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Everything posted by Diggs
Yeah, that is basically what I was thinking. I have read to avoid HR. Going to them only makes you a problem for the employer. OK, I will avoid it and let someone else go for it. I am sure with the number of folks I am converting, or starting to convert, there will be a pile of us at least trying our e-cigs since it is not smoking. I guess the "it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission" saying holds some water. Sad, I would like to educate them so they can make an informed decision. Instead I am sure we will just be told not to vape or smoke. Diggs
Our company is enlarging their campus and previously they provided a nice outdoor covered area for smokers. However, the new enlarged campus will be smoke free, the ENTIRE campus. From what I understand you won't be able to smoke in your car while on their property. I have been wondering how to approach this since I am for the most part smoke free (just one analog in 5 days!). I am worried if I bring it up, they will just ban it entirely, but if I try it they will just fire me I am dragging my feet currently hoping some positive news will be released soon instead of this FDA drivel. I work for a "healthcare" company, so I am unfortunately very familiar with the FDA and their crap! But our company bows to them because they have to if they want to do biz. Anyone have suggestions on how to take this up with HR? I have never been to HR and don't want to start now, but I do want to be able to use my E-cig while at work, but outdoors. Diggs
I really think it was just the liquid. The JC liquid just doesn't do it. The only other person I know of that has a 510 has the exact same problem and both of ours came from the same shop. But we both started out on JC liquids. I exhale vapor (not plumes) now with the 510 and the new liquid I have. I am going to invest in liquids and some new E-cigs this weekend I think. Payday is tomorrow night! Last month was a spendy month for me, so I could splurge like I normally do on toys I will have a collection of E-cigs and liquid over a short period of time and will see. Just trying to decide on vendors now. Diggs
Odd, I can't locate ANY holes in my 801 except for in the center of the addy itself. I see the two on the 510, just above the threads where it screws onto the power source. The 801 does have one hole (2 total) on each side of the extruding portion of the addy inside down at the bottom. However the cord on the PT is about 3.5 feet long, much longer than the one on my 510. It just doesn't have the battery in line and has a 5 second limit. Yeah I didn't wait long enough for replies and should have gotten more input. This weekend I will likely just get an entire VP2 setup and go on the hunt for some alternative liquids. I will look over the vapor talk brand as well. Thanks for all the good advice. I will continue to report on my experience here. Diggs
It is a shame. I think I am done with JC, who has provided excellent customer service and a lot of good info, AND they are a USA based company. I WANT to do business with them, but seeing how the other liquids vape much better, I just can't do it. As for the comparison, I tried the same liquids in each the 510 and the 801. The 801 performs better using USB PT on each unit, with the same liquid. Dripping or using a cart. I made the two units as identical as possible when comparing. Since I don't have any remote way to power the 801, I took the 510 with me today. I was happier with it using the new liquid, but I don't like the flavor nearly as much as the JC stuff. But I like bigger vapor production more. Flavor of the JC is great, but the other isn't bad so it wins out. It is impressive how well the 510 does now with the other liquid. People at work said they noticed more vapor too, since before I never exhaled any. Now my 510 has SOME vapor on exhale, but still not like the 801. I will continue my quest for the perfect liquid. Payday is coming up and I think I will go on a buying binge of liquids and probably a VP2 Diggs
Does the Janty Stick use its own addy or is it just using something like a 901? Diggs
Yeah, it is funny if I smoked an analog like I first tried my E-cig, I would be hot boxing the analog like crazy. Slow easy long draws are much better than hard tugs. Diggs
