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Everything posted by Roober

  1. nevermind this... he wont even talk to me.... no donations please
  2. Hey guys, I havent been around a lot I know, a lot has gone on. Sorry to get on here in these conditions, but here goes. My mother passed away a few days ago, she was in a sugar coma and nobody called the ambulance for her because they were all too busy partying... It has been a very, very sad loss for us all. The thing is, her services are being held in new york and my little brother will not be able to make it out there without help as hes from oregon. I'm very humbly asking for any donations anyone can send in this, the hardest time of my life. I want so badly for my little brother to feel like he belongs with her family and I want him to be there for closure. If any of you can and are willing to make a donation for his 600 dollar flight ticket, please send them to heather200000@hotmail.com through paypal... I will be able to post a receipt for the ticket once I can get it... I would pay for it myself, however its come at a time when we are really incredibly strapped for cash. Thanks again for anything any of you can do.
  3. oooomg Uma that was delightfully retarded!!!! lmao but its so FUNNY! Love it
  4. Great post Jolly!!! And to add in for the noobies, grab an ego guys! its worth it for starters! Next buy one of Jolly's tekk mods!!! Gogo!
  5. I get my flavorings and glycerine on the Lorannoils website, the super flavorings for candies. I do try to stay away from oily flavors, however if you do get one, you can normally let it set for a few days, and pipette out most of the oil so it wont interfere with the atty, and it works well. Liquid nicotine you can get from a lot of different places, I currently am mixing with 100mg from xtremevaping, and its pretty nice. If you end up using a really strong nicotine -- just remember, a little bit goes a super long way!!! I mean like 5-7 drops per 3ml! Also, with lorann flavorings, they do vary. Best thing I can tell you is to make a little batch, try it, make your tweaks to it, and get used to mixing by taste. Just dont keep adding more and more nic unless you are going to add other stuff too!! hehe, hope that helps, good luck!! oh and Wiltons works pretty well, but for me it oils up and I end up soaking it for a little bit, and taking the oil out. U can get big ole packs with 4 flavors in them for 5 dollars, and it gives quite a bit...but yes it does work pretty well
  6. omg i know!!! i watched them both twice and was getting giggle outbursts for like 20 mins later LOL
  7. Both are wonderful, midnight has a deeper, richer flavor. If you couldnt tell already, I like midnight best of the 2
  8. Heres the same video with the effects reversed. rofl
  9. omg i love ur pic lol
  10. I'd skip my happy but down to Jolly's for sure. Screw that, I love my nicotine, it calms me down when im all freaked out.
  11. It's addicting though cause its so funny I've watched it twice haha
  12. its so keeewl, u should get zombie make up done and re-do that vid, and smile with some messed up teeth in. yup, that would be leet.
  13. I see your booty bump, Chris, and I raise you this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFNLqz8TLqM&feature=player_embedded#! Disclosure: Any burning of the eyeballs is of your own fault for watching. Enjoy!!!
  14. finding the right mixes can be hard at first cant it!!! I can say, decadent vapors, for me, didnt really produce very good flavor, so I stick to loranns, but I had a lot of flavors i liked not so much, too. My advice: keep trying, maybe mix less at a time so the stuff youre throwing away doesnt make you guilty, and when you find 1 u like, fill 'er up Good luck to those of you having trouble, but please dont get discouraged it is really fun once you find the right mixes for your palette!
  15. omg i love it!!! lovely booty bounces! and that one guy has such a beautiful figure!!! They're good thanks for the vid!!
