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Everything posted by FTJoe

  1. Thanx - I do like to argue...
  2. Thanx and apologies to joe2003 for jacking. I'm sure it'll all work out, stand up move is right, also +1.
  3. Awesome - ordered some 50/50 and 99%. Thanx a bunch...
  4. Thanx guys. I thought I saw people post that some VGs were thinner than others and maybe would work. My sister said she got tiny bumps on her tongue from PG. I guess we'll just try the cartos and I'll send some regular/LR 510s and maybe some regular/LR 901s, 510s, 520s and an ego. She's a light smoker so to your point DV, maybe that will help with VG and the carto or just point her to the direct dripping vids.
  5. Been way too busy and had to give something up. I'm going to try and troll on weekends which means giving up some xbox/chore time. Hope you and everyone else is well my brother.
  6. If I have to explain, well... Last several BOCs have all been between 4:30PM and 6:30PM, day two or three. That's tomorrow or Thursday. Good luck if you are brave enough to enter!!!! FYI - Woot bought by amazon, my last one was odd as it was one nice set of mini speaker stands but I ordered three BOCs.
  7. Did you just say YO!!! ;-) <-- winky face, I'm kidding!!!! How's it going Day (and joe, and yes even jeff ;-) <-- more winky faces)? Just lightly trolling, must get to sleep soon!!! Been away but priorities pull. I definitely need to show up at chat some night with a few vodkas under the belt and show off my mad typing skills!!! Miss all you folks.
  8. First - hey everyone!!!! Second, can anyone talk about using VG with cartos? Is wordup's thin enough to use or no? Anyone else's. Looking for my sister who is finally taking the plunge. Actually she did but had some issues I think I can get her through. She believes she has an intolerance to PG so I'd like her to try some straight VG and maybe a 50/50 mix from WU. They always seem to have a decent collection of juices and anything else one would need. She was Menthol so of course I will supply some mentha, Tradtional and whatever else I have lying around plus what I order from WU.
  9. My kid has to keep one in his locker at school. No more "my phone wasn't charged" when I ask why didn't he call, return a call, return a text. Well at least less of them. Want it back and I had other smaller units but they used a wall adapter to charge and that's long gone so radio shack has a visit coming in the future. Guess I can get my solar ones out in the sun to charge up and swap with him. They'll charge his phone half way. These are the ones sitting around collecting dust... http://www.amazon.com/Scosche-SolBAT-Powered-Battery-Charger/dp/B0036ORMS0/ref=sr_1_4?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1288869286&sr=1-4 I really wish I could find one that charges via USB as well as outputs. How does the kensington charge?
  10. Love the comments. How big is the battery. I'm loving my XPAL XP8000s, two for $80 from woot.com. http://www.amazon.com/Energizer-XP8000-Rechargeable-Power-Netbooks/dp/B0029U2WZU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1288843716&sr=1-1 Charges anything, even my verizon razr which requires a proprietary setup or driver on the comp and yeah, that's right, I text old school, you can keep your kiddy keyboards. Got a couple of tips for my laptop and my netbook.
  11. Just teasing - I gave up trying to keep up with these folks...
  12. Please be careful with the nicotine, it will kill at certain levels, easily absorbed through the skin...
  13. That movie was just on!!! And yes - I watched it...again.
  14. Grats to you James. Even if you fall back for whatever reason no worries. My motto is, not having one analogue is good, more better and the goal is none. Just remember this is not a diet where you can undo a lot of hard work by falling back into the old pattern. If you do, figure it out and and move on, if you can't we're here to help. Should be little to no stress stopping smoking this way, also plenty of folks still have a few here and there and that's fine too. I always amaze myself remembering back to what I used to do and how I planned things around having or getting a pack of cigs, and the stress involved when those plans fell apart.
  15. Epic fail...number two for those keeping count... Sorry - had to.
  16. Yeah - it's a little different here. Great group of folks, they even put up with me!!!
  17. Perfectly stated...
  18. Awesome!!!! Nothing wrong with a "good" addiction!!!
  19. Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Nope, just really really menthol...really. PM me and we'll talk...
  21. What do you think you'd like? I love the ones from here (VT Store). There's Grape Soda, Dulcis, Traditional (Exotic) Tobacco, Cappuccino and Mentha that I like. Can't do most of these anymore ss I'm no nic. But I keep some around with for folks to try. I really can't answer in regards to Tobacco blends as I am a menthol person and prefer straight menthols without the tobacco flavor. Though I do mix a little 0mg Dulcis into my mix of Johnson Creek Arctic menthol and VT Mentha. Mmmmmm good.
  22. FTJoe


    Good point, once I wasn't forced outside to smoke a cigarette, just a vape or two was enough. Okay, plus I'm cheap so I wasn't about to throw a cigarette away after a couple of drags, they cost waaaaaay too much.
  23. Epic fail!!! kidding, sorry... Ego, great battery, mods have their place, but since you have 510 equipment already, outlay is only about $25 to try an ego...a little more if you don't have a USB charger. Nice thing about the ego is it will have a little more punch voltage wise than a regular 510. Combine with an LR atty and is very nice.
  24. Looks like Burns vid was posted 5 months ago by ecigro? Two months ago someone commented thanx for being on the waiting list...they have a channel, might be able to pop them a note... http://www.youtube.com/user/ecigro The precious U with "juicer". I see comments in regards to the ego if there is interest? Sorry for the fragmented sentences, it's how I search...
  25. Never had an issue with them, wife uses them though I'm going to switch her over to the 2.0s I got a bunch from nhaler. It appears the one we are talking about above from eastmall are 2.0 (or so) as well. But they have that annoying black wrapper on. So far so good...
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