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About bartlettmimi

  • Birthday 11/18/1955

Profile Information

  • Location
    Bartlett, TN
  • Interests
    family & friends,reading, going to my "Cheers"!

bartlettmimi's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. No. My husband does.
  2. I'm thinking of buying a Phoenix v10... Never dripped before. Is this a good one to start with? What do I use with it?
  3. I am using a p/t mini with my MVP . Any advice?
  4. Will be getting mine this Friday...need some inf on settings. I like sweet juices....jolly rancher, watermelon,cotton candy...etc. what is the best setting for enjoying theses flavors? Also, would love crash course on my new mod!!!
  5. Around $50 a 60 What the difference in APV and mod?
  6. I'm getting a kanger areotank air flow ( or similar) and want a mod. Not much money to spend, but like a good reliable one! Would welcome any suggestions. Thanks
  7. what is the difference in an ego T mega battery and an ego mega battery? I use Smok dual coil carts, which battery will fit mine?
  8. has anyone ever ordered e-liquid from vaporbomb.com?
  9. Thx all for the info. Still learning this vaping thing. Trying real hard not to look like a real dummy, guess I'll always be learning more!
  10. Why do most people use single carts in place of the dual ones? Is their that much difference? Just noobie and still learning!
  11. My friend just ordered an Ego and 5 carts. The carts have to be fill via a hole after removing the cap. It has a needle type insert to fill it with.. We cannot get the juice to flow out of the bottle. What in the world do I do to fill these carts? My carts have material in them that fill easily, these to not!!! Help!!!!
  12. Thx Ron, you've been a great help to me, I really appreciate that. Keep an eye out for another post from me, I'm sure I'll have more question?!
  13. Great vapor!! Thanks! Should have started with these instead of Blus. Now I am really into this vaping thing?! Can't wait to see what all I can buy for my Ego. I guess you're never to old to learn!! '
  14. Ron, yes I did, as instructed. Did I fill them to much or to little? Why the crackle ?
  15. Thx for the video info, it REALLY was great. I was told I could use my Dual coil carts with ego, but why does it crackle when I vape? Is this normal? Or should I get regular size carts? Ego has great vape and taste, love it, can't put it down!!
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