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Everything posted by jimindenver
I guess things never change. I started vaping 2 years ago and everyone was buying giant bottles of nic juice then too because the FDA was going to ban it. Now after taking a long break I come back and the post are the same. Sadly if you want approval of the Ecig gear, get the government to tax it. Once they are making money off of it like cigarettes and booze, they will not want to let it go.
I've used my njoys for years and wanted something different but am too cheap to go after the good stuff. $20 on the xhale wasn't like buying most kits and if I was dissappointed ...oh well. I tried one of its pre filled carts and after a few puffs it stopped working. Being a good dripper I gave it a good 3 drip prime and it came back to life in a big way. The njoys were never big producers of vapor but fuctioned. The Xhale is blowing them away. For what two batteries, a atty and changer cost me for a njoy kit on sale I can have 4 batteries, 4 attys and 4 chargers. I think I'll give these a chance. I do like the small size and the case they come in. I don't like the juice or the fact the carts are glued into the mouth piece. To their credit, the Njoys have been going for over two years. No dead attys and only one battery has died. I have a bunch of carts for them so I will still use them when I can't drip. ( driving, resturants, work, etc) Someday I'll buy a real PV I promise. Jim
Still using my original Njoy's and dripping. Unfortunately still not completely off analogs but happy with the reduction. Haven't visited in a long time and notice lots has changed. Thought I'd say hi and wish you all well. Jim
Mistaken For Drug Paraphernalia?
jimindenver replied to jmhester's topic in General Vaping Discussion
I've two people ask me if it was a drug thing and once I answered no, they wanted to know if they could put drugs in it. I just tell them that if they could that it wouldn't be very efficient. I think I agree about the cigarette looking devices getting less attention. Anything that people don't understand always brings up the worse case scenario first. -
A week home should be a good thing and I always enjoy seeing family. Last week however was just one thing after another it seemed. Missed checkin time on first flight by 2 minutes for our bags so we had to take next flight. They held it for 40 minutes for a late passenger. I was only a bit ticked off by then. I had one e-cig stolen and the one I bought to replace it was left in the rental after falling on the floor. I smoked more analogs than I wanted after getting the local crud. I couldn't vape without coughing my head off. It rained every day so fall color photography sucked. I was told the wedding I was there to shoot was going to be no flash at the very last second. I had no time to get the low light lenses much less reset three cameras. My feet and back were killing me at the end of the night. Top it all off, the dog got bit by a spider in the kennel and had to go to the vet. I now have three chargers, four batteries and one atty left. I'm not buying another kit, I'll just order more attys for now from heavens gifts. I think I'll try a 601. Maybe I can hang on to a pipe.
Aeros look a lot like the Favor cigarettes I used in the early 80's. A tube with a small sponge of flavor and nicotine. The flavor was so light that I bet a straw and a tick tack glued to the end would do the same. Well actually, the tick tack might have given more flavor come to think about it.
Well that's good then, I'll bust open a few fresh carts today and see if it helps. After posting this, I was reading the most important vape poll thread and saw the posters talking about a film in the mouth. I was really hoping it wasn't that. Now then, about the taste. I hope a cycle of Dulcis, then Redbull will break it. Both are strong enough to linger even after changing flavors. I usually use my strongest menthol but I can barely taste it even dripping. I really hadn't planned on trying cleaning the attys before the trip but can tonight. At the worse, I can pay the price and pick up a few attys from the SE kiosk. I bet they cost as much as a kit some places but then agan, there is a price to be paid for convenience.
Today I have noticed a plasticy taste in my mouth from my e-cig. My carts a a few weeks old but I'm wondering if it isn't the fact that I'm finishing up my first bottle of Mentha. Can the juice loose it's flavor? I try to remember to shake it before dripping or refilling carts. I know it can separate. If it can, should I save it for a dregs bottle for reflavoring eventually, or has it gone bad somehow? It's only been open a few weeks at most. It's not much, a cart or two at best. I still need to pick up some tea bags and replace the filling in the carts too. They have been sticking to the atty lately and even coming apart. Either way at least I'll know why the next time.
Fda Warns On Circumventing Flavored-Cigarette Ban
jimindenver replied to BirdDog's topic in General Vape News
Reasons not to move to Canada Maybe just a few... Aren't E-cigs banned there already? 50% income tax VAT Health care that people are dieing for...literally I had seen the article on the school name change near here but I hadn't heard of the singing thing. That's a little weird. I mean I accept that there are going to be certain things people will want to do just because he is the first black president but maybe we shouldn't start carving a new face in Rushmore just for that. -
I am a menthol smoker and the stronger the better as far as I'm concerned. Until now, the Smoke everywhere menthol juice has the biggest hit, strongest taste and delivers the most punch of any of the menthols I have tried. Next would be Vaportalk Mentha and over the weekend I tried Esmoker's menthol and it has very little flavor compaired to the other two but is very close to a Marlboro menthol. I've tried the two tobacco samplers from Esmoker, most are doable and I am surprised at the subtle differences between the types. I can't tell you if they are like the real ones as I never smoked them. I get 15 samples from Juicyvapor this week. I'll let you know.
