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Everything posted by frosting

  1. It depends how I'm feeling I suppose. Sometimes I'm just in the mood for 2 or 3 different vapes throughout the day, while other days I'm all over the place. Grape, Bubblegum, Cotton Candy, Boston Creme Pie, RY4, Fudge Brownie, 1963, Lung Juice. I could do all those in one day if I'm feeling like I want to switch it up a lot.
  2. Sweeet! I was number 207# Up to 836 now. Need at least 200 signatures a day to reach at least 5,000 by the 27th!!
  3. Hey good to see you're still vaping too Jen Well, the title does say "Recognize electronic cigarettes as an effective alternative to smoking" Alternative I believe is the big big word here. Calling them a cessation device would be a health claim, then that would be where Big Pharm and health related such n such would want to step in the sense I think you are concerned about. If you are concerned about voting for it doing some more research might help you feel more at ease. No pressure! If I'm wrong though, someone please correct me! Thanks Christopher!
  4. I'm tempted to write the White House asking If Obama would try the eGo
  5. You can, I have been. I'm planning to get a couple 1100MAH replacement battery though. With LR anything my standard 650MAH eGo batteries still last a good 6-8 hours depending on use, but if I used regular I'm sure I'd be a bit longer.
  6. The White House has developed a way for We The People to help communicate to The White House. I know this petition is new, and may or may not have been mentioned around Vapor Talk. If this is a repeat I apologize. If 5,000 people quickly sign up, and vote in favor the White House agrees to look more seriously into the petition. This petition is for PVs/ electronic cigarettes to be recognized as a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes. Quote from .gov site : Recognize electronic cigarettes as an effective alternative to smoking and support job creation in this new industry. Electronic cigarettes have just begun to capture the attention of the American public, 24% of whom are regular cigarette smokers. This new technology has shown promise in reducing the adverse health effects associated with smoking, while delivering an experience that can satisfy the cravings which make quitting so difficult. It's no secret that smoking accounts for nearly $100 billion dollars in healthcare costs annually- not to mention the productivity lost when smokers fall ill or pass away due to smoking related diseases. The administration's support for this emerging technology would pave the way for reducing the societal costs of smoking, while creating jobs in a new sector which has grown significantly in the past two years. Support job creation and deficit reduction by signing now! Please click below, make an account and add your signature!! & SPREAD THE WORD https://wwws.whitehouse.gov/petitions/!/petition/recognize-electronic-cigarettes-effective-alternative-smoking-and-support-job-creation-new-industry/57vtB0QK?utm_source=wh.gov&utm_medium=shorturl&utm_campaign=shorturl
  7. Congratulations! It really does feel amazing. All that is required is the want to quit, and even then without it I think it can greatly help some cut down on their cigg intake. After my 3rd day I feel like I'm in the clear. Only wish I did it sooner as well
  8. I've heard Chocolate Cake from Kick Bass Vapes is suppose to be great, but have not tried it myself to justify that claim.
  9. Yes, I'm doing this with some tobaccos. Letting them steep it out. Honestly scared to try to them agian... as they tasted so terrible I had to clean my atty Buuut i can't really taste right now so maybe its a good time to use them hehe. I'm hoping a week or so of steeping will help some kick bass vapor flavors i bought. They are good, but not exactly tasting like what they are "suppose" to yet.
  10. Thanks Jen! I love pickled ginger too. I think for my 1st week of quitting smoking my treat to myself is going to be sushi. Uhhh Oh Blake... I hope you are wrong! Cause i ordered a big ol bottle of chocolate mint liquid lol It would be a tragedy if i ended up hating that! Strangely enough, purely by accident after adding some menthol liquid to my atty, some choc mint flavor came though. yum!
  11. My personal noob mistake with my e-go would be i didn't drip juice onto the atomizer(afraid that would break it). Just putting that out there just in case you did the same thing I did. So fair I've found in my short time vaping, fruity flavors for me anyways at 18 nic strength tend to be less of a throat hit and more gentle. At least Peach Melba from Mr.E-liquid is very good, great vapor, and gentle throat hit.
  12. Ya Cantus, I get that.If I didn't I would of never traveled this road. Thanks.
  13. Thanks Guys! I have been going on a vapor buying spree. I'm expecting to be getting about 10 new flavors in. Right now I'm going between two new flavors I have since I'm a little sick of menthol since that's what I've been vaping. I'm also considering buying about 5 new attys , and another box of cartos to rotate flavors. One atty for tobacco, sweets, fruit, menthol, ect. I will defiantly keep in mind the salty/spicy tip. Its funny that i ate some tositos earlier and the flavors did become a little more pungent. Hopefully after a good nights rest the tastebuds will be ready to roll in the morning.
  14. Thanks King... *Vaping a 2.0 Boge carto right now* I enjoy the warmer vapor. I think they are very nifty if I'm out and about and can't direct drip right then and there. For around the house though I think i'll stick to direct dripping as so far I am really enjoying using this flavor, then that one... The only downside to a carto seems to me changing the flavor isn't gonna happen, at least not easily.
