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  1. Yeah the kind that I use comes in a solid white back at the petsmart. they have 2 different kinds, but I guess I just got lucky and picked the right kind because it is doing the job great.
  2. Just keep on rolling..you'll be alright. This vaping will become a habit in no time
  3. I would just cut back normally, weening your self down. Don't do it right away.. it might be harmful to your mind
  4. Hi everyone, Chris here. I'm a fairly newbie at smoking the electronic cigs. I actually got robbed by Smoking Everywhere and they will not refund my money. Not happy at all at the moment. I ordered the 510 today, so hopefully that will satisfy me. In the mean time, I was wondering if I were looking into selling the e cig...is it still possible to import them in the US? Just curious.
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