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Everything posted by Sinikal

  1. Thanks for catching that Keenan, i was sleeping
  2. Whaaaat?!?! Mixed up?! Never CHECK AGAIN!!
  3. Me?!?! Miss something?!!? Noooooo! Check again
  4. There are suppliers that sell adapters so you can use your 510 on different battery units. Unfortunately if its the wall charger you are out of luck. Alot of the chargers out there are specifically designed to charge a certain model. Im sure there are ways around it like turning your batt into a USB PT though
  5. Hey guys, i thought i would make a list sharing all the slang terms that evolves around e-cigs. -Vaper= One who vapes. -Vapors= E-cigs produce vapors that mimic smoke -Vaping= Taking a drag of vapors (smoke-like) from an ecig -Analogs= Traditional Cigarettes -Atty or Attys= Atomizer -Batt or Batts= Battery -Man Batt= manual battery -PCC= Personal charging case -Carts= Means cartridges, which can be shipped pre filled or empty. Empty carts need to be filled with E Cigs Liquid. -Juice, E-Juice, Nicotine Fluid, nicquid, etc.= These fluids come in several flavors with different levels of nicotine. -Dripping= When you drip E-Liquid directly onto the atomizer without the use of pre-filled cartridges. -Mesh bridge or Bridge= Coil that collects/heats the liquid -Throat Hit= How the vapor feels to your throat when inhaled. Various models and liquids produce different throat hits which is important to note as this is key to any heavy smoker. -Pass-Through or PTC= Many units offer the USB pass-through (PTC) which is a great option for smokers who are often in front of a computer. One of the downsides of a good E-cig is battery life, The upside is a USB pass through unit receives direct power while using the unit. The down side is your "Cigarette" has a cord. -Pen Style= (aka 801, sometimes called the DSE-801 or DSE801) -Mini Style= (aka 901, DSE-901, 510, JOYE 510, NJOY PRO, Janty Dura-C, TECC Titan, Yeti 510, KR808D-1, VaporKing, Green Cig, Cigtechs) -Super Mini= The smallest, usually from 80 to 110cm. closest size to an analog. -Propylene Glycol or PG= A colorless liquid that forms the majority of the solution in the Electronic Cigarette. The liquid has been extensively tested for safety. -VG= Vegetable Glycerin, an alternative to PG. -Topping= Topping off a cartridge with e-juice. -Filler= The polyester material inside your cartridge that holds e-juice. -Pooling= Filling your cartridge with juice until it makes a small pool at the top. This usually means your cartridge is full. -VT= Vapor Talk -Hot Pants= When your E-cig turns on by accident in your pocket. LOL -SIA= Sinikal is Awesome
  6. Lol i think almost all of us has had a "hot pants" encounter. I wear black slacks to work alot of the time, and after a long day i went up to the local bar in town here. They keep it pretty dang dark in there especially in the VIP area. Well i was sitting on the edge of the couch kinda like you would sit and lean up when you couldn't read something on the TV screen. My girlfriend was sitting next to me and seen a blue light glowing through my pants Lol! She was like............" Umm, honey....your pocket is glowing." I was like "Oh crap!" Lol i hopped up like i sat on a thumb tack! Luckily i had some money in my pocket that was dividing my skin from that atty!
  7. LOL! The only thing you can really do is to take the atty off your battery. Flip it upside down, and blow through the little pin hole at the bottom to get all the excess juice out. Make sure you have a paper towel to catch all the juice that will come out. Then your going to have to drip 4-5 drops on the atty and vape that quite a few times. If you are using pre filled carts or filling carts yourself, take the polyester filling part out and rinse it under warm water and squeeze till its white. Then take a paper towel to it and suck all the water out of it, then re stuff into your cart. The downside with Menthol is it overpowers all!
  8. I would definitely not use rubbing alcohol. Its good to clean the atty when you notice a decrease in performance or like you said, its tasting bad. All you need is some distilled water, a pot, and a stove. Bring the distilled water to a boil, take your atty drop it in boiling water for about 10mins. After that just set it out to air dry preferably for 24 hours. Make sure before starting your atty back up to put juice on it. You dont want to start an atty dry, it can damage or even break it.
  9. Ahh yes, i forgot to mention that. I usually wear loose jeans so i dont have that problem
  10. You can also try cleaning out the threads that the atty screws into, maybe its really gunked up and is not getting a solid connection to the atty.
  11. Yes its ok. i usually don't un assemble my e-cigs. The only thing you have to worry about is possibly breaking the battery unit from the atty if you sit wrong, or sit on it somehow. As far as leaking, your always going to get a little leakage whether its assembled or not. My advice is to just make sure you vape most of the juice before you put it back in your pocket. Or just do 1 drip or so if your on the go.
  12. (Moving this topic to the Mods, Tips, And Tricks)
  13. Wow thats weird. I cant see how inhaling butane would be good for you though lol!
  14. Lol im still going 2 months strong on my original atty shipped with my kits. You should be gravy!
  15. Oh man! I heard about this kid through the shop gossip. He lives in my town. I will definitely have to get the guys from the shop and myself to send him a Christmas card!
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