  16. thats so cool!!! you really can make out the facial features and everything!!!! I's keep filming that spot forever to see if it happened again!!! Too cool
  17. great stories everyone!!! I have a few, but one in particular reaaaally got me interested!! Abouta year ago, it was 2 or 3 am, I got a text from my upstairs neighbor, JJ. It said something like "im so scared can you come up here" and I thought it was something going on between her and her boyfriend, so I went up. She answered the door and the first thing I noticed was how pale she was, and how dark the apartment was. She said she has a touch lamp that was responding to questions. I was like whaaaat, and her bf had actually caught it on video. She was standing there naked, because they had just got nasty, and she had her hands up by her face, and she was talking to this little lamp on the table. She asked "are you here to visit me?" Light turned on for a sec, then off. A minute later she asked "are you here to see me on my birthday?" light turned on. She asked a few more questions, and continued to get responses. After the video was over, she sat in a chair at the table where the lamp was sitting, and she continued to ask questions. She said, "Are you my family?" Lamp turned on. "Are you my aunt?" no response "Are you my grandma?" Lamp turned on. She asked, "Are you here to see me on my birthday?" again, and the lamp turned on. She continued to ask the same questions, and the lamp kept turning on and off. I remember having chills the entire time i was up there, and my arms had really visible goosebumps. Eventually the entity seemed to get annoyed with her asking the same questions, so I tried to ask a few, with no response. We tried to unplug it, checked for shorts in the wire to make sure it wasnt something happening with the mechanics, and plugged it in somewhere else. She asked it "Do you love me?" it turned on. She showed me that tapping the lamp with things did not turn it on, so it wasnt vibrations, it is turned on by heat, but the apartment was super cold. Again, "Do you love me?" on it went I told her, it may be a good idea to ask something different, and I dont remember what she asked but it didnt respond, so I asked "Do you want me to leave?" because I had a really creepy feeling. The lamp turned on. I started shaking, because it scared the crap out of me, the thing hadnt responded to anything else I asked, so JJ asked again, "Do you want heather to leave?" On. I said to her that she should probably spend some time trying to talk to it in case it is her grandma, and to let her know she is doing well, and left. It never happened again. My best guess, is that her grandmother really did come to visit her! JJ told me later that she had spent a lot of time with her grandmother and that they were close when she was alive. Oh, and when I lived with my dad in St. Helens, Oregon, I would go to sleep with my bedroom door locked with no blankets on, and wake up in the middle of the night to a warm breeze on my face, like somebody was watching me sleep, and I was tucked in with my hair pushed behind my ear, which is weird since when i sleep my hair goes everywhere. I was also woke up late one night to the feeling of someong grabbing my foot hard, and pulling, then letting go. I now have a fear of leaving my feet uncovered while I sleep, and I sleep close to the wall always so my feet never hang off the bed. I guess I lied, one more. haha This story was told to me by my grandma, shortly after my grandfather died of lung cancer. She was with him at his final moments, and he was looking up at her, as if he had just fell in love with her all over again, and he said "Mary, you have wings!" and fell asleep. A few hours later he passed away in his sleep, in his own bed in caldwell, ID. A few days later, she said, he came to her while she was getting dressed down for the night and he looked young like when they met, and she cried and said her goodbyes to him, and he smiled, kissed her cheek, and walked into a fade until he was gone. She said she may have dreamed it, but I think it was him coming to tell her he loves her. I guess I better tell this one too, it may not be a visit, but I like to think it is. September 6th my big brother passed. He never met my husband, and I hadnt seen him in years because he always lived so far away. When I heard he had passed on I cried and cried, still do sometimes. Well, about a week or two ago I had a dream that Tommy had come to visit me here in PA, and him and EJ hit it off right away and got along. He was here, sleeping eating and using the bathroom, in my home and it felt so wonderful to me, and it was really vivid. I even remember him smiling with approval once he had sat down with us and saw us together. He smiled a lot, and made us laugh a lot. When I woke up from this dream, I felt so good. I had energy, I felt happy, and when I thought about him for that day I didnt cry. I think this was his way of coming and saying goodbye. If not, it still made me feel great, and it helped comfort me a little. So I figure, wherever he is, he's happy
  18. oh kitsune your mod is much prettier with a nice background too!!! I love it, glad you got a woody
  19. There were LOTS of pifs going around!!! If youd like to do one I suggest making a contest for it, or just picking someone and sending them things, that is a pif. pay it forward, aka giving things away to people who need them
  20. haha way cute jolly
  21. mcquinn ur idea seems to have worked i just left it plugged in a while earlier and it stopped. Thanks guys
  22. so i unplugged my charger from the bedroom, it was fine before that, plugged it in in the living room, and now the darn thing's lights are blinking like crazy with or without batteries when its plugged in. Any ideas ?
  23. Dangit, someone famous needs to get obama vaping. That would ensure we'd be safe!!!
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