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Everything posted by EasyE

  1. Good to see that a Mac is stronger(and smarter) than ICE T. ...hell it kicked his arse.."OMG THAT IS LIKE SOOO TRASHED".....like totally ,like, like.hehehe. His girl must be thinking damn you cant even break a freaking laptop in less than and hour and a half?
  2. Kiss those eyebrows .......goodbye
  3. I was fully expecting to see him come off the side of the ramp and eat ****....Jackass!
  4. That was great.Hahahah. Did anyone seriously think that was real ? Hahah . No way!! Better get that right the first time.....Hell even if you did hit the target . You think 3 feet of water is gonna break your fall? Then he just bounce up...LOL Hardly a splash. That was funny ish!
  5. Kittler....haahhaha
  6. absolutely filthy .........PUKE ...cough cough....ughh
  7. phhht...........Oh they get it. They know exactly what they are doing. Making money.I dont know why anyone would care if a product they use is FDA approved. They "approve" the lethal cigarettes.....If they cared about your health they would pull all tobacco products from the shelves like 60 years ago.They wont get "approved" until Phillip Morris or somebody decides to quit fighting it and make the darn things themselves...
  8. MMMM.... this sounds interesting as i feel like i am having to draw to hard on mine. Not really trying to lose vapor or throat hit though,
  9. The thing that I hate the most(well hate is kinda strong) is how you have to draw on an e-cig for 3-5 seconds to get a full draw. While at first this was no big deal, it has started to become annoying. It would be nice to be able to get a full draw as easily as you can with an analog. Second on my list is the juice coming out the mouth piece. This only happens to me when i drip to much in the cart, but I am always tempted to put as much in as possible because i get tired up topping off. So maybe that auto fill idea should be getting some attention.
  10. OK, There is no way on Earth I am going to be able to withstand this boredom. Because most everyone I know works , the only thing to do for fun is to spend money...LOL and thats not a good idea when your not working. So I decided to spend some money........hahah. I am going to lake Tahoe Monday for the week. Play some cards do some fishing and hiking and of course a lot of drinking/Vapeing. One good party and then I got to seriously start the job hunt.I thought I could kick it at home for 6 months...but that is not going to be as much fun as I thought...
  11. I never heard of Morongo. Where is that one? The closest Indian casinos I know of are about 2 hours away. I think the problem I am going to face is finding something that will pay more than i am making on UI. I am bored but I dont think I can take a job that pays less than my UI check.I was making a descent amount before so I am getting the maximum. Got 10 more months left...I am gonna lose it if I dont find some descent money.
  12. Hey all, I am bored out of my mind! Currently I am on Ca unemployment , And let me tell you its not much fun. I have been working 40-60 hrs for the last ten years. Recently i have been working the Graveyard shift, while being a newly wed and a new father at the same time.With all the work and NO sleep, I started to get sick! mentally and physically... In the last 3 months i dropped in weight from 180 to 159, looked like crap, felt like crap and was just a grumpy mean bastard all together who just wanted to sleep!SO I QUIT............Begged for a shift change for 18 months,looked for jobs that would pay the same. NO LUCK! One day i snapped..... I never ever imagined that i would qualify for UI.BUT I DID!! GEE , and people wonder why CA is out of money...hahha. But for real I'm a hard worker who needed help, I have been paying in my whole life and never took a dime. That being said....................I am so freaking bored.LMAO. One can only sleep ,eat and vape so much...... Currently I am in the BAY AREA CA........Anyone know of some good jobs leads? or at least something to keep my mind right? P.S thanks for listening to me complain...I'm sure people have it much worse...
  13. Smoking Fail........LMAO WTF . This is still killing me..
  14. Damn.........that thing looks huge. I hope its not "actual size"..
  15. I AM THE SAME WAY. WHEN I WAS smoking I hardly ever wanted to work out. Just breaking a sweat and having to breathe hard was just "uncomfortable" I dont know how to explain it. Of course you would have trouble breathing but its not just that , I would get this " dirty" feeling like those nasty 1000 chemicals coming out my pores.So anyway now when i go for a workout, i dont dread breathing hard. I feel better and better each day i am smoke free. Now, whether or not it will keep my dedication to the gym up? we will have to wait longer to see if that holds true. But i know one thing, I am gonna feel 10 times better when i do workout!!
  16. Omg...did this guy just tell me "its not that hard"...lol. I just watched your video(great job by the way) do you know what my response was?.............duhhhhh...how the heck? ....Not that hard? I got no clue. You probably have one brain cell that can suplex my whole brain cause i dont get it.....
  17. Hahah. No worries bro. I know that subject is off limits.
  18. Ok , thank you. That sounds like good advice .
  19. I can think of some really cool and yummy "herbal" "oils" that can be vaped....dont think we are allowed to discuss them here though
  20. Salt?...................does that work? heheh
  21. I know for a fact my wife would look at me like a crack head..................but i want one too..
  22. LOL, YEP.........my wife and i were watching a sitcom the other day where this crazy chick was super gluing her boyfriends sack to his leg while he slept, we laughed together , but my wife had this weird look in here eye.....
  23. ok, thanks. I wonder if i am putty enough in the attty? I havent tried it but it feels like nothing would drip/blow out if i tried..But its giving me what i need for now.
  24. LOL. I probably should, but I am afraid to mess with it for fear of breaking they atty. Its working and i want to keep it that way..I have yet to try to clean an atty.not sure when its really necessary?
  25. Ahhhh.... finally , seemed to take forever to chuff that stuff out of there. i had a clean cart when i switched , i didnt realize how much is stored in the atty..but its out now. Working on some strawberry/kiwi..its ok , better than the Mint chocolate chip! yuk...
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