Got my 801 addys, juice and USB passthrough in from Rocky Mountain Vapor today. Things I have noticed so far. 1. The 801 vapes MUCH better than the 510. However, I found that the liquid used does make a difference. 2. The USB pass through on the 801 is inferior to the one for the 510. 3. Vapor from the 801 is much cooler as reported and has a smoother fuller flavor. Liquid makes a difference, but the 801 always out performs the 510 in flavor and vapor production. 4. Johnson Creek may have lost my business due to lack of vapor production and too little flavor. I still prefer the taste of their Original Smoke juice over anything else I have tried, but it just doesn't vape as well nor does it produce the amount of flavor other liquids can/do. 5. Air flow on the 801 seems restricted. You have to drag harder on it to get the flow you get on the 510. I am glad I asked for advice here. The 801 is a step up from the 510. I tried a variety of liquids in each and can say that the 801 will always produce more vapor and better flavor than the 510 when the same liquids are used in each. However, it seems that the johnson creek liquids don't produce as much flavor, and their flavor production is not as strong as the liquid I bought from Rocky Mountain vapor. That is a big dissapointment since the best tasting liquid for me is the Original Smoke Juice. I love that flavor, but it is just too subtle. I have found 3 downsides to the 801. It seems to leak a bit. Not a lot, but I keep finding liquid on the outside of it where I rarely saw that with the 510. It isn't much, but it does seem to leak just a little. You have to draw harder on the 801. The resistance is greater with the airflow than the 510. I am looking forward to trying out the VP2 now since it has an airflow adjustment. I think with the proper air flow setting you could get more vapor from the 801. Right now it is an effort to draw on it. This is my biggest complaint or downside to the 801 thus far. Finally, this really isn't the 801, but the pass through for this model is lame. It has a 5 second limit that the 510 pass through doesn't seem to have. I can get the 510 too hot, which I rarely do, but after getting the 801 I did a test and no doubt the 510 would stay on longer and build up more heat than the 801. You can pump the switch to get an extended toke off the 801, but I would love to find a way to use my 510 pass through on my 801. That would rock!! I noticed the 510 pass through has an inline battery where the 801 is coming straight from the USB power. I think the in line battery allows for more power. OH and the button on the 801 pass through sucks too. Can get stuck in a locked down position and is not simple to find by feel like the 510. With all that said, I love the 801 and plan on getting a VP2 setup. I might get a pair of them I have a feeling once I try it, the 510 will get set aside. The 510 is still a good unit, don't get me wrong. I just like the taste and heavier vapor I get from the 801. And from what Chris said earlier, the VP series beats down on the usb pass through. If that is the case, then this thing is going to really kick out the plumes. The biggest difference for me between the 801 and the 510 is when I exhale. I never see vapor after I exhale using the 510. If I get a good toke off the 801, it is a pretty significant amount of vapor during the exhale. I like this, it feels more like smoking to me. I really feel the adjustable airflow of the VP series is going to push it over the top for me. I dislike the amount of restriction on the USB PT and 801 Addy. An easier draw should produce a bit more vapor. Yeah, it has some flaws, but overall it is the best Vaping I have done to date. I am tempted to drill a very tiny hole in my addy to allow more airflow now. I will report back if I get brave enough to try this. So, here are a few more questions. 1. Any suggestions on a liquid that vapes really well and tastes similar to the Johnson Creek 'Original Smoke Juice'? 2. Is there a good mod to increase the airflow on the 801 addy other than the VP sets? 3. Is there any type of adapter out there that would allow me to use the 510 USB PT on the 801? Thats it. Now being able to compare I will give a rating on both the 510 and the 801. Out of 5 stars 510 would get 2.5 stars Great USB PT unit. Small and portable. Vapor production is pretty good and flavor is fair. Air restriction on draw is very good. Battery life is too short. Could never drip with this unit, didn't seem to produce flavor as well, but this maybe the result of the JC liquid and not the E-cig. Will do more testing with other liquids later. 801 would get 3.5 stars USB PT is fair at best, and the airflow on the draw is too restrictive. Seems to leak just a bit, but I can't find where it is coming from. Might be me. Vapor production is very good, but not outstanding but much better than the 510. Flavor is very good and close to excellent. I think finding the proper liquid will help here. Has the VP option which I am certain I will try very soon. Size is larger, but I think I was over concerned about this before. I need to see the VP units, but I am going with the VP2 for long battery life. I can't test the stock battery life on the 801 since I didn't get the kit. Dripping is excellent with this unit. Lots of flavor unlike the 510, but as stated above I need to try other liquids for dripping on the 510. Diggs
