but it does happen.
YouMayLose reacted to DMIAvaper in Noobie And Want Opinion
I have tried a couple different attys with the juice. I have mostly LR but I do have a couple SR and there is some flavor that comes through with SR. It almost seems like the LR just burns up the flavor. don't get a burny flavor but not much of anything. Kinda like smoking a stale analog.
YouMayLose reacted to Brian in Noobie And Want Opinion
Welcome to Vapor Talk! Looks like you're on the right track. I agree with everyone else - get a few more flavors. When I ordered my first kit I got two 30ml bottles of one flavor and one 30ml bottle of another flavor. They weren't very good, but it didn't take long to get some new juice in. Several months later I tried them again and they were still awful. LOL! 90ml of juice down the drain.