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Everything posted by Roober

  1. You could always get some unflavored juice and buy the flavorings separately. A lot of us have been using things like candy flavoring, some of which you can get from Lorann's oils, I have seen all of the flavors you mentioned there such as wine and cloves. Havent tried them, but honestly experimenting is the best way to learn
  2. LOL must be a pretty big blast of febreeze to get rid of the smelly feet! and depending on the time of the month for women sometimes sweaty men smell good (true story, saw it on a documentary about naughty stuff) dont know why i felt the need to share that, but there ya go. LOL
  3. Ya may just need to break the beast in I know what you mean with the harsh hits, I get them sometimes too. It's probably just that the parts are all new and needs to be broke in. The LR's do seem to hit a lot differently from the reg atty's too, in my little bit of experience with them, they do produce a harder hit.
  4. Thanks guys and girls, think I'm just goin to give the 1 i still have to jolly, threw the other away. I've had them since late january, and the attys i was using on them were donated to me, so I have no idea where they came from. It's probably as Uma said though, the atty just didnt mix with the tornado
  5. My tornado batts both died within days of eachother. Before passing on, they sent their full charge to the atty first. I have no idea why this is happening, but I'm now down to a janty and an ego that were donated to me. It's weird, its like im vaping away and all of a sudden i get this super nasty burning taste, pop off the mouthpiece, and WHOA! red hot in the center, and the batt light isnt coming on, yet the batt is burning the crap out of the atty. Anyone else have this problem?
  6. Yeah, its jolly. He's learning how to fix them
  7. Sneaking it from my husband out of guilt for doing it (he wanted me to quit SO badly) and the a** breath he said I had. I missed my kisses now i can vape right next to him in bed!
  8. This is super cool. It made me actually think. I've been to a lot of public places and around a lot of sick people, and since I've been vaping, I actually havent been getting sick! Hubby nor I can remember being sick at all, even when the h1n1 was going around, and we worked at a call center where everything was shared and people almost never washed their hands!! And to back this up, I used to be sick all the time, especially after moving from west coast to east coast, I literally caught EVERYTHING that came my way. Cooool im cured from getting siiick!!!
  9. Instead of words, I'll make a sound: BOOOOO!!!!!! This guy obviously has not done his research. Bad reporter BAD! E-cigs are indeed a PROVEN way to stop smoking, and furthermore, they make ex-smokers HEALTHIER!!!!! It has no effect of by-standers, because it evaporates into nothing within about a foot or two, and goes up into the air. It's more like a fog machine. For some reason these people don't think its being tested, but we are all walking proof its being tested and WORKING!!! Once again, BOOOO at the stupid reporter, BOOOO!!!!
  10. ROFL!!! I like things that smell good >.> and hodge, good tip. LOL
  11. u mean the attys i sent?! i sent them in an envelope, have had things go thru before... crap... oops
  12. I just got a 16 oz bottle from Lorannoils for 8 bux, seemed like a steal.
  13. I like to get TW's Platinum ice, and I get flavorings and glycerin from Lorann oils. Have also tried Decadent flavors from TW, i prefer loranns
  14. ooooo you all have great taste haha ill make sure to sniff u if we ever meet. LOL
  15. Yikes! Glad it only got the napkin! Thanks for the warning.
  16. I ask because my current favorite is banana coconut, I love getting out of the shower and smelling like a tropical fruit basket. yum yum!!! I also love anything from old spice and axe, which the hubby uses. So, what's YOUR favorite scent?
  17. Some people have found Glycerin at wal-mart, I've had no such luck, but lorann oils carries it for like 5 bucks, its great to thicken juice
  18. if it helps, i swear by lorann oils candy flavorings, and decadent vapor for my own mixes. Haven't had any cloudiness and I've tried about 20 flavors so far combined from both companies.
  19. om nom TW, my fave juice ever is thier mint chocolate chip mmmm
  20. yeah wow makes it easy to lose track of time haha I play a lot of other games on our consoles, like harvest moon, fable, and some others, its just wow is my current fave. We even used to play silkroad online, but it got old fast... and, me and the hubby actually met on battle.net playing diablo 2 when I was 15 been together ever since. and atari games are AWESOME!!! Easy to get addicted to, even if you are into fancy high-graphics games
  21. ROFL! Yikes, gotta remember not to cross you
  22. LOL was just puttin it out there, I agree I should be last in line, although i DO want 1!
  23. I'm a world of warfraft nerd. My main is Rooberdruid on Khadgar, alt is Rooberboots. Other toons arent 80 yet.
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