Thank you for the suggestions everyone. I'm ordering small amounts for testing now. I'm pretty lucky that I'm a menthol man and so far everything I've tried has been good. Even the tobacco liquids will be converted if they don't meet the other halves standards. (more for my stock pile )
We actually had a customer that preferred we smoked in the house so we didn't have to take as long running down to the truck. It kinda made me uncomfortable and it just didn't feel like a break not getting out of the house. There have only been two customers like that over 25 years though, the rest were never to thrilled about the smoking.
I am finding dripping to be a good way to moderate my vaping. When I fist got the juice I was topping off the carts and adding a drip to the atty. That gave me the great hits in the beginning and then lasted for quite a while. Too long actually as I was vaping all the time. Now i only use a cart when in the truck driving or in a situation that I wouldn't be able to drip for a extended time. This way I can do three drips, vape it like a cigarette and put it down till I get the urge again. That keeps me from getting headaches.
Thank you Prof. I checked out the site, I'm just worried about getting shipment to the USA with all that's going on.
Even though I discussed the E-cigs with my customers(above post), I've decided not to use them at their houses. I know at least one flavor I have tried lingers after and had my niece say she could smell a chemical smell when right near us while vaping. I've had my customers ask us not to smoke on break because it doesn't give us enough time to air out before returning inside. Even a hint of odor, even one not unpleasant, would be bad if they thought we were vaping in the house. Plus for us, it's just disrespectful. At least this way I can vape on break or when outside and not carry it back in with me. Actually, I don't want to appear that I'm shoving it down any ones throat. I might get a puff here or there in a store or restaurant but I'm not walking around with it hanging out of my mouth puffing away. I do show it to people I know or if they ask but other than that, I'm pretty discrete.
I need to find a good Marlboro red juice for the other half. Any suggestions?
I know this is a old topic but I wanted to say those are really good images. What system do you use? I host a few weekly Macro threads on photography forums like DPreview.com but we usually display images of insects. I use Olympus gear myself.
I got up the nerve to show the Npro to one of my customers last week and he was thrilled. I own a high end house keeping and property management service and our smoking has always been a issue. They don't care about our health but rather the smell we carry back into the house after we have had a break outside. It's not like we will be running around with a e-cigarette hanging out of our mouths but it will be nice to have a puff every so often without having to leave work, smoke and then air out. Jim
I tried dripping yesterday for the first time and WOW, it completely changes the experience. I had been getting pretty frustrated just using the pre-fill carts as I was not seeing anything like the vapor you guys get in the videos. Even fresh carts and batteries were barely enough and in trying to control the craving, I know I was getting the atty hot and the constant use was going through the batteries fast. I was to the point of deciding the njoy npro/4801 wasn't going to work for me. Had the kiosk had the his and her kits that they do on the site, I would have bought them then. I tried dripping in the mall using a bottle from the Smoking Everywhere kiosk first to see if I was going to like it. Instantly I knew I was going to be happier both with the vapor, the hit and the resulting nic hit on my system. That was two drips on the atty and I left the cart in the tip. Between the drips and the pre-filled cart, I was good for quite a while. I did do a few more drips before we went into a casino, and that was good for the rest of the night. No one bothered me in the casino (non smoking) even though I wasn't trying to make it a big deal but it was quite the hit on the smokers patio, especially when they found out how much cheaper it was to pay for after the initial cost. (machine there cost twice as much as in store) Last night I refilled the cart and did a single drop on the atty and I'm still using that now. I do find that I need to moderate myself more though. I had been hitting the Npro a lot trying to get what I needed and now that I am dripping, I am getting A LOT more nicotine in my system. The bad thing about showing off to everyone is that when we went to get the other half a Npro, the Smoker friendly I got mine at was out. It seems they had a run on them as of late. lol We did get one at another SF, two bottles of liquid at the Smoking Everywhere and now will have 4 more on their way from here. One thing I do like about the Npro now is that the basic kit came with two batteries for less than the basic kit at the kiosk. Having the extra has really been great as I usually can get thru a whole day and will take the second with me to work just in case. Once again, I want to thank everyone here for the videos, the reviews and advice. Because of it, I knew better than to toss my used carts, knew not to keep drawing when the vapor got too light and will use the advice again when I need to replace the Npros. Now that I'm confidently started, I can look for cheaper kits on line but I still appreciate having a local supply if needed. Jim