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Everything posted by SteveD1

  1. Congrats to ya on being smoke free..whats your best flavors and how much flavor and VG do you use?..
  2. \ Good to hear! I was in post OP 10 days ago with my wife and I vaped away behind the curtain and nobody knew the difference.Even the post OP on the other side of the sheet...
  3. Ya my family wanted me to Quit analogs real bad. so I am 8 weeks tobacco free and now they mock me by calling me Puff due the sucking sound or whistle E-cigs make when I draw...Guess they thought I would have been done by now and quit it all but I am diggin this stuff to much to really drop it now...Glad they suckered me into it...
  4. How about them Saints...Had me vaping like crazy LOL.....
  5. Ya I bet they keep hearing this whistling suction sound and cant figure it out LOL..........
  6. I noticed while in the car I held my 510 near the AC vent and cooled it down to cold to the touch and the Vapor was extreme.Maybe cooling down fast draws the juice into the atty's metal fibers or something..I was so suprised to see it work so well...Might need a cooling pad on my coffee table to cool it faster between puffs LOL....
  7. Yes I noticed the 510 has 1-2 hour battery life if you use it often and the juice it drinks well you know already!!Dripping the 510 will keep the juice producers in buisness for sure LOL.....I notice the atty on the 510 gets hotter faster than my other E-Cigs..It must use more battery and juice to feed it...I have the standard batteries and need to get some higher capacity ones...
  8. Nope I didnt try to light it but I kept rolling the window down in the car..I just LMAO every time I did it.Even my wife got a kick out of it....
  9. Thats what the bottle says that i bought says it for.LOL.. I am not sure yet if i like the 70-30 cut with VG kinda leaves a pasty taste in my mouth..will have to try a little less and see....
  10. My 510 batts last about 2hours if im leaving it alone.If i use it alot about a hour..I did charge mine first for 8hrs before use.I read on a post I think by Arno you need to charge them for about 3 hours whether the light is green or not after they go dead.
  11. I have heard of Black Lung not Blue Lung LOL..............
  12. Thanks I got lots of weird looks when i asked if 3 drug stores and one grocery had it in stock.I found it at walmart.I have no idea what glycerin or VG is used for normally.When I explained what it was for I got a million questions and felt let a dope head at the stores.Had to show my E-cigs to them so they wouldnt think i was nuts.Couldnt beleive it was that hard to find..Took 5 stores to find it.
  13. Keenan I heard not to use the chargers if you can fit the 510 and blues they are reverse polarity or something will damage them and dont use the 510 atty on a blu i had a old one and it died right away ..I know the blu atty is holding up on the 510 battery i have used it like this for a couple of weeks..yes the 510 atty is better but the blu will work and does well sometimes just as much vapor...Its shorter in this configuration but the filter is slightly smaller looking..IF you want big vapor try cutting with VG i find i need to add flavor and dont have any to add at this time but im going to get some mint to try.This mix may be the trick to get carts to produce vapor like dripping so i will be more satisfied using them in my 510...My videos are too big and I got to make a short one or something to get them on the forum....
  14. Yes I have noticed the same thing I have 3 models Smoking everywhere gold. Great drip vapor production with AV juice. Blu kit..I can get more vapor with it dripping.Very impressive more vapor than a analog for sure. Joye 510 good vapor production but i find it flakey put out great then it wont do much better if even close to my other e-cigs which seems crazy and I am on my second atty.The first atty did really well then just slowed down and burned out. Yesterday I cut my E-liquid with 25% VG and the Blu was rediculous with vapor my wife said it was too much!!! And all these people think its crap.Had a haze in the kitchen ceiling can you believe it?..The 510 was not much better has to be the atties.(only those 2 E-cigs tried with the 75-25 vg cut) So my point: the 510 is not really impressing me much and I know the rocks are coming my way as I type this but IMO the other ones are so close if not better at times ..Maybe my attys(510) are part of the junk batch since I just got it 3 weeks ago or so.. I can also get great vapor with a Blu Atty on my 510 man battery and as much or more vapor so whats up with my 510 I dont know..The batteries life is 1-2 hours if im lucky..My vapor is bigger but thinner?I will order another atty from somewhere different when I need another one and see if it helps..For now my $5 blu atty works better or equal on the 510 battery....the only way i can prove it is to video it and i may just do that today..I have seen Blu vids and I am kicking there butts with my vapor...My SEG will do even more but the hard draw gives me a headache if i use it too much..I pluged one hole in the battery with tape and the vapor went up 30-40%..and i use less juice with the others the 510 just drinks it.... The only juice i use is Awsome Vapor so I can say my comparisons are fair.
  15. I bought Glycerin in Walmart in the Humco brand it says its USP and pure and natural ..is this the right thing?? The label says pure natural skin softner has no odor or color...was $3.00 for 6oz...
  16. I started one Nic level above what I smoked so i went with medium for the first week, now I am Vaping low strength and its fine I want to lower it some more cause I vape more often than I smoke since it wont go out..LOL..and I dont have to go outside anymore just drip and go anytime.....
  17. I was a carton a week smoker and i seem to Vape 1-2 ml of juice a day how does that compare?...
  18. Ya it was about a week here also..Being able to Vape inside is totally cool and I dont want the smell at all..I only vape the ones with no lingering smell....So far RY4 is the only one I have to go outside for..
  19. Got another tip for ya when i drip my 510 the cart flat side builds up alot of liquid you can see it when you pull it off.Tap it like packing a anolag except led side down and the juice will fall into the atty and give it a boost.Work with carts drying out too sends the juice to the attomizer a little better..
  20. I am going to say NO. The electronics inside are unprotected from water immersion on the Led side on manual ones and both sides on a auto. I have exhaled through the cig and smoke on a auto comes out everywhere...They may survive if dried out first or a stroke of good luck. keep them in a case in your pocket and you should be fine..
  21. Mine said same thing and it was here in 7-8 days....but the month before they had a big back order...Got it a month ago..
  22. They are a small container holds about 5-8 drops and you need to push them out with a paper clip..I rinse the mouth piece out and dry and refill the juice holder wipe it off and pack down to get air out with the paperclip and top off until its like a slushy not flooded or it may leak back into the mouthpiece.Then push back in all the way to bottom with the paperclip and keep upside down to avoid leakage into your case..The origials have a foil to keep the juice in..I have been keeping my older ones after I refill 4 carts daily for a week, so later i can get new filler and use them again.Remove the old foil when you take them apart makes it easier to refill. I also drip some onto the atty to boost the vapor up some as needed with complete cart and also use blank carts to drip on atty works good that way.3 drops to carefully fill the mesh of the atty since it a inverted V style and if you can get one inside it works even better.
  23. I ran into the same problem..Until FDA aproval I will have to take it to the smoke area...
  24. well I was late,started analogs at 16 with the whole drinking and party scene was the cool thing to do then...My parents were smoke free since i was born so it wasnt them....
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