  15. I feel like my body is really bouncing back, which is awesome. Today at the track I was really able to run a lot more, my lung capacity has been 3 folds better. I want to say 85-95% of my coughing is gone besides when my body is expelling something to heal/clean itself out being only 5 days in. I have yet to touch or want an analog. Hooray! I even gave a friend a cigg yesterday night because she wanted one, let her smoke it around me. It was a little difficult, i figured "test yourself, its inevitable anyways so may as do it around someone you can tell to put it out if it gets too hard". I didn't end up telling her to put it out, just vaped away. Oh and I found my new juice love.... Mint chocolate chip... It reminds me of the ice cream i have in the freezer... Yum! Now, all of a sudden I'm running into some issues. I figure the quitters acne is normal. Had that start the last couple of days. Toxins expelling, not happy about it but figure it won't last forever. Wish I didn't get a bump by lip... that's just not a cute look. What's really bothering me is the last 3, 4 hours... Boom. After I got back from my walk/run all of a sudden my taste buds... Even my most flavorful juices... I can taste them, but barley. Its some really awful timing considering I was in the middle of writing up reviews on them and now it would be unfair to the vendor if I do it under the influence of non-cooperative taste buds. Any tips to bring them back to life? I drank water. Scrub my tongue with a tooth brush? Are they just healing? I'm thinking perhaps my tastebuds are just tired.... Wondering If this also happened to any other fellow vapers. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and any advice you may have!
  16. Very cool DarthVapor. Just got a drip tip from them. Ya, ya their 15 packs come with a free one on top of an excellent price. I'm waiting to get in my 5 pack of cartos still to try it out before i go all in on a purchase I may not even like. I'm hoping tomorrow will be the big day of new juices, goodies, n such
  17. Well i suppose i can try to use the Fluval for its intended purpose if that's what ends up happening! I do have a fishtank... :P
  18. Awww sorry Red Im waiting for more toys too don't feel bad! Viper Ron~ Good to hear! Reviews say it tastes like real chocolate chip cookies I hope it lives up to the hype!
  19. When It comes to Amaretto I'm all about that coffee creamer flavored stuff *drool* Not sure about the other flavored liquids I will be venturing into... But as of late I am very excited about Kick Bass Vapes. They seem to be getting amazing reviews, intricate flavors, I'll be the judge when I try the couple i ordered. Sue did your Blueberry taste "fruit" blueberry or the "candy" sort? I love blueberries as fruits but not sure If i would want to vape it. Candy flavor i might consider. I love how i keep adding all my e-cigg lingo into my spell check dictionary.
  20. Never getting Clove. Not that I like it anyways, that simply sounds traumatic.
  21. Thanks sue & TroopX ! I'm not sure what my treat will be... I sure am amped up for chocolate chip cookie e-juice though! It just sounds heavenly! Speaking of candles maybe my 1st week analog free that's what I'll do buy myself some more candles Or a pair of jeans... either or. Me, I live with smokers so they are impossible to avoid for now but I guess being around it my whole life Its not bothering me yet. I do agree sooo many reasons to stick to it! It's so much better then smoking. I can't wait for next weekend. I'll be having an amaretto sour i think and get to "smoke" while i drink A little too broke for drinks this weekend but tottaly worth it for the e-go.
  22. Thanks! haha I have quite a few flavors coming i can't wait to try. Peach Melba, Chocolate mint. Chocolate Chip Cookie, Butter Creme Icing, and some Tobacco Flavors. I'm trying my best to stay off the analogs. Whats hard right now is the fact i have them around i think. Its mostly after i eat and randomly out of no where " I'm bored, I wanna smoke". So i take my vape when it hits! Well Skruff I use to be a menthol smoker. It use to be ALL i would smoke. In the last couple months I switched to regulars. Thanks for the encouragement. & Of course thanks Sue! Ya Dave i hear ya... I mean I tempted and whenever i give into one its a little grosser, makes me feel worse then the last time. Trying to steer clear as much as possible but I'm going easy on myself considering i was pack a day, pack a half a day smoker so going from 20-30 a day down to 3 or 4 I'm okay with that untill it gets better.I'm staying positive once my real ciggs are gone and ALL i have is my e-go I'll be okay without the analogs.
  23. Thanks Jen! I've been looking into so many liquid vendors and all that haven't quite been keeping track on the forum. I really feel like this is going to get me off ciggs for good. There is something about vaping that is SO much more satisfying, enjoyable, the flavor. The list goes on and on. I'm almost positive in no time, analogs will completely discust me. In a very short amount of time, somehow, it boggles my mind how, regular ciggs already taste nastier then they did yesterday.
  24. Hehehehe @ Saab "Just Give In To Cartos" I got a pack of 5 , 2.0/2.3 Boge Cartos. I couldn't find them for a lower Ohm. At least where I was buying was $7 and the vendor ships super quick! So I was sold on his shipping. I'm sure I'll like them. For right now, I am using Fluval to replace my cartridge filler and so far working very well to hold me over until i really "learn the ropes"
  25. When i know for sure if i like cartomizers I will be keeping them in mind to buy bulk!
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