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Everything posted by paradox

  1. which do you prefer?
  2. I've seen a few reviews of the vamo and it seems like a solid device espescially for the price. I'm really interested in VV/VW and am finally ready to take the step up from using ego batteries with boges. can someone please post some links as to where to buy the Vamo WITH THE METAL BUTTONS? I believe its the version 2 (also I heard they adjusted the spring to better accomadate a single 18650 battery which is what I intend to use so I need that.) I'm looking to purchase this device from a reliable vendor IN THE U.S.. I'm hoping to get multiple options to get the best price. the cheaper the better but i don't want to get a knock off or a defective device. I'd prefer to get it in black chrome but any color is fine. also what are your guys' thoughts on the Vamo? is it a good device? it seems very functionable and affordable and i like the way it looks. if there is a similar device ( VV/VW with ability to check the ohms of your atomizer and use an 18650 and around the same size ) around the same price that you would reccommend over the vamo? if so, please tell me about it and post links as to where I can purchase it. priority to vamo links and discussion in this thread please.
  3. I actually found a method for getting the VG juice to absorb quickly into the filler material. I drip a few drops on top of the material and just blow lightly into the carto and the juice goes right in. after you initially get the filler material soaked dripping into them actually works without much trouble. my boges have been working great today!
  4. I didn't experience any nicotine withdrawl either when I made the switch. I think it's all about making sure you pick the right nicotine strength. if you're still getting close to the same amount of nicotine vaping as you would have smoking analogs then I see no reason why you should experience any withdrawl, it is the sudden deprivation of nicotine in the body that causes withdrawl.
  5. just recently got two VG jouces from myfreedomsmokes.com juicy peach- tastes exactly like these gummy ring peach flavored cndies I used to buy in canada as a kid. very sweet and candied peach tasting. I thouroughly enjoy it. watermelon- tastes like similar to a watermelon jolly rancher. candied watermelon flavor and a little tart. not a particularly stron flavor which makes it great for an all day vape and just got two 5 packs of boge cartos in the mail today. all i vape are VG juices so I had the ****tiest time trying to fill these and when I finally did fill them the vapor production was okay with much airier hits than I would like and they seem to dry up really fast. not too satisfied with them. ::dissapointment::
  6. I just got ten boge LR catromizers in the mail today and I was really psyched to try them out. I vape basically 100% VG e-juices so that's all I had to fill them with. I tried using the condom fill method and the juice just kind of all went up through the center hole without really soaking into the filler but after some fidling around I got almost the whole condom full of juice into the carto(or so i thought) it looked like it was pretty saturated so I set it aside for a good half hour to let it wick. I started vaping and I got a really good throat hit and decent vapor but after about the fifth hit the throat hit died off and after vaping for about seven minutes(or less) I started getting that burny filler material taste. I looked inside and the filler material looked like it was already drying up. I tried dripping directly onto the filler material and it just would not soak in so i fiddled around with the condom method again and then some weird methods i found on the internet but it's always the same thing, first few hits are great then the throat hit dies off and it starts to dry out. am I doing something wrong? do boges just not work with thicker VG juices ? is there another filling method that anyone has found works with thicker juices on a boge carto? how long do most people go between fill ups on a boge LR carto? I really need help here because I really want these boges to work. also I'm using them on an ego-c battery if that makes a difference(can't see how it would). one last thing I found really dissapointing was that I seemed to be getting slightly better vapor production with the ego-c tank system yet somehow a much better throat hit on those initial drags on the boges...doesn't make much sense to me. please help! also I do NOT have any syringes so that method isn't an option right now.
  7. I prefer vaping e-juice that is either 100% vg or at least vg dominant. I have been purchasing my e-juice from alienvisions but am not entirely thrilled with their flavor selection. I'm wondering if I can get a few reccomendations of websites that sell vg e-juice(anything 50/50vg or above) with a diverse selection of flavors. I'm not too big into tobacco flavors anymore. what I'm really looking for is fruity flavors and I have really been craving coffee or espresso flavors. I am currently vaping 18 mg nicotine strength but want to bring it down to around 12mg and in the long run down to around 6mg and eventually 0mg I live in the US and I'm willing to pay a little more for better e-juice but nothing rediculously expensive and if it's cheap and good quality, even better. thanks in advance everyone!
  8. I have a Joye Ego and I love it but I'm thinking about making the switch to an LR atty and am unsure about a few things does using an LR atty mean I'll go through e juice a lot faster? does all of that extra heat mean i could risk melting my cartridges? I've had one cartridge change shape slightly with my standard atty. ( I vape A LOT ) is there even enough of a difference between vapor production and flavor between a standard and LR atty for it to be worth it? any other insight about LR attys would be very much appreciated as well
  9. Which do you prefer to use drip tips or cartridges? what are the pros and cons of each? has anyone had any problems with drip tips spilling e juice in their pockets?
  10. Iin the forever vapor store on the joye ego page it says something about notusing anything with over 30% vg I am considering purchasing e juice from alien visions and their products are mostly vg based such as 10/90 pg/vg Can i use this ejuice? Ive seen videos with people that were using egos or something very similar to an ego
  11. that's why I gave you my specifications lolz
  12. I need to know where to go to buy my e-juice. I'm looking for a variety of nicotine strengths especially in the low end a good variety of flavors excellent vapor production also not too expensive could care less about the throat hit in fact i prefer less of one where should I go? there are just so many sites out there! please help! also I use a joye ego and will soon be using an LR atty if that makes any difference
  13. http://www.vaportalkstore.com/products/Joye-eGo.html and http://www.forevervapor.com/products/Joye-eGo-.html the top link is out of stock and the bottom one is not. I have made my decision and am ready to purchase the one on top this Friday. are they the same exact kit? if not when will the one on top be back in stock?!
  14. I tried a couple of disposable e-cigs and knew it was for me. i recently purchased a rechargeable "Fuma" which I am assuming is the middle ground between buying disposables and going and getting a nice one as it only cost me $35. I love vaping and am ready to take the next step and get a nice e-cig. I do not care what it looks like as long as i can fit it in my pocket easily. I would like an e-cig that produces a lot of thick vapor(and I would like to stress that) without being too harsh. I also need a good battery life I would like to have the option of menthol refill cartridges/ automizers or whatever they're called please point me in the right direction!!!! links and personal input will be immensely appreciated!
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