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Everything posted by proxx

  1. due to the acidic essential oils used
  2. i know i for one am pretty excited about the new protank. ive been waiting for a good cheap glass tank to tryout of some of mtbakers more acidic flavors like thug juice ect becuse im not real big into dripping due to my busy schedual and those hybrid Z-attys are kinda expensive for a full time student.
  3. alright well today im ordering a new toy, found a great deal on a 650mah ego and a 1.6 ml CE4 "clearomizer" with usb charger for 19.95 on sale. Its just to cheap of a deal to turn down for a basic out and about vape.
  4. I was wondering about what you guys use to carry your e-cigs with you. Ive had issues with small amounts of overflow keeping my 510 in my pocket while using drip tips. that's partly why i like the idea behind pccs but i want to pick up an ego and do a tank system so i don't have to be going back to my car to fill up carts. im not really seeing any options that make vaping on the go too easy, what do you guys use and what is your every day carry situation?
  5. thats what im leaning to, i wish other companys had pccs like the new blu100 series with that social function. id like to have that but with you know, a better ecig.
  6. Hey there guys i dont know if anyof you remember me, i joined up a few years back and hung around for a couple chats. I was using a 510 with a drip tip for a few months but well off the wagon and got back into analogs for a bit, however a friend pick me up a blu disposable yesterday and that night i started cleaning up my 510. boiled the attys and picked up fresh fluid and im back in the game. It seems like so much as changed as far as the products out for sale now i want to upgrade but dont know where to start ive been looking at the eGos and joye erolls. what do you guys think?
  7. good to know about LAX ill be flying from there to Savannah the middle of this month
  8. yeah, im on my first atty, but i do make sure to let it cool off some if im vaping heavily
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