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Everything posted by FTJoe

  1. Wow - I mentioned Dawn before, not sure where that's from. I guess it's Patti in the states for TW. Here's the short history of TW US. And no I'm not affiliated, I just remember seeing something from them previously, finally dug it up. http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/news/2009/november/meet-our-operations-director-for-the-us.html
  2. Excellent, so you are just looking for something that you can work and not have to hassle with batteries, etc. I think you have some good suggestions then, ego/VP2. Sorry for being an old school marm about backups but I see so many folks basically freakin' when something goes wrong and they have to go back to analogs. Meanwhile, as I've said before in regards to vaping, as long as your freaking about doing analogues, you are in a good place. Most people who stop smoking the traditional ways are freaking about NOT doing analogues.
  3. Yay!!! Good stuff, congratulations.
  4. Excellent idea. I am surprised it would set anything off as I was thinking what particles are in vapor?
  5. That's a very jaded way of looking at things. I am SURE our politicians are above that ad are more concerned about our rights and health. (I'm sorry, I just threw up a little). ;-)
  6. As Christopher points out there is direct dripping which can be done with or without filler. Here is a link to someone's post where they give links to two alternative methods of replacing the filler, and how to direct drip which involves dripping the fluid on to the atomizer directly so you would in fact not need filler in the cart. http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/index.php?/topic/3922-pollyfill/page__view__findpost__p__33476
  7. I had to look that up - I guess my teachers failed me as well. I see a reference to a republic being a state without a monarch, so there can be many kinds, islamic, socialist, communist, etc. Not sure which kind you are lobbying for that is not a democracy. just curious, not looking for a scrap.
  8. You mean with a blank cartridge that is not pre-filled and has just the polyfill filler? Yes, slowly drip it in until it appears a little juicy on top, just a little. Can speed this up by inserting a paperclip on the side to help the juice be absorbed all the way through. A truly blank cartridge without polyfill? No.
  9. I would think it depends on the type of alarm. I thought most smoke alarms use some pretty funky technology to detect smoke. Also, if you practice, you'll see you can hold your breath and no/little vapor will come out. Also, I see people on planes get a blanket and crawl under it to smoke, same concept, hold it in.
  10. You make a convincing argument, and I believe I'm on the fence about starting to simply vote incumbents out as we may suck a few good eggs out the airlock as well. But I wholeheartedly agree, it's about getting the democracy back. Back to lighthearted... Thanx for the compliment in the other thread by the way. I have a heart, I will admit that much. And I'll bet its in much better shape now that I'm vaping.
  11. FTJoe


    I don't mean to blow you off here. But search on insurance in the search function up there on the right. Net is the test for tobacco use is nicotine and another byproduct. In fact, I believe the question these days is products containing nicotine. Here's one thread on the subject and a link in it to another, nothing official. http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/index.php?/topic/3537-how-to-answer-the-following-question/page__view__findpost__p__29728
  12. Yeah - I noticed (once again) I didn't actually answer the question. They definitely ship from the US for US orders. I forget the person's name (Dawn?) that's running the US ops for TW. From the contact page it's in Florida. http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/about-us/contact-us.html
  13. http://www.mhra.gov.uk/Publications/Consultations/Medicinesconsultations/MLXs/CON065617 Here's the text of the newsletter...(wondering if I can post here or not, hmmmm.) This Legislation will not directly affect the USA market, it will however impact TOTALLY WICKED and all British and European Users. It will also strengthen if passed, the FDAS hand in the USA. Below is the Newsletter sent to all UK customers. I urge you to act for your Fellow Vapers in the UK and do exactly the same..Let the MHRA know that you as a citizen of the world are horrified by their stance...Your help is appreciated. Jason Cropper AKA.Pillbox38 The E-NI/E.Cig Market is under direct threat from government legislation that would make the Selling of nicotine containing products illegal. Please see the link for full details on the MHRAs Public consultation Document (MLX 364): The regulation of nicotine containing products HOW WILL THIS LEGISLATION, IF PASSED AFFECT YOU! 1. As from the 21st June 2010 all selling of un-licensed nicotine products (E.liquids, Pre Filled Cartridges Containing Nicotine) will be banned. Companies such as Totally Wicked and TECC would be shut down by Trading Standards. 2. It will leave you with no other option but to either start smoking again, go cold turkey or buy risky nicotine products from overseas. WHAT YOU CAN DO? There are a number of pro-active steps you AS AN INDIVIDUAL can take.. Please do not let apathy overtake you…We aren’t. 1. Write a full Testimony in long hand of how E-Nis/E.Cigs have helped you, The health benefits, the Emotional Benefits, Benefits to your family and friends, the cost savings. In this testimony highlight the effect this ban would have on YOUR life. Be accurate, forthright and rationale. Upload and then Email a signed and dated copy to accounts@theelectroniccigarette.co.uk 2. Send a hardcopy via recorder delivery letter to Amanda Bryan, MHRA, Room 14-212, Market Towers, 1 Nine Elms Lane, London, SW8 5NQ 3. Sign this online petition and add your comments. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/keep-life-saving-electronic-cigarettes-available 4. Respond directly to the MHRA via their response to MLX 364 online form 5. Contact your MP and GP, let them know how this ban will impact your health and your life. Remember your voice is important, we cannot allow this legislation to be passed. It is destructive and ill thought out. ACT NOW AND DEFEND YOUR RIGHTS. Disclaimer: “News articles published on our website are not necessarily the views of be Pillbox 38 (USA) Ltd and are not responsible for any actions taken from use of this information. These news articles are excerpts from news agencies around the world who have freely distributed this content throughout the Internet. We will supply the source of this information upon application and consider deletion upon request.”
