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Everything posted by EasyE

  1. I just wanna say ......DILL..........................................................................................................DO!
  2. Hahhaha. DAMN !!!! That a boat load of chemicals.....so much for that argument.....I still love my vapor and its no doubt more healthy the proof is in how my lungs and whole body feel. AND THEY FEEL GOOD.............
  3. Take it easy cowboy.....i was just saying................LOL. I never said im running down to the corner to get a pack reds.
  4. People have done this. I saw a thread where dude diluted his Snus in some alcohol to get the Nicotine out. I cant remember the exact recipe but I know it can be done. Dont worry about the ban. Thats what the black market is for.hahaha. I doubt getting busted with a bottle or two of e juiceis going to be like getting busted with a crack rock and a hype needle.
  5. I have always thought , hell yea, 4 chemicals v.s 4000 in a regular cig. Well , while throwing out my old bottle of juice I noticed that it listed 16 chemical ingredients. Ingredients Method Units LOD Symbol Tobacco essencial n/a % n/a N <5% Tobacco leaf oil n/a % n/a N <5% Nicotine (from tobacco leaf) n/a % n/a N <3% 2,3,5Trimethylpyrazine n/a % n/a N <1% 2,3,5,6Tetramethylpyrazine n/a % n/a N <1% 2,5Dimethylpyrazine n/a % n/a N <1% 2Acetypyrazine n/a % n/a N <1% 2Methyl butyric acid n/a % n/a N <1% Terp ineol n/a % n/a N <1% Ethyl maltol n/a % n/a N <1% Guaiacol n/a % n/a N <1% Acetyl pyridine n/a % n/a N <2% Octalactone (gamma) n/a % n/a N <1% Pure water n/a % n/a N <10% Propylene Glycol n/a % n/a N <65% Glycerol n/a % n/a N <20% Totally Wicked ESmoking Liquid
  6. Sweet. I was just wondering how the fight is going. I have not heard much about it this week. What kind of comments should we make? Do we have any more templates we can copy and paste. I am down to send some more stuff out. We have to keep up the pressure!
  7. Damn, I still want Need For Speed Shift ...anyone out there playing it?
  8. Damn I wish I could get Everclear here in California. Does anyone know a good substitute?
  9. My Janty Stick just came in yesterday. So far so good! I really love the size and shape. You can very easily conceal it in your hand while taking a draw. DUDE!! I am a complete fool.You know the little round design on the front that has the black lines and looks like a " vent" ...at least to me it did. So at first I am fumbling around trying to find a comfortable position to hold it without covering up the "intake" hole. It took me forever before my dumb *** took a closer look. HAHHAHAH good times. ALCOHOL had absolutely nothing to do with it I assure you. After examining it closer I really couldnt tell where the intake was. It hears like the air is coming in from near the top of the unit but I cant see any holes. I think I am really going to like this thing. But its only been 24hrs. We will see in 2-3 weeks.
  10. I Just got my Janty stick in yesterday and started vapeing the RY#4 carts and they were disgusting to me. Not like a Carmel or tobacco(dulcis?). It actually taste kinda like the J.C juice I ordered only with out the hint of roasted nuts. I actually almost threw up from it last night .LOL I had to rinse them out and refill with my own mix. After i have used my Janty for a week or so I will write a review.
  11. This always happens to me. As soon as I place an order for an e-cig , I start seeing stuff like this after hearing nothing but good things. Crap. Well mine should be here in a few days. I write a review.
  12. Thats sounds like a pretty good idea. If a few vapers got together at a bar,club or restaurant they could possibly get the owners to do something like that. If you could get a few popular establishments on board it may help to keep e-cigs legal and get more exposure. We could have a "vapor night" LOL. kinda like a poker night or something.
  13. Not enough NUT ...hehehehe
  14. Im used Vackers link and bought the liquid form as to not scare anyone.....super fast shipping. taste is ok.
  15. I agree, "stealth juice" is crap. I dont understand why everyone wants "stealth juice". To me , people would look at me even funnier if I am sucking on some metal stick and nothing is happening. At least with visible vapor your not going to look like a tool.
  16. I do! I do! I do! heheheh like a little kid . Thanks for giving me the low down on the store. What you said made perfect sense. Its sounds like you have your head on straight and your doing things the right way. That can only mean one thing, Success!
  17. No Problem! see you around the forum. Happy vapeing!
  18. Well, I went with a Janty stick from Janty USA....12 bucks shipping..Yikes!
  19. Yes the USB pass through is so you can vape while its plugged in.I have a 901 with a USB pass through. You will like it. I havent tried the VP1 yet but I hear that it rocks. But its also a hundred bucks.The 901 is less than half that. I'm sure I will get one at some point.
  20. New Iphone 99 bucks ..Vp1-2 ....99 bucks?.....decisions to be made!
  21. Did it dissolve completely? That sounds like a risky idea. If there was any sediment in the juice it wouldn't be good for the atty.
  22. I like to use Totally Wicked's Unflavored cut it down to desired NIC mg level with about 70-30 PG/VG and then add whatever flavoring.
  23. Hey chris, this might be a dumb question that everyone else knows the answer to but. Why do you have someone else selling your juice? You make websites but dont have your own online store for your juice?
  24. I know, I screwed up the poll doesnt work. I wish I could delete it. I could fix it but it wont let me edit for some reason i just get an error message. The Falcons dont suck. They are pretty damn good. Matty Ice should have them in the playoffs.
  25. I , also like how the Online play for PS3 is free, but if you do shell out the couple bucks its a way better online experience.
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