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Everything posted by Ofortuna

  1. Same here.... Just another tube shaped, big battery, side button mod. Yes to great battery life, but agreed on the charge time. This is a mod made by Cisco as well. I know he put a lot time into it, but I am going to pass for $120
  2. Only 2 days until this!! Anyone in the area, you should GO!!!
  3. I went to this last year and it was a BLAST!! If you are in the area, you better be there!!
  4. There are a few of us involved in this!! Viphan, BSP, Lord_Shadow, vapenhil and myself!! (And CASEACE79 of course!!) This is going to be so fun!! One idea was to make individual levels and link them together!! There are a few logistic to work out but this is going to ROCK!! Gamertag: Ofortuna91
  5. Good morning taste buds!! The worst is when you do cave and have an analog (it may or may not happen) and you realize how unbelievable gross it is especially if you have been vaping for a few weeks!! When I quit analogs and started vaping my salt intake went way down!! Food actually tasted like something!! Good Luck and happy tasting!!
  6. Although I do not have kids, I have pets and have to be concerned about my fuzzy "kids" getting at vaping stuff as well. I invested in an inexpensive and sealable shoebox sized container when I started and made sure all my vaping gear was sealed away and out of reach to all those littler than us Having a talk to your little ones was definitely needed (big thumbs up to that )and they should be protected from e-liquid just as we protect them from any other harmful chemical they do not understand as dangerous!! I know others who use "Mr. Ick" and "Poison" stickers on their vape boxes to deter kids as well!! Good Luck!!
  7. and Enjoy!!
  8. Good to hear back up atty was a success!!
  9. 2 things..... is the atomizer all the way screw on?? (i made that mistake when i first started) do you have another atomizer to try?? hope we can help ya to get this going for you!!
  10. Oh wow!! So need to try this!! Will alleviate my ability to always dump a bottle of juice over!!
  11. Not a bad idea Kitsune!! Would not be too hard to do and get the original thread closed.
  12. I know the DIY recipe thread is thriving but it has kind of gone off the track of actually recipes and more towards tips or flavorings so I thought it may be a good idea to separate them. While having a tip to go with a specific recipe is a must (ie add flavor X before adding flavor Y), general tips we have learned along the way may be helpful to keep separate. Whether the tip be about mixing, flavoring/liquid %s or certain supplies you use (and why) may be useful on its own I will start with something I learned today!! When dealing with flavorings, check around to see what the recommended % you should use is!! Flavoring vendors may have this information on their site or you may have to go looking but not all flavors work at the recommended 10-20% range!! Example: TPA Spearmint at 15% will make you want to stop vaping instantly!! (no lie) The recommended % is 5% as noted on the website!! And it worked the best at 3%!! Always research or ask if you are not familiar with a flavoring!! Anyone think this would be useful?? Edited for horrible spelling!!
  13. Enjoy!!
  14. I love baby duckies!! Poor little things!!!
  15. Dear Dad: It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing you. I had to elope with my new girlfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with Mom and you. I have been finding real passion with Stacy and she is so nice. But I knew you would not approve of her because of all her piercing, tattoos, tight motorcycle clothes and the fact that she is much older than I am. But it' s not only the passion...Dad she's pregnant. Stacy said that we will be very happy. She owns a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood for the whole winter. We share a dream of having many more children. Stacy has opened my eyes to the fact that marijuana doesn't really hurt anyone. We'll be growing it for ourselves and trading it with the other people that live nearby for cocaine and ecstasy.. In the meantime we will pray that science will find a cure for AIDS so Stacy can get better. She deserves it. Don't worry Dad. I'm 15 and I know how to take care of myself. Someday I'm sure that we will be back to visit so that you can get to know your grandchildren. Love, Your Son John PS. Dad, none of the above is true. I'm over at Tommy's house.. I Just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than a Report card That's in my center desk drawer. I love you. Call me when it's safe to come home.
  16. Agreed Snubber!! I have had really good luck with DIYflavorshack flavors! What I would call the basics (vanilla, toffee, caramel, coffee) are excellent!! And because they are PG or VG based, they don't bog down a juice at all!!
  17. I have been getting really consistent flavors from them (ie pear flavoring tastes like pears)so i am happy with them!! There are a few who have tried them and say they are not as potent so that is a matter of taste. But for the price, they are worth a try!! I have had really good luck with a hand full of Lorann's so I have no bad words for them at all!! I (emphasis on the "I") prefer TPA at this point in time!!
  18. Agreed!! (Or us vapers are just a bunch of weirdos!!) Hehehehehehehe!!
  19. I am vaping cantaloupe (DIY) today!! I want summer to be back!! Hehehe!!
  20. Sorry to hear that Nana!! I am exactly the opposite!! I think Lorann's are not too potent!! Weird how everyone's taste buds are so different!! Well I got a recipe for everyone and you can use your fave flavors from any vendor to make!! Caramel Surprise (or Noxious Nom Nom!!) 10ml batch 0.5ml of each: caramel, bavarian cream, toffee and vanilla (amp them up if you need too to taste, but do not add more bavarian creme!!) 8mL of base of chose This one also works well when coffee is substituted for vanilla!! I am not the craziest about sweet flavors but this a good one to cure a sweet tooth!! Enjoy!!
  21. I have not had any luck with Root Beer Lorann's!! Always tastes burnt no matter what I do to it!! If you look at a few of the recommended flavoring lists, root beer is not recommended due to the coloring and the sugar content (which may be giving it a burnt flavor). Except for a few Lorann's, we have gone away from them and gone to the Perfumer's Apprentice!! I have not had a bad batch yet (unless you count flavors I did not realize do not taste good to vape or my mad scientist "gone bad" ideas!!) Mixing is a trial and error process with a lot of error in the beginning!! Keep at it and you will have success in no time!! Remember that 3 mL bottles are your friend and don't be afraid to just mix PG or VG with flavoring with no nic to get your mixing down!! And keep your mixing costs to a minimum in the beginning!
  22. Majin is not for sale!! Hehehe!! We keep her!!
  23. Enjoy!!
  24. Oh yeah!! Super easy!! Chai Tea flavoring from TPA and then mix to your preference. Love it!!
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