  14. I can't speak for anyone else but that's exactly how I felt once it was put that way to me. And there are plenty of studies on smoke inhalation and how bad it is, particulates, carbon monoxide, etc. But that is legal along with the carcinogens and toxins the cig companies put in, yet the FDA wants to ban inhaling a vapor... I know, I'm preaching to the choir...frustrating though
  15. I choose the third - as an FYI - I do not vote as a matter of course. I have a long discourse on this elsewhere in the lounge. Basically I never felt comfortable for choosing the lessor of two evils or worse, thinking that a campaign promise is really a promise only to realize they were just another liar. I regret it sometimes with guys like Ron Paul, I think he's a stand up guy. Makes the last question tough to answer, took the third one on that as well.
  16. Oh boy, so I'm on the hook. The link I gave should be good for the US. Just make sure the stars and stripes are in the forefront top left. http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/products/e-cig-accessories-510-titan/titan-5-x-atomiser-multi-pack-product.html if prices are in pounds, you're on the wrong site. Remember, in bulk there is no warranty, not even for a DOA though I imagine they might make good on that!! But even 4 at $40 is only $10 an atty. I think this gets you 7.5% discount, T4BE699. There are others out there as well. Shipping is $7, and not sure when it goes up, but I only paid $7 even for my massive order when they were running the 30% off sale. I bought ALOT!
  17. Excellent point, speakeasy has some very convincing numbers that nicotine in and of itself is perhaps not very long lasting and possibly does not present any serious health effects. My point has always been I can't believe we used to set something on fire then breath in the smoke...ON PURPOSE!!!
  18. For those wishing to answer, 18 holes on an outing should be about 4 hours or less. So we're looking at a good 8 hours here including the 19th (or in this case, the 28th) hole. Also possibly of importance is since you are outside, and doing something that is stressful (I don't care how good you are), I always found myself smoking a pack over the round. I would say the spade with two batts should get you through it but you have to be able to charge the first one that drains before the second one goes out. So it would be close. Now because I'm such a backup fiend, I need to know if this is in addition to something you already have and will be bringing along as well? If it was me, I would bring my spade, four batts (I bought two extras when I got the spade) and I would pack a couple of mega batteries, juice, carts and extra attys in my luggage. That would be in addition to what I normally travel with which is two fully charged, fully juiced 510s with mega batteries jammed into a reading glass tube as a backup to my spade. My point is if whatever you bring gets depleted, or worse, stops working, you'll be bumming/buying butts until you get it charged/fixed. Not the worst thing in the world but I assume this is what you are trying to avoid.
  19. Hopefully not a double post, first one kind of disappeared. I think the store just ran out. Was one of the few to carry the Janty atty: http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/index.php?/topic/2692-gold-band-joye-510-atty/page__view__findpost__p__20965 You can get them for $8 from tw: http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/products/e-cig-accessories-510-titan/titan-5-x-atomiser-multi-pack-product.html but you don't get a warranty. Lots better price than the $15 at Janty. Bottom line is I like these more than anything because I know what I'm getting. I'm not positive all other attys are Joye, I'm sure there are some knockoffs. I've never had an issue with the gold band, and before I got them, I was having a lot of issues in the beginning. And I'm sure that has nothing to do with being a noob! ;-) Anyway, when TW had their 30% off sale a little while back, I went nuts. So got bunches of stuff at a very reasonable price. I think there is a coupon floating around as well.
  20. Like I said, excellent attitude!!! I became a backup nut when I wanted to see if I would get a buzz with a real cigarette. You may as well lick an ashtray, same difference, it was unbelievably disgusting. I was running around scraping my tongue and drinking water like a fiend. So I knew I had to make sure I was never forced to go back.
  21. You crazy kids, thinking you're invincible. No backups, no protection!!! Back in my day...just kidding. I'm the biggest proponent of backups here, everything must be backed up, at least once. But while it is scary to have to go back to analogues if you're waiting to get something fixed, unless you're no nic, it's not a huge deal. Just the fact that you're scared to go back speaks volumes about where you are. Most people quitting cigarettes are scared to death to not smoke anymore, here we are scared to death of having to go back, even briefly. In my mind that's a good thing and a pretty good indication we won't. My 2 cents.
  22. Up until I saw that I was thinking we were twins separated at birth or something, oh well.
  23. Looks like we weren't the first. Maybe we saw this and forgot about until this thread popped up... http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/index.php?/topic/1814-donations/page__view__findpost__p__23517
  24. I always felt they were treating me as completely stupid when they do the "on the scene" reports. Someone famous maybe was hurt and sent to the hospital. So they pack everyone up to do a feed from across the street so the hospital is in the background and spin their little tale. Do we really need the "on the scene" report, couldn't they have made the same report from the desk? I can see if the bank robbery is in progress, or if there is 15 inches of snow and they want you to see it. Of course, maybe you shouldn't be putting the reporter in jeopardy. I think it's Jim Cantelli on the weather channel, famous for being put in the path of any hurricane they could find, I always felt bad for him. Some newsies have the walk and talk piece down pat, basically its the news segment approach. I always crack up (or am sometimes impressed) when these same folks do have "breaking news" or a real "on the scene" report during the news event. Now you get to see if they are really a news reporter by how they handle it.
  25. I think the one major rule is do whatever works. Goal is to get to no analogues but even one less is good. Now having said that, I think some might argue holding on to the old queues might make it more difficult to quit the old habits (smoking) but it sounds like you were struggling a little anyway. Keep on keeping on!!!
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