Fenwick, I am the same way. Hope to have a lot of experience with a lot of different styles of E-cigs. As for your questions, check these out for the liquid holder. I am a fan. http://www.johnsoncreeksmokejuice.com/product/A011/accessories Diggs
Hope it works out for you man. I have had my 510 for about a week and a half now. Yesterday was my first full day without an analog. I have been hitting 1 or 2 a day and I just finished my (hopefully) last pack over a weeks time. I must say it was easy. I hadn't really tried before yesterday and for some reason yesterday it just clicked that I liked the E-cig better than the analog and didn't even crave an analog. Breaking away from the analogs over a weeks time may have helped me a bit. The only time I had a problem really was the first day of vaping. After that, I only wanted an analog right after a meal or just before bed. The desire for an analog has pretty much vanished now, which makes me very happy. Also during that week I have noticed some positive changes. Lung capacity has increased, I don't get winded as easy and the weasing I had when laying down is GONE. I also have more energy and um, hmmm, how do I put this.... Well, lets just say I have noticed some other positive changes Diggs
It is sort of funny how my other hobby (RC Flight) has similarities to Vaping. I fly all electric planes and we use Lithium Polymer packs in those. Very similar (but not the same) as the packs used in E-cigs. A few things to note that I haven't seen mentioned here. The lithium packs we use in RC (Lipo for short) have 3 ratings we look at. 1. Voltage 2. mAh 3. C -rating Voltage is voltage as has been talked about already. But in the RC world the voltage of the pack is determined by the number of cells used. 3.7 volts is the standing voltage of a single lipo cell. 7.2 would obviously be the voltage on a pack with 2 cells in parallel. The mAH value does determine the time the pack will maintain a charge, but it will also determine the amount of amps it can produce. The higher the mAH the more amps the pack can deliver, which in turn determines how much power the addy can receive. I have no idea how many amps a typical addy will draw, but having higher mAH will allow the addy to receive more. The C-rating also plays into this. Here is an example to help explain C rating, but I don't know how much it will ever be used for E-cigs. 1C for a lipo battery that has a rating of 1000 mAh = 1 amp. 1C for a lipo that is rated at 1500mAh =1.5 amps. The packs we use in RC can have C ratings as high as 40! So the 1000mAH pack with a rating of 40C could output 40AMPS!!! I don't think an addy needs or would handle 40 amps being delivered, but knowing how a C rating works could help you select a better quality battery. I don't know if the lithium packs that are being used in E-cigs have a C rating attached, but it would be handy if they did. Also, using a pack with a higher C rating shouldn't harm the addy, since it will only draw the amperage it needs. A higher C rating should allow the addy to heat up faster and produce more vapor more quickly, but that might be a bad thing when it comes to flavor. In the last 3 years I have spent a lot of time learning about Lipo batteries, I will delve into the style used on E-cigs and see what I can learn about them. I am sure they are extremely similar. If they use a C rating, then there would be a big difference in the quality offered between different packs. Even if you don't need the higher amperage offered by a pack with a Higher C rating, you would be able to benefit from the lower charge times. I doubt the chargers are variable and probably have a fixed charge rate, but if a C rating exists for these packs, it would open the door for marketing better chargers with much faster charge times. Normally charging a lithium battery at a safe 1C rate will take one hour to completely recharge. Having a pack with a 5C charge rating, would cut that down to 12 minutes if you had a charger that could supply the proper current. It would be very simple to create a charger that could charge multiple batteries at the same time. Sorry to get all geeky and verbose. Diggs
Wow, Didn't realize we hit page 2 before I posted and read the additional post. So, I hope the one I got from Rocky Mountain vapor is decent quality. What Chris said about the 510 seems dead on about the juice and it getting hot. Again, I haven't compared, but can just tell that early puffs are pretty smooth, but when I really toke on it, the flavor changes and it changes the flavor. I don't know why I thought this, but it just had a "Over heated" flavor to it. This is my primary reason for simply buying the 801 addy and usb passthrough. When mobile, I have the 510, but when I am home relaxing, I will use the 801 on the passthrough. If I am happy with the 801, then I will likely get a VP2 kit also so I can move around the house and might even take it mobile. I haven't seen the VP series in person, so It is hard to tell how large it is. But I am learning that I don't think I am going to care. I want something that works well and provides good flavor. I think in the end the VP series will be cheaper due to using less liquid. But that is speculation on my part since I haven't used it. Thanks for the input from our hosts, it is certainly appreciated. Diggs
