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    Newfoundland, Canada

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  1. Batteries charged perfectly! I'm now just going to order a couple of chargers to charge the Hello 016 batteries. I do like the device,(better than the Riva, actually)...
  2. I'm currently charging my Hello016 batts with the charger that came with my Riva510SE...I'm hoping it's not a mistake, but I guess I'm going to find out!
  3. Thanks! It looks great.... Just curious...I have quite a stock of 510cartomizers. I notice the Screwdriver has a 910atomizer. Will I need to buy all new cartomizers? Sorry if that's a dumb question. I'm not very technologically oriented!
  4. Analogues are starting to look better these days! Since starting vaping I have had bad luck with chargers. I now have three useless 1100maH batteries, due to two failed chargers. I want to buy something that will be relatively trouble free until it's old enough to need replacing. I'm also trying to recommend something to a friend, who needs to quit, and right now, I'm not comfortable recommending anything! What to buy? I'm prepared to ignore price(within reason) so I don't have to go back to cigs to avoid all this frustration. I'm looking at an EgoW, or a V3 mod. Anything else would be considered as well, as I really have no clue what to buy. I need suggestions from people who have a good, easy to use device, and no problems!
  5. Thanks! It looks cool! I hate the idea of having three perfectly good 1100 Mah batteries that I've been happy with, and am now unable to use. I'm not gadget inclined, so I have no idea what charger I could use on these batts. I don't suppose my Riva510SE charger could charge the Hello 016 batteries?
  6. I quit cigs on July 20 of this year. Obviously, I haven't been vaping long... I started with a Hello 016T with three batteries and charger. The charger failed quickly, and I received a new one. That one has also failed. I received this kit from a member on another forum so replacement is not an option. Does anyone else experience equipment failure in a short time? I'm finding it quite frustrating. At this rate, it could be quite expensive! After the first charger failed, I ordered a RIVA 510, which, so far, is quite good. Obviously, I need another back up, and am considering a RIVA UNC. I'm open to suggestions as to what would be a good kit to order...I'm so sick of researching this! The battery with the RIVA UNC is 1100maH, as is the Hello016. Can I use the RIVA UNC charger to charge the Hello 016 batteries?
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