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Everything posted by EasyE

  1. I was considering the VP1 also but it might not be small enough, I need a portable unit. What is the Janty that is shaped like square? I cant find that one anymore and forgot what it is called.
  2. 49ERS!!!! 2-0 baby! Did you see my boy Frankie G get off? WhOO HOO!! It was my baby girls first 49ERS game(8months), When Gore got loose my wife and I jumped up and started screaming and throwing high 5's and we scared the living crap out of her and she started crying her head off.....too cute...
  3. I can either buy 2 more battery's for 20 bucks or I can experiment with a new model. I saw a starter kit for 510 for 36 bucks....hmmm ....
  4. I inspected them closely and it doesnt appear to have any juice in them. I took a brass wire brush to the threads, they did look a little dirty. So then i reconnected and nothing...This just isnt making sense...When the battery is connected to the atty and i take a draw the light comes on.,just no heat in the atty. If a disconnect and draw on just the battery there is no light. When you disconnect the battery('s) from the atty they blink 7-10 times. I cant remember for sure but I dont think that they used to blink like that when you unscrewed them from the atty before. Atty still going strong connected to the USB. The strangest part about the whole thing is that the battery's are acting the same way with my spare atty. The spare atty works fine on the USB as well.....Damn..I hope this doesnt lead to a back of REDS....OH NO.....I cant, I wont .....Help I am kinda reluctant to by more battery's until I figure out what happened to them..
  5. Madden Rules!!!!!!
  6. I just bought a USB manual pass through and have been using the same atty with the USB and my two original battery's for about 1 week. All of a sudden today the two original battery's stopped working! when i draw on them the blue light comes on but the atty does nothing. when I unscrew the battery it flashes(both of them) if I try to charge them the charger light stays green they have charge. But the atty is still working great when connected to the USB. What the heck happened. Thats 20 bucks. besides that i dont have a good spare! CRAP! Can anyone tell me why they died like that. I tried them with a back up atty and they wont work on that atty either. Anyone know what happened? P.S. It just seems to be that it would be to big a coincidence that both would crap out on the same day after working great for 5 weeks. I feel like the USB pass through had something to do with it , I just cant figure out how.
  7. Ill check it out. I am glad I got the one I have right now cause my spare 901 battery broke i think. How do you know for sure? When I put it on the charger the lite doesnt turn red it just stays green. When I hook it up to the atty and draw on it the light comes on but nothing is happening in the atty. The atty is working fine with my other batteries....I also noticed that when i disconnect the faulty battery from the atty it blinks. It worked fine yesterday
  8. OK, well its in stock. Just 250 bottles available. I was about to order some but then I noticed they are selling flavors different from the lorrans. I have a bunch of lorrans already and dont really want more. Does anybody know the difference? Is it ok to mix the two? Can I use the Lorans with the new "premier range" 54mg?
  9. LOL....Is it just me? My USB manual doesnt seem to be giving me what a fully charged regular battery does.. Plus the cord gets in the way and is kind of irritating me.
  10. Wow........it finally showed up. 14 days shipping....I guess from China That isnt bad. The price was great but I think next time I will order in the states. Not really worth the wait to save 1 dollar. The product worked great though.!!
  11. I am not familiar with your model but most time you just pop on a fresh cart and go. What is the reason for unscrewing the atomizer?
  12. Sorry guys, the poll doesnt seem to be working. I couldnt fit all the teams in 1 question and it makes you pick 1 from each question.
  13. I also like the Vikings to have a strong year. I dont see a Superbowl win though. Picking "winners" really is pretty easy using all the reasons you stated before. Covering spreads now is a different story. Have you ever tried to beat the Vegas spreads? Very, Very tuff to beat. These guys that make these spreads are from another world. These guys know more about the teams than the teams themselves. Every year I drop in a 100 bucks to Sportsbook.com(Fantasy player/degenerate also) and try to make it as long as I can betting the minimum 10 per game. Never really lasted past week 10 or so but that aint bad at all.I played $10 on every game last week and my balance is 117.Whooo HOOO made 17 bucks...LOL. Just a BUT hair away from winning 2-3 more games which would have had me at like 150-160. Oh well. Those spreads are never safe. not till they blow the last whistle. Sure makes Sunday a blast! As long as you keep the wagering within the budget. I can have a great time just betting 10 bucks...Cant wait till Sunday. GO 49ers!!!!! P.S. Yeah , I dont think the Bucs are going to be doing to well this year. Who do you think will have a better record. 49ers or Bucs? I dont think we play each other this year.
