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Everything posted by Sinikal

  1. Very good question, very nice looking Drip Tip!
  3. aha....ha.....hahhahahhha WTF!! Dumbest question ive ever....EVER.....seen on VT.
  4. Moving post over to health and safety thread
  5. Moving to Mods tips & tricks thread
  6. Moving topic to E-cig News thread
  7. Hey darkcutlass moving this thread to health and safety now that you have passed the noobie 5 post limit.
  8. lol this is awesome!
  9. (Moving to E-Liquid Reviews thread)
  10. (Moving to Help it Broke thread)
  11. From what i can see in the videos they look like balloons but thats just my opinion. Im big time into UFO's and conspiracies and Ive seen hundreds of UFO videos that look more convincing.
  12. This is genius!!! This will help marriage across the globe! It will get her hooked on ya.....and hooked on the best part at that!
  13. (Moving to health and safety thread)
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRhOmVEAyok&feature=player_embedded
  15. I would love to have a job doing things like this. Talk about an adrenaline rush!
  16. haha sorry guys the video had to be taken down but it was about a cell phone tower climber. Climbed 2,000 feet, was very exhilarating. Here is the link of the guy that posted it explaining why he took it down. My link Chris you can also remove this thread if you would like since its pretty much pointless lol.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wsPd5U8mBQ ADMIN EDIT: Updated with correct link
  18. LMAO At first i thought i loaded the wrong page from my bookmarks....i was like HEY! Halo reach! LOL but nah its deff not Halo, maybe a picture from Army of Two but im not sure
  19. HAHA actor I told you not yet!! But on the plus side, cant go wrong with a ton of juice!
  20. (moving from General to mods tips and tricks)
  21. (Moving from General to health and safety)
  22. (Moving to Mods, tips, and tricks)
  23. I actually bought my first pack of analogs fourth of july weekend, there wasnt enough power outlets on the boat and both my 510 batterys where done within a few hours . Ive also bummed one here and there when im out at the bars but i dont feel bad about it! Considering i used to smoke a pack a day, ive been 10months with only a couple packs of analogs at most!
  24. (Moving to tips and tricks section)
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