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Everything posted by EasyE

  1. Havent been on in a long time, but I need help. I have been using TW Tornado for about 18 months. I love it when it works but it is driving me nuts how temperamental these things are. I usually buy my replacement atty's from TW. I buy two 5 packs at a time. What has got me upset lately is the quality. I am LUCKY if 2 out of the 5 are worth anything. Most of the time they dont work well or only work well for 2-3 days. Once in a while I will get one that will vape good for about a month. So recently I had 2 atty's left and was thinking to myself I better order more since im running out. so i unwrap one of the last 2 and try it.....nothing no vapor at all, it barely even fires up..so I bust out my last one. It fires up but barely any vapor at all. Ive tried everything, cleaning them, direct dripping, recharging batterys...nothing works. So now I am all out of attys and sitting here with a pack of disgusting analogs ! I am torn about ordering more. I am definitely going to buy something because there is no way i can keep smoking these analogs. But I am getting tired of paying 50 bucks for 10 of these things and having only 2-3 of them be worth a damn. Cant they get the reliability up on these damn things?? Should I continue to buy these same atty's from TW or should I try something else? I really dont know what to do anymore. Someone please point me in the right direction before I puke smoking these Marbolro's........
  2. Thanks for all the replies guys/gals! The responses leave no doubt that the ego/tornado is the best thing out there. That being said , with all the ecigs i have had battery life has never been the issue for me. i have never had a problem keeping my batterys charged with a little effort and planning. My main problem has always been atty performance. I have had 2 janty sticks. first one worked like a dream for a while till the atty went bad, bought 2 replacement attys and both never worked well. I ended up buying a whole new unit cause the first one was pretty well abused. That unit was much improved quality but the atty was terrible and basically didnt work so i sent back for a replacement and...garbage again..just whisps of bad tasteing vapor. So i am a little hesitant in buying another janty. My TW 901 worked like a dream for months till the atty finally gave out. I tried buying attys from a cheaper web site and they were all terrible. I think what im looking for is a source of consistent high quality attys. What is the most reliable atty and company to get it from??? Thanks
  3. I started Vapeing about a year ago. Started with a 20 dollar piece of %^^*&. Then got the Npro(only one still working well, WITH ORIGINAL ATTY TA-BOOT. Then TW dse901(nice). Then 2 Janty Sticks(First one worked great 2nd not so much) I want another unit and I cant decide. I havent been on the forum or following the latest models in the last 6 months... Help me out my fellow vapers what do I buy???
  4. Well, I boiled in water for 10 min. Then I blew it out threw the battery end. After that I twisted up a paper towel and shoved it in the atty twice to soak uo some water. Put it in front of a fan for 20 min on each side. 2 drips on the atty bridge and a full cart. Took about 10 drags to get it fired up , BUT MAN! what a difference! i am in vape heaven.I didnt realize how bad it had gotten.
  5. Fast food restaurants are home to the most brilliant of humans....
  6. I got a Janty Stick. And I only got one atty. Does anyone here have experience cleaning one of these? The plastic coating worries me. ......Help....
  7. Did you here the ONE other idiot who applauded at the end?
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yxe_kwc8klw&feature=player_embedded
  9. How is knocking some fool out in a fight the same as intentionally causing an accident ?
  10. I shall change my comment to just Wussy gun ban .....OK?
  11. What does quite mean?
  12. SWEET!!! ...............First good thing California has done in ages......Let the Vapeing begin!
  13. Same here Bro! Fudging DIS-GUST-TING now.....And I love that , there is ZERO temptation to smoke an analog for me now. If they Ban e cigs I dont think I will revert back to smokes.
  14. Thanks Chris! I was wondering how to do that.
  15. Hahah what about this
  16. This is what I got .40 cal Sig Sauer P229
  17. LOL,Well so would I , send me one and Ill review it. This was only a review of " my e-cigs". I dont own a 510
  18. Ahh nice. I didnt even think of trying online. Ever Clear here I come....hahaha
  19. 1) DSE084: -Cost: 40 bucks for a typical starter kit. Extra parts/carts are low in price -Battery Life: Last about 20-30 drags maybe 2hours -Atomizer: Exposed bridge,gives a very airy draw ang gets very hot very fast -Looks: Just like a real cig, maybe even smaller -Vapor production: very little -Reliability: Pretty good almost always work when I need it. -Juice consumption: This is the Toyota Prius of E-cigs, but the carts are extremely small. 2)RN4081: -Cost: 80.00(Njoy) for a typical starter kit. Extra parts/carts outrageous(NJOY) -Battery Life: about 2-3 hours. Automatic battery will shut off on me when I get a couple big draws. -Atomizer: Gives a very airy draw. Recessed bridge -Looks: Like a Camel Wide -Vapor Production: Average -Reliability: Average...Lets me down once in a while -Juice Consumption: Not bad ,Carts could be bigger 3)DSE901: -Cost: 60.00(Totally Wicked) For a typical starter kit. Extra parts/carts fairly cheap -Battery Life: About 3-4 hours. I have had a lot of battery failures(automatic) -Atomizer: Recessed bridge.Very nice flavor but have had a lot of bad atty's that wont give off much of a hit. -Looks: Very nice sleek pen style -Vapor Production: Good when its working -Reliability: Not so much , gives me a damn headache! -Juice Consumption: Not bad, I have not used the carts 4) Janty Stick: -Cost: 80.00 for a typical starter kit. replacements/carts A little pricey -Battery Life: Flat out amazing! I have not been able to drain a single battery in 1 day.Convenient USB charger that charges Fast! -Atomizer: Recessed bridge. Nice flavor -Looks: Flat out amazing! small, sleek and just feels great in your hand. -Vapor Production: Flat out amazing! Huge billowing clouds that sink like a stone they are so dense! WHOO HOO! -Reliability: Flat out amazing! has not failed to deliver EVER! -Juice Consumption: High, the carts are huge and I drip like 8-10 drops to refill. And the winner is?.........................................The Janty Stick! This thing is awesome ! The quest for the holy grail of PV's is over.
  20. Why the hell would anyone want to Vape roast chicken flavor,hahah. I dont get it....Gross, why not vape hot dog flavor or tuna casserole flavor.....
  21. I was in the exact same situation 2 weeks ago. I ended up getting the Janty stick. I have never used the VP1 so i cant speak on that one but my Janty stick is the BOMB. Battery that last ALL day ,fits in your hand(its smooth and feels great)and just delivers mad amounts of vapor. I am in love and the search for the holy grail of vapor is now over.
  22. Hell yea, good job George. Stupid wussy liberal gun ban. Lock and load "thesmokingman"
  23. Really? sweeet! now I really want a bottle of Everclear.hahahha
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