I searched around and couldn't really find what I wanted except for rockymountainvapor.com. That is where my 510 came from as well. I should have asked here first maybe I didn't check awesomevapor.com. I ended up just buying the atomizer for the DSE801, I had tips from Johnson Creek that I didn't know wouldn't fit my 510. I also picked up the USB passthrough for the 801 as well. $21.00 I think was the total for the two shipped. I should be good to go for vaping at my PC with a big juicy 801. The 510 is a nice unit, but I think I am going to find I like the 801 more just due to the different addy. The 510 just seems hot, but I have nothing to compare it too. I will let ya'll know what I think once I get it tested. Hope it arrives Saturday. Diggs
Sean, thank you for the reply. This is exactly the advice I was looking for. I do have some questions about your suggestions though. The 510 will be used when I am at work or on the road and whatever I chose next will be used at home when I am just chillin so battery life is not really a big consideration. 1. Is there an advantage to the VP1 or 2 other than the battery life versus just the standard 801/901? The VP sets look like an 801 or 901 with a big battery attached to it. But not having tried them, there might be more to it and I don't mind the additional cost of the VP sets if they provide better flavor and better vapor production. 2. Which do you like better, the 801 or 901 and why?? I want big plumes with lots of flavor. Size and battery life really don't matter since it will be on a USB Passthrough 95% of the time. I am willing to hear what others think as well. Either way, I need to determine if I want an 801 or 901 regardless if I go with the VP sets. Thanks again, Diggs
So I have had my 510 for a week and so far I am pretty happy. Still tap about one or two analog cigs a day. Seems I run out of battery or juice or something once a day and go the easy/lazy route and puff an analog. Anyway, I want to try something else to compare my 510 to. I have read the 510 is generally liked, but some feel that it has a harsh hit and the larger pen styles out perform it. I have also read a lot about the Janty Stick, and am curious about it, but I am really interested in something that would produce more vapor than the 510 if it exists. Seems the VP1/Vapre 51 is touting massive clouds of vapor and I am curious about those as well. Since I have the 510 already, I have a good portable solution, so this one would likely just sit at my house for when I am vegging on the PC (which is most of the time). For those of you that have been around vapping longer and have a few different style e-cigs, I would like to hear some suggestions on what you think I would enjoy using. Thanks, Diggs
Is there a source for info on this topic (Banning and FDA Bull)?. I can't imagine why they would want to do this. What is up with the Government wanting all this control over what I chose to do with my life?!?! Diggs
Has anyone tried an E-pipe that works well? Saw the one on the Liberty site and it looks interesting. I have only tried the Joye 510 and it works pretty good it seems, but I can't compare it to anything. That Janty seems popular. How are they different as far as performance? Diggs
Is this the only option for a PCC? I like how it charges, but I would really like to find one that would hold an assembled 510 AND charge a spare batt. I have one and like it with two complaints. 1. Won't hold an entire E-cig assembled and 2. It is hard to get the carts out of the case without turning it over and dumping your battery out. Diggs
Yeah, mine aren't lasting long either. Are you using your own juice or are they pre-filled carts? I am loving some Johnson Creek Original Smoke Juice, but I am running through it pretty quick. Haven't been doing the vaping thing even a week yet, and I trying to get it perfected. I tend to overfill sometimes still, and haven't found a cart filler that I really like. Tried Tea Bags (not the pyramid style yet) and just don't see the appeal so far. I like the standard poly filler that came with the carts for the Joye 510. The best investment I have made so far is the USB pass through. Gives lots of power so the addy can kick out some vapor. Seems to last a bit longer too, think it can create more vapor from less juice due to the increased power output. Diggs