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Everything posted by EasyE

  1. I might just order the 36 and wait. Damit! I'm so lazy....
  2. What is the G1 Christopher? never heard of it. Has anyone used that one made by Palm? I think its the Palm Pre? My ATT Tilt has the full Qwerty plus the touch screen keyboard. But I rarely use the touch screen cause i can absolutely fly on its full keyboard. I double dog dare and Iphone user to beat me in an email. Ill smoke you .hahah
  3. Ohh. I am tempted to get the Janty too. never heard anything bad about it. Tell how you like it!
  4. No worries bro. thanks for the help with the batteries! I understand why people like there Iphones. I bought one for my wife when they first came out . I payed 400! OUCH!. Unfortunately it only lasted a few months before she had problems with the screen. Actually she is always complaining about hers. But thats cause she doesnt know how to use it. She has like 2 crappy apps. The screen probably broke cause she probably dropped it. She treats it ruff.But everyone else i know that has one really likes it. 99 bucks now for a better one......crap!
  5. LMAO...dude ....Its not like i have never used an Iphone before. I dont live under a rock. I know all about how all you have to do is "get close to" the keys or get "used" to it. IMO it doesnt work as well as a full Qwerty.I am glad that you like your Iphone. You represent it well...And yes a 10 dollar phone can and does do that cause i have 2 of them. Its not NASA technology. My TILT does it as well. The Iphone is a great phone never said it wasnt . The thread if i remember correctly was about who likes their crackberrys. And My vote is for the CRACK
  6. Ok. just bought the manual USB passthrough. Cant wait!
  7. I thought the release in the USA was Sep 1st. Its unavailable on the website?
  8. I think I might go with the USB manual pass through since I dont have either.
  9. Ahhh. ok that makes sense. Thanks bro!!
  10. I have a DSE901 and was going to purchase a manual battery for it . The website says I need a special charger for it? It wont just screw into the main charger?
  11. Ahh, that would work if you have a lot of supplies. I used to carry one of those around back in the day for unmentionables..
  12. My DSE901 fits standing up in my coin pocket and doesnt poke me or anything when i lean over.
  13. I will admit that the Iphone internet browser is hands down the best. But i dont like to cruise the internet by phone unless i have to. Even on the Iphone it takes for ever to actually do anything.And its other great feature, games.........Ill stick to my xbox. Like I said internet and games its rocks..for other stuff, not so much.
  14. I cant carry around anything that wont fit in my pocket like a case . I just throw my ecig and back up battery into my coin pocket(i wear baggy pants) and i just keep a 5ml dropper in my other pocket.
  15. I virtual keyboard is nothing like a real one. I dont want to get used to an inferior keyboard. Apple needs to add a real one to there I phone. I dont want to "search" and buy my apps.They should come preloaded or be free. A ten dollar go phone has auto spell correction. I am supposed to buy a bulky case? These are not very convincing arguments for the I phone. I think most people over the age of 25 would rather have a crackberry. WE need a poll? LOL
  16. Your right they do. But Mostly its because of the games and kiddo apps. No offense but i like the business functionality of the Crackberrys. Besides that i just never liked the feel of an I phone. Its TO thin for me if you can believe that. It just feels like a credit card or something. And most importantly I cant live without the keyboard. Thats what i love about my ATT TILT. Full Qwerty. One thing i will say for the Iphone is you cant beat the price. When I think about the technology one can receive for 99 bucks its just crazy.The Iphone is no slouch it can do a lot of things i just dont like it i guess.
  17. I drink mostly beer but I enjoy a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon once in a while. I haven't vaped with wine yet but for some strange reason i am envisioning myself with some flavorless juice and just enjoying the wine. The wine already has so many wonderful flavors..
  18. I have an ATT Tilt. Sweet phone but am considering Iphone or CRackberry. leaning to wards the crackberry because every one that has ever owned one swears by them.
  19. The one thing i miss about analog's is when your really mad or excited in a conversation. You can take a drag and blowout while you still talking and never really miss a beat in the conversation. Now I have to time my drags in between pauses in the action. Small price to pay for what you get in return but it would really be a huge improvement in my mind.
  20. NICE!!! .....see now that was real. That was a trick that is humanly possible. That water slide WAS NOT REAL....hahah. Dude, no way he flys that high, that far or on that flight path. Even if it was possible on that scale the guy would have been dead or seriously injured even if he did managed to land in that 3 feet of water. ...Someone please back me up on this. Im not saying i didnt enjoy the video....just wasnt real. P.S. What was that like 100-200 feet in the air and a distance of like 600-800 feet or more?? Into a kiddo pool i mind you...
  21. Really?mmmm gonna have to look into that. I dont know how i feel about using a "pipe"though. My family is already looking at me like a crack head. What is the difference ? How does it deliver the vapor faster?
  22. remember that hilarious attempt at heavy metal? Didnt he have some controversial song about killing his mom or a cop or something? hahah He looks exactly the same as he did 20 years ago...
  23. It seems clean and to be working as designed. It would just be nice if you could get the full drag in less than a second like an analog.
  24. yea its just you....J/K. I wonder if he knows what he looks like from the outside? How is that better than just stepping outside? Yeah your still "inside" but jeez LOL. How uncomfortable and yea your inside a giant anus.
  25. I'm on UI right now so maybe I shouldn't laugh but damn, if that weren't the truth.. haha
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