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Everything posted by EasyE

  1. Damn, Im licking my lips right now. Next juice I buy is going to be Vapor talk . nice review
  2. Hahaha, Sinikal beat me to it....Damn I type to slow.. :rofl:
  3. Im not to sure about the PCC question, but I do know that you can either pull out the white "fuzzy" stuff inside the cart and just rinse it under some tap water. That will get rid of the MLB flavor juice(which doesnt taste to bad to me IMO)then just roll it between a paper towel to dry and suck out any water, then once dry stuff it back into the cart and put your menthol in. OR , you can just drip right into the MLB, it will mix and more than likely the menthol will dominate. Menthol is really the best flavor that you could mix with another flavor. just make sure you take a few drags first because if you drip into a full cart it will just puddle up and overflow and youll get juice in your mouth and all that good stuff...I hope i was able to help a little.
  4. Just ordered it. pretty cheap too, hell the shipping cost more...haha, cant wait
  5. Hahah,pathetic.....
  6. I dont get it, why?
  7. Hahhahah. that was great. Too freaking cute. I gotta send that to my wife..I could never have appreciated that video before having children.
  8. Damn....I feel like a lazy #$%^& right now hearing how all you guys take such good care of your E-cigs. I just leave my battery's and atty connected until they need a charge. i just lay it on the night stand and thats it. In fact now that both my battery's crapped out on me(I wonder why,haha)I just leave my atty hooked up to my USB pass through 24/7. I bet this had something to due with my battery failures. Either that or some how the atty held a charge from the USB and shorted out my other battery's when I switched back and forth. One thing i do know is not to leave your e-cig next to your big *** fan all night long. Dried the hell out of my atty. It takes a gallon of juice and 10 drags to get it fired back up.
  9. Someone should make a little " hit counter " mod...I tend to forget just how much im vapeing sometimes.
  10. I tried to give your post a "positive vote" ...its telling me I have reached my quota for the day??????? I not only didnt vote anyone today , I have never even used that feature yet....Any ideas what wrong?
  11. Hey thanks Monkey! I really appreciate the link.
  12. Hell Yea!!! Your famous now bro...Deal wit it. LOL. I think it will just take time. With something such as "smoking" that is en grained in our culture, it will take a long time for before you notice more vapers than smokers. But the product is clearly superior and that cant be denied. for now I'm a closet Vapor...hahah......... Sent off a few emails to the Governator, Fox news and the Factor daddy mack Big Bad *** Bill Oriely. If Bill cant save us no one can!
  13. Yea, I cant imagine anyone really giving me a hard time about it.After all the thing non-smokers hate about smoke is the way it smells. Since the vapor smells pleasant if at all they just look at you funny(WTF? is that guy smoking in here?) just the attention is something that I dont really like. Sometimes I just feel like laying low and keeping to myself, not having to constantly explain what I am doing and how it works. Every time I take a drag I can feel some old ladies eyes burning into me.
  14. Thats funny that you mention the casino. that has been the one place i have felt comfortable. Dripping right at the table with the hot roulette dealer smiling and telling me how cool it is. I think the acceptance comes from everyone else around chuffing cigs and nasty *** cigars all over the place, so they are genuinely happy your vapeing not smoking in there face while they work. I also feel comfortable in those " smoking sections" they have out back some restaurants and bars. the funny looks only come from trying to use it in a public setting where smoking is not permitted.
  15. EasyE

    Pg Vs.vg

    I just ordered the Johnson Creek sampler last week. I could not freaking stand the stuff. Gross, very disappointed. You might try what I do. I mix up some 50/50 PG & VG then mix in some flavorless nicotine. I havent liked any of the all PG juices that I have tried. It doesnt make me sick or anything it just produces less vapor and is kinda harsh to me , makes me cough.
  16. Nah, Your not alone. I feel the exact same way. I hate busting out my PV in public because my juice make thick white vapor and it is noticeable. I hate drawing so much attention to my self. I am yet to see a fellow vaper here in the Bay Area.I do use mine " undercover" alot. Like walking through the grocery store when nobody is in the aisle with you. hell I even use it hanging out in the bar area of my local Hooters restaurant. I take a drag when no one is looking and the vapor isnt that noticeable if I blow it out really fast or really slow. People are not smelling it.But I just cant bring myself to bust it out sitting at the bar or a table where everyone is watching me. I dont need all the funny looks, cause thats exactly what you get funny looks.......Lone Wolf !! ......OOUUUUUUWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!
  17. Hahaha I was searching Google images for an side by side comparison and accidentally stumbled upon this little gem. Gary's Teeth.Entitled " That's why I do Crystal Meth":
  18. For any one who is wondering what I am talking about , Menthol Crystals :
  19. I am really starting to like the menthol flavor which is strange because I was never a menthol smoker.Even when your low on juice or the atty is acting up , that menthol flavor always dominates so you get less bad taste in your mouth.Almost every flavor I try, the taste will go away after a day or so. But not Menthol it always seems to give great flavor. I really wanna try these things but Damn!.........if anyone in my family sees me with this stuff It would definitely be a hairy situation until I could convince them its not dope. Do you know if it come in any other forms? Hahahah, what I wont do in the quest for the holy grail of vapor.
  20. Sweet! Good job Royce. I'm glad he saved your unit. Let the Vapeing begin!
  21. I was interested in getting some "menthol crystals" after hearing such great reviews. I looked some up on Ebay and..........OMG it looks exactly like Crystal Meth. I wont get into specifics but i think everyone can agree this is not a " safe " substance to be carrying around with you. Is there not liquid from or something? Jeez
  22. LOL.....Sounds like my buddy Christian...hahah, good times.. let us know how the surgery goes.
  23. OK. Great , thanks for the links guys. What do you guys think of that model?It seems to be a popular model for people on "other sites". I dont hear to much about them on this site.
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