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wendallb last won the day on July 19 2012

wendallb had the most liked content!

About wendallb

  • Birthday 12/30/1947

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  • Location
    Blue Ridge Texas

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I just keep vaping and tough it out...try to stay busy
  2. Give it time, 1 week is not near enough time for your body to adjust..
  3. Nice watermelon mix 14% TPA Watermelon 4% TPA Cantaloup 1% EM
  4. Menthol, peppermint, mint and you might try a couple of drops of PGA
  5. I use it and don't see a problem but I am old and the taste buds are old too
  6. It is a mental thing, you have not set it in your mind to really quit. It does take some will power to make it work. You may be letting your friends and alcohol weaken your resolve. Wanting to quit and being determined to quit are very different..
  7. I use the Panasonicand have been very happy
  8. Yes, just seconds can be an eternity..Thanks God most people never see this kind of thing happen.. I am a volunteer fire fighter for about 20 years now and I have many things that all you can do is just cry..I have seen many that were saved and many that there was just no chance so I know just what you are talking about.. The message here is that vehicles can be deadly and when you add alcohol it is much worse..
  9. Yep, that would be it..got it at wally world
  10. I always fill up the carto completely and seems to work well
  11. I have to agree with you, great prices and super service+++++
  12. My batteries last about a day and a half most of the time. You could try putting a rubber band on the bottom of the carto after you put it on the batt.
  13. I don't plugs off an aire holes at all.. Here is a link to the instructions for claening the cartos..When you read the whole thing it sounds hard but once you do it couple of times it is really easy. Cleaning the go-go carto I hope that helps.. I use mostly clear juice and my cartos las t around 2 to 3 weeks then I clean them and use them again..
  14. Had go-go for about 6 months now and is my primary vape device. The cartos are easily cleaned and rebuildable as they are a horizontal bottom coil. So +1 for the go-go and discountvapers.com also..
  15. wendallb


    Don't know if the cigarette looking style will get you off cigarettes. I started with the ego and it got me off analogs and have not smoked since last July.. I suggest you try a ego or a riva kit or even a kgo kit will work. Whatever you decide we are all here to help you when you need it.
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