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    Toms River, New Jersey

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanx for all the replies!! I'm glad i didnt blow it with my first order.....and i appreciate all the suggestions as well, but i wont be dripping since i drive for a living, although i may eventually try it at home since everyone seems to enjoy it....
  2. Wow....thanx so much for the quick responses! i have decided to go with the eGo standard kit....2 650 batts, 2 510 attys, 2 cones, 5 carts, usb charger, blah blah blah....lol....im also adding 10 joye XL blank cartomizers and 6 or 7 5ml sample e-juices to see what i like.......the wife is expecting me to keep this first purchase under 100 bucks and this just makes it from Liberty Flights with the 20% off code....i can always buy the tank later. Does this sound like a decent set up to start out with? any help will be appreciated...and thanx again for the responses!
  3. Hi everyone....i am very new to vaping, in fact i havent even tried it yet! lol....but i am determined to give up analogs and this seems like a great alternative. I have been reading through this forum as well as the various websites i have seen mentioned here but to be honest im still not sure which direction to go in. i was considering a Blu at first but since reading so many iffy reviews about them i have reconsidered. I am now leaning towards the Joye E-go dual kit system but not sure exactly what i should get. I drive a truck for a living so dripping is not a good alternative for me....but are carts or the tank best? I am a pack to a pack and half smoker of analogs now so i wonder how many carts i would need to get thru a day....i know no one can really tell me that but i'd like a guestimate if u could. my best guess is somewhere around 20 pulls on an analog every half hour or so is what i do now.... do i need spare atomizers or will the two that come with the kit work out? Im sure i have more questions but my brain is pulling a disappearing act at the moment so i'll leave this as it is. This place seems extremely supportive and im really glad i found it....hopefully soon i can add my smoke free counter here!!
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