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bass-n-vape last won the day on May 13 2012

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About bass-n-vape

  • Birthday 07/13/1990

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    music and vaping

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  1. im thinking about getting a j-tank. only thing is there would be more of the carto sticking out but im curious as to how much carto will be sticking out. anybody else done this?
  2. yea ive seen those but i was thinkin more along the lines of just some green end caps, i like being able to see my juice clearly lol
  3. im going to purchase a green mod in the future and would like to get a green tank to match it that'll hold dual coils but the only green tank the i know of is the j-tank and idk that itll hold dual coils. i dont want to spend a whole lot of money either (i seen those gothic tanks and i cant make myself pay 40 bucks for a tank). any and all suggestions are appreciated
  4. ok so im having some carto trouble. im using the smoktech dual coils in an m1a1 buzz tank on a vv box mod. the way i fill mine up i usually put about 20-25 drops in it fill my tank up and let it set for about 15-20 minutes and the last couple that i have used ive been getting a burnt taste for some reason. should i fill the cartomizer up completely then let it set? or could i possibly be using it at to high of a voltage starting off or what?
  5. thanks alot everybody!
  6. So i totally forgot to post that april made my one year vaperversary! twas one year ago that my wife had surprised me with an ego kit from the good people over at cignot for an early birthday present. from the very first drag off my ego with my desert ship tobacco blend liquid my first words were "im officially done with cigarettes" lol. since then ive upgraded to a silver bullet and a dual 18650 vv box mod from shan at vapecore and could not be more happy with where im at, im still going to try more stuff but i think ive settled with my vv and my m1a1 buzz tank (Y). also want to say a HUGE thank you to the people here at VT for helping me and answering my every question. but two that jump out in my mind right off are Chris and Uma for helping me out in a time of need. just thought i would share with you guys
  7. guess ill just order the charger as well then just to be on the safe side lol
  8. thought of that to but thats not it either lol
  9. so im thinking about purchasing a kgo battery to take on band shows with me as taking my box mod and tank is too much hassle as i do not have an efficient way of carrying it and even if i did loading and unloading all of our equipment would be easier without me having to find a place to sit it or dropping it. my question is does the kgo battery work with standard ego style chargers, i have one from cignot that i have been using every since i first started vaping but i read on the site that they're not compatible with joye tech brand chargers. i dont know why they wouldnt be as they have the same threading style. anybody use their kgo with their ego chargers or do i have to buy a charger as well?
  10. i thought the same thing uma but we are both using shans custom box mods and they stay at whatever voltage you put them at. and we are using the same juice as well from pink spot and from hotvapes both of which are 50/50 blends but i do not have the problem he is having so the only thing that i could possibly think of is maybe chain vaping and taking too sharp of a drag maybe pulling more liquid into the carto than it should.
  11. I don't really NEED anything but i could always use more juice and dual coil cartos. ive got a 650 mah ego battery with the cone red in color that i dont hardly use anymore (charger not included). ive also got some spare 510 drip tips laying around (flat tip in black, a standard chrome one, and a weird clear one with purple swirls that empiremods sent me) and an almost full bottle of 24 mg apple jaxx from digitalciggz (im assuming its a 12 or 15 ml bottle it doesnt say). if you have anything just shoot me a pm. **juice must be 24mg.
  12. alright so ive been wanting to find a good juice that taste like an apple jolly rancher or something similar to it. any ideas on a vendor that sells something like this?
  13. im a bass player but have always been a fan of all percussion and this is just absolutely amazing. complex rythms all while stepping perfectly in line....i love it lol
  14. id really appreciate it!
  15. what kind do you use and how do you use them?
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