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sovereign51580 last won the day on June 5 2012

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About sovereign51580

  • Birthday 05/15/1980

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    Brooklyn, NYC
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    General geekery and graphic design

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  1. I actually have the opposite experience. I find atomizers whisper quiet but cartomizers and cones sound like i breathing through a hole in my trachea.
  2. I got myself the 1000mah over the weekend and it's been working great so far. I've been using it with a 'resurrector' carto which has a resistance of 1.7 ohms. At 3.2V, it vapes like your standard eGo battery. I've cranked it up to 4.0V, but that's pushing it. The filler starts burning at that point. It around 3.6 - 3.8V I get a fairly warm, thick vape.
  3. My boss has been very generous with letting me vape while I work. My office is in her house's basement and she has young kinds so as long as I don't vape while they're nearby I'm fine. As for vaping publicly, I'll do it if I'm outside of a storefront waiting for someone. I have vaped walking through Times Square, but I was really drunk at the time. I'm fairly self-conscious of vaping publicly...even more so since I started using the eGo-C twist batteries (1000mah). I can imagine that from someone else's point of view, it looks really odd. I can almost hear them say, "Why is that guy sucking on a little light saber??"
  4. Wow. That's a really good tip!
  5. Here's mine. I have a resurrector in this one.
  6. I love Menthol Maker from VapeRite with strong menthol and an organic tobacco base (at 50/50) and Sweet-Vapes Spanish Tobacco Menthol (at 70/30).
  7. How long has it been lasting at 100% VG? I've been using Resurrectors for the past few days with 50/50 and I haven't gotten one to last longer than two days before vapor and flavor drop off a lot.
  8. I just ordered a couple of those. What's your take on them? And how well do they handle VG?
  9. Welcome Strykker! So what's your setup like?
  10. Here are some photos! I made them pretty large so you can see the detail. Fully Assembled No Cap No Cone Detail 1 Detail 2 Detail 3 It's been a week since I started using these and once you use the right mix they are great! Here are a some tips for anyone else using these: When filling this, there might be some leaking out of the bottom air hole when you push the silicon plug back onto the filling hole. It's been very minor in my experience. What I've started to do is fill it up, place the plug through it just enough so it doesn't come loose, hold it upside down (so the air space is by the wick) and then push the plug in completely. Occasionally, there might be excess fluid in the atomizer chamber causing a gurgling sound. I like to hold it upside down and take a dry draw to suck the e-liquid through air chamber. When it starts to pool by the air vent opening, I dab it with a paper towel. There's a constriction at the air vent opening so the e-liquid doesn't flow out freely. I've had occasional airy/dry hits from this and the best way to remedy this is to blow into the mouthpiece in gentle, short bursts until one or two air bubbles rise through the spike plate. I figure that the extra air bubbles cause enough compression into the tank to push a little bit of liquid back into the atomizer chamber.
  11. Thanks Jay and Uma! I've had about a full day with the battery and it's been great. I'm currently vaping 100% PG normal strength menthol in it and at 4.2V it's extremely strong. It's like I'm tasting menthol for the first time. I made a mistake in my original post -- there are actually 5 segments in the power indicator, not 4. Also I've noticed that by the time there are only 2 bars left (approximately 40% power remaining) there's noticeable decrease in vapor production at all voltage levels.
  12. Welcome, Bob. I took a look at your site. I really like the flow chart and diagram on your Atomizers page.
  13. I just received one of these from GotVapes.com. The battery stands about 1 mm shorter than a 1000 mah eGo pass-through. This battery however doesn't have a pass-thru. The build quality seems very good. The firing button is metal and doesn't feel lose. Rather than a button that lights up when pressed, there is an LED ring around the edge below the button. The power indicator at the bottom edge of the battery consists of four segments that indicate how much power is left with red LEDs. These are covered by a small plastic window. The LED ring at the top and power indicator light up simultaneously when pressing the firing button. One thing I did notice was that unlike other eGo batteries, this battery only had two notches by the threading as opposed to the usual four. You might not be able to use these with certain atty's as the air hole might be covered up completely. Of course, you can screw on your atty onto the battery so that it lines up with one of the notches. I tried this battery with two different eGo-T tybe B atomizers and they weren't getting any air at all. Vapor Production I tested vapor production with a bud sapphire carto with a 100% PG 18mg nicotine e-liquid. By the way, screwing the carto completely onto the battery didn't seem to block air from getting into it, though your experiences may differ. The LED ring indicates which voltage the battery is currently set to. Red indicates 3.2V. Purple (really both blue and red LEDs on at the same time) indicate 3.7V. Blue indicates 4.2V. In order to change voltages all you have to do is press the firing button five times in a row quickly. At 3.2V the vapor was what I'd expect from the carto running on a standard battery -- a cool draw with a decent amount of vapor production. At 3.7V, vapor was slightly warmer and there was definitely more of it. At 4.2V it was much warmer but by no means uncomfortable. Vapor at 4.2V was much thicker and richer on exhale. Flavor was a bit more pronounced as well. Overall, I like this battery a lot. I haven't yet had a chance to see how long this will actually last between charges, but at 900 mah it should last me most of the day. I love that there's a power indicator. I've never liked being surprised by a dead battery in the middle of a draw. Also, the bottom of this battery is flat unlike other non pass-thru batteries that have slightly rounded ends. Its completely stable when standing on its end. Vapor production is great at 4.2V. I usually don't vape 100% PG because, for me at least, it lacks that feeling of fullness in the mouth and throat that VG mixes give me. At 4.2V I get that feeling and it's just amazing.
  14. So I've gone through three bud cartos and have come to the conclusion that they really don't like a 50/50 mix no matter how dark or light the juice is. I had a new shipment come in and I'm vaping it with 100% PG and it's working just fine. I'm going to try with a 70/30 mix and hopefully that works out as well.
  15. Thanks for the answers! I put myself on the waiting list. :-)
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