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Everything posted by Compenstine

  1. I personally don't like menthol just for what it is and what the menthol crystals do to your body. I didn't see a need for adding it to something that is supposed to be a heather choice. I came up with a blend of mint flavors that was very close to a menthol flavor. I sold menthol in my B&M but most of the converted menthol smokers chose my mint mix. My wife was a menthol smoker so I had her to test it on till I got it just right.
  2. I do the same on mine kinda... I use the clear tape and put it on the tank. I run several tanks with different flavors and don't like guessing whats in them. I add the mg content as well;) Nice post!
  3. Didn't get my IGo-W 3 today seems they couldn't get it from Grand Rapids left facility at 2:30am (100 miles away) to me in time for delivery today :/ But they could get my delivery to me from Fast Tech that hit the same facility scanned an hour later? I don't get it. LOL oh well it will be here tomorrow in time for the weekend. Did get From FastTech: 1 Trident 24k gold plated RDA 3 Igo-L's 3 Igo-W's So it wasn't a total loss.
  4. You are welcome Sweatervest13. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Just don't forget the Juice calculator. You want to know what your NIC content will be. I recommend Smart Vape LIQMix There are many out there, I just like this one at the moment. Been beta testing some changes to it. It is a free download. Still vaping my Peach mix I made last night, I'm calling it "Home Canned Peaches" I liked it so much I made up a 30mg bottle LOL My wife even wanted a tank full.
  5. As you know most Vapers start out with tobacco flavor but move on to other flavors over time. Some stick with tobacco others leave it behind. You know him best and what he may like. If he was a Camel smoker go with a sim Camel or sweeter tobacco. If a Marbie red guy go with a more robust smokey flavored fluid. Best would be to take him with and let him sample the different flavors.
  6. I have had the pulsating light on the charger before with other style batts, About 90% of the time it was a bad batt the other 10% it was the charger. Since you just got it recently see if the store will just exchange it. Most reputable places will if it is less than 30 days old.
  7. LOL Yes absolutely!
  8. I agree makes diaging them near impossible.
  9. I believe you, I was just trying to find something on it. I have one of the clone type 5 on 5 off but it only flashes 3 times when the batt needs recharged. i was thinking his coil may be shorting or something like that.
  10. I just did a quick search and found nothing on the flash codes not even in the manual posted on Joye's web site.
  11. do you have a spare atomizer you can put on that batt?
  12. Maybe so, but I'm guessing they will be rebuildable like the other pro tanks.
  13. I can look for you too and see what I can come with. Best thing I can offer at this moment in time is go with a low VG juice 90/10 and have him watch his sugar level very closely after vaping. PG and VG have virtually no effect on diabetics when they ingest it, but Vaping it, it seems to be different. I think it is because it enters the blood through the lungs, and not through digestion. It enters the blood very quickly because the lungs have many more blood vessels than the stomach and intestines. This is interesting.... This study I haven't seen before it says that it is NIc that raises blood sugar? May want to use a low nic as well since he is insulin dependent. http://guidetovaping.com/2013/05/28/the-benefits-of-electronic-cigarettes-for-diabetics/ I use 24-18mg and seem to have little trouble, lowering the VG is what made the change for me. Read the comments. Looks like this was put out by a E-cig company. Been sitting here searching and as in the past, no studies come up with Diabetics using e-cigarettes. I think it is a real gray area that needs some serious research done. All my experience is self exam and other friends that worked with me. They were all type 2 and not insulin dependent. I would have him work very close with his Doctor to make sure it would be safe for him. I'm not a doctor and only can give you my experiences with how it affected myself and my friends.
  14. So long as you use equal amounts of each it will be 18mg. As Tameiki said, try a small amount first like 5ml 24mg to 5ml 12mg to make 10ml of 18mg
  15. Lets just hope by Friday it jumps up a bit.
  16. Huh, Resistance and ohms are the same thing. It can't be 0.8 ohms and have a resistance of 1.5, micro or not. That is someone that has no clue in what they are talking about.
  17. Agreed... And being Diabetic, vaping it is much safer for me as well.
  18. Thanks guys now I want an Almond Joy and the stores around here closed at 9:00pm ! LOL
  19. Thanks to Sweatervest13 buying my bottles I was able to order some new flavorings and a few more 25ml volumetric flasks from Wizard Labs Volumetric Flask Bomex Glass - 25ml Double Chocolate Clear Flavor Double Chocolate Dark Flavor Boysenberry Flavor Cantaloupe Flavor Dragon Fruit Flavor English Toffee Flavor
  20. I have to say yes it is heather than analogs. Totally 100% harmless no. Studies have yet to prove significant harm, but, have yet to prove vaping is totally 100% harmless.
  21. Just made up some Juicy Peach 18mg (Wizard Labs stock flavoring) Oh Man, it tastes like home canned peaches!
  22. I should have it tomorrow... I may not have room for 8 coils but, 6 may be doable.
  23. This is interesting indeed, may snap one up just to test it out. I like the Kanger tanks.
  24. Yep what Tameiki said I feel asleep on the couch lol
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