  14. Anyone want this sampler???? Its virtually untouched. I know I am not going to like any of the flavors....That roasted nut flavor is not for me. I prefer my own mix over this. It cost me 22 plus tax and shipping. I will send you the sampler, if your happy just send me 5-10 bucks. If your interested send me a pm.
  15. Damn them..........taking away all that is good and holy in the world. ..........OK maybe not. TIME TO STOCK PILE !!!!!
  16. I live, eat and sleep this sport. I love it. The long off season is brutal. Keeping myself busy with scouting reports, the Combine, the draft, training camp, all in preparation for opening day. Finally it is here! With an exiting week 1 completed and my beloved 49ers 1-0, I am sitting here Jonesing for Sunday. Damnit! when are they going to spread the schedule out a little more so I could stop scratching my elbows like some crackhead every week. I would watch every single game if I could. P.S. Michael Crabtree(Crytree,Babytree,Bitchtree) is an idiot. Have fun getting drafted in the late 1st or 2nd round next year and losing half of the 16mill guarantee that we offered you.... If we decide to sell your rights.... P.S. If you do come in, it will be hilarious! You think coach Sing is gonna treat you like the premoddona that you are...haha you got another thing coming. Vernon Davis was drafted 6th. Did you see the way Sing did him last year in the middle of the game?Hhahahah "The duck up outta hear fool"......(waiting 10 seconds)......Two huge pearl white saucers open up on the Monster of Midways face, then Vernon's last brain cell kicked in and he ran......But then, Oh then....."did this dude leave his helmet"? Can you imagine coming back out there to get your helmet? He broke that guy in 1 exchange.....1. Now Vernon is swinging from Coaches ball sack. It really is pretty funny. So Crytree....dont think for 1 second that this little game is going to work out for you. You have drastically over played your hand. Stay away from NL Holdem OK buddy..
  17. Fast shipping!............unfortunately it has zero vapor and a horrid taste. I funked up my spare DSE901 atty and my NPRO. I cant even bring myself to try all the flavors.
  18. K, thank you.
  19. I wanna check out these "menthol crystals" . Where can I get em? I heard E-bay?
  20. Hahahahha....I forgot about the song! You got to hand it to them, That was one hell of an advertisement! I'm glad you got a PV that is working for you. Yeah I guess virtually everyone drips on the atty and tosses the carts, including myself.
  21. It works.....thats about all I can say about my NPRO. I use it for a back up as well.
  22. Phew, Glad that I didnt get sucked in by that video with the hot chicks blowing clouds. I so nearly did. I was so close to buying that one.Instead I bought some other piece of crap. NJOY Npro....LOL, na its not THAT bad but fairly expensive not 150 though.Do you have a new model yet? Dont give up, its trial and error. I have heard people "swear" by almost every model out there. You will find one that you like and if you go to the right places it will be way cheaper than 150!
  23. I have never vaped just PG or just VG I always mix it together. Maybe it would be a good test to see really how much the VG helps or hurts the situation. I do know that i have started adding more VG to my mix and less PG lately. I have been doing this not because of vapor but because the VG seems to hit a little smoother, for myself anyhow.
  24. I mix my own right now. I use a little VG&PG about 40-60 with some Totally Wicked 24mg flavorless and a few drops of lorans. Like I said before, its not as bad as an analog by any means. You can only see it if lighting permits. Try laying down on the couch late night with just the T.V on and start vapeing. You can definitely see some lingering. At least I can. Honestly I could care less if I cant see 5 feet in front of my face....I only bring this up because it is bothering others around me.
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