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  1. I just wanted to shed a little light on this situation. For the most part, the first run of Protege's did have a defect in them. The problem wasn't the switch itself, it was the switch housing. The first run's switch housing was made out of phenolic, not plastic. In case you aren't familiar with phenolic, phenolic is a fiberglass-like material. Steve had mentioned that after the phenolic was milled into the shape that it needed to be to fit the switch and fit inside of the Protege, the phenolic was sprayed with a lubricant that cooled down the phenolic. Little did Steve know, the phenolic piece actually absorbs the lubricant. After the the lubricant absorbs deeply into the phenolic housing, the phenolic and lubricant are capable of conducting electricity, overriding the switch, and completing the circuit to power on the atomizer. If you still have the switch, pop it out of the Protege. If it is still covered in the greyish - blackish lubricant, clean it off with a paper towel. Run the paper through the Protege tube to soak up any excess lubricant. If you don't know how to take apart the Protege, first take your adapter off, then unscrew the battery cap and remove the battery. After that, stick a pen or a small screwdriver up the battery port and carefully knock the the switch out of the tube. After you clean the switch up, would you mind reporting back what color the switch housing is? If it is dark brown to light brown, you have a phenolic switch. If it is jet black, you have the updated delrin (plastic) switch. Incidentally, the lubricant that was on the phenolic also caused the sticky switch problem. The lubricant leaks into the switch and eventually seizes the switch. This same problem happened to me. I was in class one day and smelt something burning. I ignored it for a little while, but then it dawned on me that I might be tripping the switch on the Protege. I reached into my hoodie pocket and grabbed the Protege. It was soooooo hot that it left a cock-shaped blister on my hand. I dropped the thing back into my pocket, excused myself from class, and went to the washroom to take it apart. It took some self control on my part not to yell anything in class when I first grabbed it - haha. If you have the phenolic switch, shoot Casey a ticket on Puresmoker's website. They will hook you up with a brand new delrin switch that will fix the both the switch from overriding and the sticky switch. If you want something that will reliable forever, Puresmoker is coming out with an all new "mechanical" switch that will never break, unless you break it yourself. Supposedly the switch also gives out a better overall hit because there is no soldered parts and the contact plate is bigger that the current tact switch's plate. I found it a little hard to justify spending another $20 on my Protege, but I did order it. I intend on reviewing when Puresmoker ships them. Incidentally, Christopher, the sticky switch problems have been fixed with the 2nd run of the Protege.
  2. Christopher, I would just like to thank YOU for spearheading the whole email campaign. If it wasn't for you taking an active interest in having this bill vetoed, it may have actually been passed. Other forums didn't care as much as Vapor Talk did. We all should be thankful for your actions.
  3. Kettle Corn is a fairly decent way to describe the flavor
  4. I got an email from "Parked's Little Brother" regarding Below Zero Liquids. I've never done business with Parked's little brother but did with Parked. I put it all together, and Parked has been sending out mass emails on behalf of his brother, and gave him his mailing list.
  5. When you put it up, I'll order it and add to this review. I wish I had a webcam that was worthy of YouTube, but I don't, otherwise I would do some video reviews. Any other planned flavors in the future?
  6. Do it. For sure. When you register at Dietsmokes, assuming you haven't already, use an email address that isn't your primary. Parked has given out his mailing list to other people. He gave it to his brother. Even though it was his brother, I do feel betrayed.
  7. Alrighty then, I received my Menthe and Dulcis about two weeks ago, and I received Cappuccino, Grape Soda, and Exotic Tobacco today. This stuff warrants a review. I'm not going to try to put some number rating on a juice review because the topic of taste is such a subjective opinion, but all of these e-liquids do put copious amounts of vapor. Dulcis Dulcis is probably my favorite Vapor Talk juice. It tastes like a cross between RY4 and Virginia/Flue Cured e-liquids, with RY4 being the most dominant flavor. It tastes very sugary going down, and tastes like Flue Cured/Virginia coming back up. I haven't left the house without a bottle of Dulcis in the past two weeks, and will probably be sad when it is all gone. I ordered two bottles of it, and I'm down to about a half bottle left. It tastes great at both high and low voltage. Menthe Menthe is another great Vapor Talk flavor. This is the strongest menthol e-liquid that I have tried. However, strong does not mean harsh. It is very potent, and if you were a Newport smoker, you will absolutely love Menthe. I was slightly disappointed that Menthe had no tobacco undertones to it - at all. It is straight up menthol. However, If you you mix 2/3rd Dulcis and 1/3rd Menthe, you'll have a great menthol tobacco flavor. This mix is almost reminiscent of the new Marlboro 54 menthol blend. (Yeah, I do cheat from time to time.) Grape Soda Grape Soda is probably the biggest surprise of the Vapor Talk juice lineup. It is absolutely delicious! It has a very prominent grape taste, but it has a seemingly carbonated texture to it as well. It tastes and feels like a can of grape soda that was left out in the sun all day. It has a very bubbly texture to it, and it is one of the most unique e-liquids that I have vaped - and I have vaped a lot of different e-liquids so far. I have a feeling that this bottle will be gone within a week. Exotic Tobacco Exotic Tobacco is a very, very nice tobacco flavor. However, the taste won't be all that exotic to you if you have vaped any variation of 555/State Express. It has a "roasted nut" flavor to it, but a smokey undertone to it. My guess would be that this is a mix between 555/State Express and either Dunhill or B&H. 555/State Express just happens to be one of my favorite tobacco flavors, so I am really digging this flavor. I am very pleased with Exotic Tobacco, and once again, this bottle will be gone before I know it. Cappuccino Cappuccino is probably my least favorite Vapor Talk juice. Yes, it does taste like cappuccino - no worries there - but for only like two drags. After two or three drags, it reminds me of a very stale pie crust or stale graham crackers. Once you top off or drip again, the Cappuccino flavor does return. Also, this flavor will stick to your atomizer, so if you do plan to purchase this, make sure you have a dedicated atomizer for this. Do not take this out of the house with you if you only plan on taking one atomizer with you. It can still be a pleasant vaping experience, don't let my review of it scare you off. Remember, taste is subjective. If you have tried any DeKang versions of Cappuccino and liked it, you will like this without a doubt. Dulcis, Menthe, Grape Soda, and Exotic Tobacco are all winners. I can hardly wait for the Pina Colada and Chocolate flavors.
  8. That site doesn't work, but I'm interested!
  9. Another one sent from the 'burbs of Chicago. California is the reason why we don't have 2 stroke engines anymore
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