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Everything posted by EasyE

  1. You will find that for some reason, menthol is the best flavor to add to any other flavor and will usually dominate. Alot of people will add a little to there other flavors..I myself am starting to vape Menthol more and more............. and i never really cared for menthol's as a smoker.
  2. Sucking on beans like you describe will get you ripped! I use to do this once in a while pulling all nighters. Hahahaha , good times.. Actually , I never tried "sucking" on them . We used to just chew em up and swallow.....HOLY FREAKING CAFFEINE!!!
  3. No sweat! Welcome brother. Look carefully if you cant find it at first because the people working there were no help for me, they had no idea what i was talking about but THEY HAVE IT!
  4. Agreed no vapor = no es bueno. Like Chris said if you hold it in you wont see much. or you can try blowing it out ridiculously fast or super slow, both make it a lot harder to see the vapor.
  5. By VP you mean VT(Vapor Talk) juice right?
  6. Super fast shipping , nice menthol taste from Juicy. It kinda looks like a smaller quantity than I would have gotten with the crystals but I am happy camper.
  7. Oh, for sure brother. Its very easy to get. Just roll down to CVS, Walmart, or Michaels. Tons of places carry it. I get mine from CVS usually. At CVS its in the skin care aisle. At Michaels and Walmart its in the baking section. It comes in fairly small clear bottles. VG is Thick and clear liquid. It should say USP somewhere on it. I have never seen one that didnt though.... Yeah just add some of this to your juice and you will blow clouds . I mix mine with PG about 70/30 PG/VG, its like coffee though everyone likes it different. VG has a slight sweet taste to it..Hope this helps
  8. I think this is quite common, some juice just doesnt give much vapor. I know what you mean by stock carts giving more to , they are!. Currently the best juice I have is the stuff I am cutting my self. If you want VAPOR, add some VG(vegetable glycerin) too your juice and you will see more vapor.
  9. Yea, you should drip occasionally on the atty even if your using carts. I know mine last longer than 2x but its not an exact science. I would say that I change mine every 7-10x.Its sounds like your atty is dry or the juice your using doesnt have much vapor or isnt that good.
  10. DUDE I hate him, being a 49er fan thats not the first time Brett has done us on the last play of the game. I was thinking to myself how the hell do you not go for the first down and then just take knees....you run 3 straight time and give the ball to Brett Freaking Farve with 1:30 left? As soon as that ball left his arm ,I knew I just knew somehow some one was gonna catch it. Woulda been to perfect to come out 3-0 and Win in Minnesota without your star Back in the game. Was a hella of a game though .,,,,,,,,,I was so pissed i just got up with out a word grabbed my E-cig and some juice to the backyard and Master Vaped my head off. I hope somehow we win a=our division and get a rematch in the playoffs.
  11. Thats interesting about the charger... I never considered that because it "appears" to be working fine. I actually have a 1 spare manual901 battery coming in the mail with an adapter for my regular charger. That should tell me if its the charger or I just fried the batterys somehow....I'm still scratching my head with it.
  12. Yep! had to be cool man...
  13. FUUUUUUUUUuuu$%^$^&%^&%!!!!!!!!! I freaking hate Brett Favre an his Miracle Hail marry bullcrap. I stil cant believe.........fricken dagger in the chest........I wont be right all week now..................
  14. The janty looks like it is smaller and would conceal nicely in my hand. But the light saber just looks sweet!
  15. Yea bro i still thinking about the "Hit counter" mod also. I think what your saying is possible. hell I bet you could get an IPhone app..
  16. Yea, I really like my 901..But as i said in my OP, both my battery's died in the same day(mysteriously)so I have to spend at least 20 to get 2 more battery's and now im a little unsure about buying them as I still dont know what caused my first 2 failures and dont want to burn those out also. thats what had me thinking to try a 510 starter kit(36 bucks), but then of course i started looking at the $75 plus models...hahaha. So the screwdriver is just a 901 with a 4.2v battery? I thought 3.7 fully charged was supposed to be "optimal"? I think Its either gonna be a Janty stick our the VP1..........MMMMm decisions decisions....
  17. Well, if it tastes like Kettle Corn that sucks......I freaking hate that crap...............
  18. Oh, interesting. I never tried that. I wonder if mine holds a charge? thats kinda lame though since there is only 1 slot inside that would be connected to anything. The battery's are tiny. I can throw 3-4 in my coin pocket and be good for a while. thanks for the info.
  19. Not sure if its similar to the 901 , cause everyone says 2-3 drops but i find that 2 drops is the max for mine. 3 drops and the atty floods or juice comes out the hole...at least mine does.
  20. What is a PPC Chris? DSE084,That definitely sounds like what I got. That atty gets extremely hot with just 2 drags. But there are some good things about it. For one it sips juice(its the Prius of ecigs haha)and the size is just killer. I can actually move around and do things with this thing resting in my lips(NO teeth!)and drag on it with no hands very easily. I can understand why people dont use it though.... feels like the atty could just stop working at any moment and that "pack" charger is just ridiculous.
  21. LOL...Sweet!...I love Mario cart.
  22. Yea, honestly ...Im so fudgeing happy to be free from the slavery of cigarette smoke I dont care how much money I have to spend or how long it takes me to refine my techniques.......Vapor Rules!!!
  23. My first e-cig purchase was the cheapest e-cig I could find because(now that I know the discount sites I could have gotten a 510 starter kit for the same price), really I thought this **** was a joke that wouldnt work. So at first i was just kinda confused and unsatisfied but after lurking in the forums I picked up a DSE901 and was extremely happy. Some how last week I burned out both of my battery's and am stuck with just my USB pass through so when on the go I had to fire up my old cheapy china(keepsmokinginside.com) what the hell is my real model #? the one he demonstrates in the video is NOT the one he sent me. this one is actually a analogue size(maybe even smaller)so ..................... anyways , I after making my own juice and all i noticed that this thing aint half bad. Yeah the battery's dont last long and you cant get a "huge" hit off it but all in all the flavor production and the vapor are really kind of nice and I am starting to like the size of this thing. Its really the only e-cig i have ever seen that could be passed off as an analogue. I wish I had a camera so I could show you guys. I really would like to know the model # of this thing. Its tiny !....it has gold rings that run the length of the battery. Atty has like 4 holes and gives a very "airy" draw.The charger is actually shaped like a pack of analogue.LOL .........very cheap.......remember..I dont know whats up with this guy cause the model he sent me IS NOT the one in the you tube video that he represents........In fact, i purchased replacement carts, batter's and an atty but they never came after 3 weeks I filed a PayPal claim and got my money back ,2 weeks later my order shows up...5 weeks after purchase so dont expect any customer service but was very stand up of him to send my stuff anyway(he probably didnt notice I filed the claim)........................ anyway I would like to find out the model of this thing and to pass on to everyone that it is really pretty nice if your looking for a small unit that could be passed of as an analogue.
  24. LMAO..............no it does not......
  25. Good looking out , Thanks!
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