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DMIAvaper last won the day on September 10 2011

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  1. The FDA has been wandering down this road for the last two years. Their agenda is always a clouded one. It is hard to believe that their intentions are genuine when they seem to take arms against the simplest of products with no real data to take such a stance. Please read the following portion of their own mission statement: Regulatory Requirements Individual subject safety must be balanced against the potential public health benefits of new therapies Risk assessment requires sufficiently detailed information regarding: Product characterization and safety testing Supportive preclinical or clinical data Monitoring plan There seems to be so many circumstances where they don't seem to follow their own rules. There is absolutely no data that they have offered to support any kind of ban of electronic cigarette technology. At most there might be justification to put some kind of label on these products like they force the herbal medicinal industry to do saying something like, 'these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease'.
  2. I have to second, third, fourth, etc. the eGo. I have had mine for almost 3 months now and love it.
  3. I haven't had any problems with vapor production with the dual coils that I have but I have not used anything over XL. I will say that they burn through juice really fast and that there is no quick way to fill them to perform well. I have found that you have to fill them and let them sit for a while before you use them. Also you can really only top them off once of maybe twice before you should fill them completely again and let them sit. This can be a little annoying if time does not allow but they do perform really well this way. I can see them work really well in a tank set up like so many people rave about although i can't speak from experience. Maybe someday!
  4. I haven't been able to really tell much of a difference between the LR and dual coil at 3.7 volts. I think that they both perform well. Different juices seem to do better in one versus the other but I wouldn't know why. I have single coil smoktech 1.7's and and dual coil smoktech 3.2's (1.6) and I like them both. The dual coils are more expensive, but there seems to be more dual coils that are pre cut for tanks than single coil LR. If you were thinking about cutting your own I would go with the less expensive.
  5. I am a carto user through and through. I gave the ego tank atty both LR and SR a try and really didn't like either. The LR gave a burny taste to the juice I used. I used a LR that my brother had and didn't get that burny taste, flavor was good but virtually no TH. My sample size was small but I found them to be very inconsistent. The cartos I use now, Boge 2.0, Smoktech 1.7, Smoktech dual coil 1.6, always give a great TH and great vapor. The flavor seems to get lost a little with the poly but they are consistent. Might have to give these Type B tanks a try since there have been some positive reviews on here.
  6. Just got some frozen lime drop from Pink Spot yesterday and it is awesome! Still pretty much a noobie, only a few months under my belt, but taking the advice on trying out Pink Spot was right on. Have tried several different vendors and this one is awesome. My favorite juice right now is RY8 by Pink Spot. Best tobacco flavor i've had with vanilla, hint of cherry, and something else. Just great!
  7. i use ego 650's with LR Boges 2.0 and Smoktech dual coils @ 1.5. Awesome. I like them both and the only preference between them really lies in the juice that you use. some juice seems to just get better flavor with one compared to the other. Some sites do say that you can't use eGo batteries with the dual coils? Not sure why, have never had a problem with them.
  8. I read a lot on these sites before I bought any product. I am glad that I did and just spent a little extra to buy the genuine Joye batts. I have the small 650's and they last me all day and sometimes into the next. I am not a heavy vaper which is why they last a little longer for me but I have never had a problem with them at all. I would also heed the warning from Jackal. In the end these are all just batteries and unless you were really putting them through the ringer with usage they shouldn't have died within weeks. I would check to see what kind of juice is getting kicked out from wherever you are plugging into
  9. I would have to second the pink spot juice. I have tried a lot of different vendors in my short time vaping but I keep coming back to the Spot! I will say that the price when you include the shipping is a little steep, but I have not been disappointed in the product.
  10. I have been on vacation for a little while and have not had a chance to get back and submit my review. First: 90/10 rocks! I absolutely love it. I loaded this juice into some dual coil cartos and oohhh boy. I can not believe the difference that some small tweaks can make. I am set. Have a great juice vendor and know the sweet spot for me. Now I can look at those larger capacity models and sit back and enjoy!
  11. Thanks for the help Dayvape, Viper Ron, and Brian. It is really great to have a place to ask for help and opinions. I will post update when I get the new stuff!
  12. Don't forget about the wonderful world of youtube! You can catch a lot of vids with how tos and what nots. I am very new to vaping and without reading information on forums and watching vids I would still be staring at the box!
  13. Well after some further review, I believe that I was completely drowning my cartos. Filled one with the 100 PG and......solid. Filled another with 50/50 and.....solid, for what it is. I don't believe that blend will be the sweet spot for me. Got some new juice coming that is 90/10 18 nic and gonna go from there. Need the TH from the 18 I believe.
  14. Agreed on the wicks/soaks in to the filler. The 50/50 almost beads up on top of the filler and does not want to soak in. After some experimentation last night, I believe I might have had too much juice in the carto for this exact reason. I kept on shaking it to get the juice down and might have flooded it. After vaping on it quite a bit I found that vapor was going up and I could actually hear the atty firing like I could before. Didn't get a chance to use the 100% PG last night, but will tonight, thanks!
  15. Thanks i'll post an update with what shakes down
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