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Everything posted by jtphenom

  1. You have the batt, which screws onto the atomizer, which fits into the filter. I assume you have to put the cart inside the filter, and then put the atomizer back on, so it's actually making contact with the liquid.
  2. My 8084 came in the mail today. I opened it up, and started trying to read the directions, which are translated from Chinese, so they make no sense whatsoever. It's hilarious, frustrating, and tragic all at the same time. I figured out how to hook the battery up to the charger so it can charge for 8 hours or so. But as far as the atomizer goes... Do I just unscrew the atomizer, put a cart in, and then screw the atomizer back on, and that's what I have to do every time I change carts? I figured it would be more simple than that... Also, anyone know where I can find a set of instructions written by people who speak English as their first language?? lol Thanks! James
  3. The nicotine is the drug. The ecig is just the tool. Does PayPal allow people to use them to sell/purchase other nicotine products?
  4. Did they say why?
  5. Well here is why I asked.
  6. I hear they've now stopped allowing ecig companies to use them as a customer payment option. Is that true??
  7. I wish I had something helpful to offer. But all I can say is that the FDA is a joke, and this makes me extremely angry.
  8. Can I just rant for a minute? I'm really tired of going to site after site that does not list the dimensions and/or model of their e-cig. I want to be able to figure out who has stuff that will be compatible with my 8084 (yes I know there won't be many). But it's obnoxious that many sites give none of that pertinent info! For instance, health-ecigarettes over here and here don't list what size their smokes are, nor their accessories. They LOOK like they may be the same size as my 8084, but I'm not sure. I emailed the supplier and she's playing dumb with me. UGH... I can't stand stupid people. lol
  9. Thanks!
  10. I want to buy a 50-pack of 11mg-or-less (but not 0) carts for around $20. I've talked to several people who have the 50-packs for fairly cheap, but they only have 18, which I don't want. Anyone got any suggestions?
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