Sup everyone i Bought a 21 cent e cig wasnt too good ..then i got a Super E Cig Menthol and it was kinda nice pretty good both are similar but the 21st was full flave and imma menthol man So i Bought a Ego from ecigs unlimited just came in the mail yesterday.. been puffin pretty good too !! havent smoked for about a month ... I also have a question about Cartomizers on the site i got it from has 510 cartos but not ego specific should i order some boge Lrs cartos from this site empty and some menthol juice ? is the shipping and handling better cost me 15 Usd for shippin from the site i bought the ego from but the kit was for 49 somethin i belive so i didnt tihnk it was 2 bad what do yall think ?